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Cracking a safe!



Just a thought, if you know the make and model of the safe you know the weight. If you know the weight of the safe itself and then weigh the one you have it will be easy to find the weight of the content, you could use this to have a quick guess at what is inside. If it weighs nothing more than base weight you may find it's empty of has paper in. If it weighs grossly more than it should then obviously it holds something worth finding.............

Just a thought.


Just a thought, if you know the make and model of the safe you know the weight. If you know the weight of the safe itself and then weigh the one you have it will be easy to find the weight of the content, you could use this to have a quick guess at what is inside. If it weighs nothing more than base weight you may find it's empty of has paper in. If it weighs grossly more than it should then obviously it holds something worth finding.............

Just a thought.

He said it weighs 3000 pounds, good luck weighing :D


Keep us updated on this. It sounds interesting.

I vote for trial and error. I've used it a few times with success, albeit on suitcase locks and other smaller locks. You just have to be persistent.


Ol' Skool
ICMag Donor
Check your local penal institutions. They probably have a few people running around there well versed in the talents of which you speak.:wink:


The Tri Guy
100 #'s, 3 input digits = 1,000,000 possible combos

@ 2 combos a minute it will take 500,000 minutes....or ~49 weeks of continuous trying

even at something more realistic...say 6 per minute your still looking at a looonng time if your going with trial and error.

Drill the lock and use the fiber optic camera to witness the internal movements of the lock. That is, if you happen to know someone with one of those cameras. :joint:

I just got up with a refreshed mind, you're quite right about my calculations being way off, I'm not even sure how I got to that figure now, no wonder I always lost at poker after being up for 24 hours straight. I clearly can't calculate how to put one foot in front of the other at such times. The correct time would be 48.12 weeks at 2 per minute, assuming you don't do anything silly like sleep.
0.5 * 100*99*98 = 485100 minutes
/60=8085 hours
/24=336.9 days
/7=48.12 weeks

Well checked, I was wondering why there weren't more nightime robberies when I first worked out 2 and a half hours lol.


Registered Pothead
How much do these safes weigh when brand new? Is there any record of this? If they only lets say weigh a ton that would mean there possible could be a half ton of gold in there. OMG this is like an adventure.


Registered Cannabis User
Get a stethescope (the ones they use for listening to ur heart) and go and do some reading on what to listen for, and where to place it on the safe. It will take time and practice, but its not gonna take you 49 weeks!!!! Those old mechanical parts should be pretty easy to hear click and clank around, but it may make it difficult to hear what you are listening for while all the ruckus is going on. So make sure your listening for the right noise!


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

The caption of one photo read:


So I'd call Ray the Locksmith in Ocala FL, gosh that was easy.......


Pull my finger
Maybe a plasma cutter?

IDK but you can get that thing open. It might take some time but you CAN do it. Thieves never have time on their side. One reason why safes work. Most theives would just steal the whole safe. But not 3000 lbs.

That safe may be worth a fortune on it's own. Might be a good idea to figure out the combo.

I do like the idea of weighing the safe and locating an empty one to compare with.


Cannabrex Formulator
Get a really really high quality electronic stethoscope and do it the old fashioned way....listen.


Active member
I kind of skimmed over some of the replys so I may have missed it, but has anyone suggested just calling a couple safe companys out of the phone book, telling them what you have, and see what they say, I would think if anyone really knows how to open it, it would be those guys, or at least they could refer you to someone.
Good luck, hopefully it won't be like Geraldo opening Al Capones safe, nothing........


Just to let everyone know the dial goes up to 50.

So that is 50^50 combinations'. 8.8817841970012523233890533447266e+84

Meaning that all combinations' like 1,2,3 2,1,3 3,1,2, 3,2,1, 2,1,3, 2,3,1 are all valid.

It's a wild guess if anything...

I promise to update this thread but it will be a while!



If its an old safe, an auto-dialer used by a professional locksmith can crack it by trying all the combination in about 8 hrs to 2 days.

I don't know if it is available online, but there is a great convention that ended recently called hope - search for "The Last Hope: Lock picking and safe cracking" it was a seminar discussing how protection has become practically uncrackable with digital dials.


damn do your research so you dont do anything dumb like ruin an antique in hopes of a little $$....but if it was me and knowing the resources i have available i'd definatley have a go at it with a plasma cutter. are you saying that the combination could be a 50 digit combo?

Weedman Herb

I thought I heard something about it being at a Gold Mine ??? ... I really like the weigh it and get the specs idea as a precaution to avoid losing the value of the safe itself ... If you don't GAF you could drill it and fill with water then Freeze it ... H2O expands in reaching its Solid State and the metal will give ... then attack it with Diamond bit drills, the jaws of life and demolition hammers ... good if the safe contained gold ... bad if it contained marshmallows ... or cocaine ... any legit locksmith or safe handler will need all kinds of info and cash to even touch it ... I know one ... and he doesn't like to open Old Safes or Gun Lockers yet makes a fair amount of money on the latter ...