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My GF just chopped her 13+ year dreadlocks


Active member
varriform said:
Reminds me of the Linval Thompson song or actually songs.

First: Don't you cut off your dreadlocks, let it grow let it grow let it growowow. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qu5JimxoIgc

Second:If you don't have a long long dreadlocks I sorry for you, I sorry for you and you and you. Every dreadlocks man must have a dreadlocks woman, and every dreadlocks woman must have a long long dreadlocks. If you don't have a long dreadlocks you never gonna reach no where. chi chi wa wa


Active member
I had dreads... I wanted to shoot people who said 'dreads are nasty you can't wash them...you must be dirty...'


'can i touch them...'

fuckin' I just want to be left alone... I don't go up to them asking if I can touch their head... i'm a person... not something you pay 25 cents to see at the damn circus..

I'll think of more annoying questions/comments later...

it sucks your girl had to cut them... I nearly cried when I cut mine..
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RudolfTheRed said:
I had dreads... I wanted to shoot people who said 'dreads are nasty you can't wash them...you must be dirty...'


'can i touch them...'

fuckin' I just want to be left alone... I don't go up to them asking if I can touch their head... i'm a person... not something you pay 25 cents to see at the damn circus..

I'll think of more annoying questions/comments later...

I don't take it to heart when people think I dont wash my hair, partly because I really don't wash my hair all that often and second it is, in my opinion, harder to tell when dreads are clean or dirty compared to reg hair anyways. I'll go like a week without washing my hair and then i'll wash it and people tell me my hair is starting to look dirty, rediculous. People do stare at my head though, but I think its because I have natural locks and your average joe would think I just have crazy fucked up bumb hair.


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ICMag Donor
I do apologize for mentioning you old lady, NOKUY. That was not fair in any way. And my second post was mostly to make a point. Now, if I would have popped off with my second post right off the bat, then I would have deserved to be called stupid.
I was simply making a point...
i can relate to this, my hair is over 4 feet long...would have been closer to 5 feet if that dumb mother barber in prison knew what he was doing..have not cut it since...maybe someday..not now..anyway good luck..i know :joint:


Count yourself lucky. My girlfriend will go out of her way to spend £120 (about $240) on a haircut, and half the time I don't notice and get a good telling off.

At least it's kind of obvious when your girlfriend has her hair cut, even if it is once every 13 years!

Raistlin Majere

if my wife ever spent that much $$ on her hair
i would be single
a tattoo would be ok for that $$ lol


Well-known member
NOKUY said:
her mom said she should have shaved her head and "sold" them....said she could have got a cpl. grand for them and that there are people who will buy dreads.

NOKUY, tell your girl to look into donating her hair to have wigs made for cancer patients. There are several well-established nonprofit organizations out there "Wigs for Kids", "Locks of Love" and "Cuts for Cancer" are a few that I have heard of. I'm sure she has enough hair there to improve the qulality of life a little bit for several sick people! :wave:



**AWD** Aficianado
I've had long hair a long time, I cut a few years back for the same reason.
It wasn't so much the weight but the constant pulling at the scalp.
People with long hair, especially men, should know that longer/heavier hair will pull at the scalp and can accelerate baldness, it also increases the sebaciousness (sp? scalp oil) of the scalp wich also leads to increased hair loss.

I gave my hair away when I cut, some people will pay for it but you won't get any $ for dreads, they make those with asian hair, I am in the hair industry which is why I know.

People spen ALOT of money on they're hair, not just women, hair places for men with hairloss are like 100$ a visit to maintain any weaves or wigs, I've met salon owners that charge like 500$ for a cut and color...rediculous IMO.

Well I didn't mean to jack the thread, I feel for your girl Nokuy, many believe a persons hair is a source of power and life force so it's good that she has some left.
I do think you'll have trouble combing the roots when the balance of the hair is dread-locked, she might be better off cutting a little shorter and combing out the rest of the dreads, use a quality comb and ALOT of conditioner for dry hair, my bro combed it out once, about 6" worth.

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trouble said:
NOKUY, tell your girl to look into donating her hair to have wigs made for cancer patients. There are several well-established nonprofit organizations out there "Wigs for Kids", "Locks of Love" and "Cuts for Cancer" are a few that I have heard of. I'm sure she has enough hair there to improve the qulality of life a little bit for several sick people! :wave:


You know, I was going to suggest what a guy I knew in college did; grow an enormous afro all though his A-levels and cut it off and sell it on Ebay when he passed his course. I don't know if he ever did, but I think Troubles idea is far better.

I think Bullgod (a member from here, R.I.P) said about he gave his hair to charity. I will never forget reading his thread, one of the saddest things I've ever read and I'll never forget it. But I can't help but agree that giving the hair away could make someone really happy. I hope you suggest this to her!

EDIT: Just re-read the post. I wasn't suggesting she grow an enormous afro, I was suggesting that she sell it on Ebay. Just thought I'd clear that up.
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Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
NOKUY said:
...def keep 'em!
still got my last lot wrapped up in the cupboard-although my superstitious gran says saving hair is a nono, apparently if you keep cut hair-you should keep great care, so the saying apparently goes or something like that. I rmeber the wieght issue well...and man if it rained and you didnt have em covered then its spongey spongey time...... i remember gettyig back to the sqaut one day and my GF wringng my head out like a wet cloth and being shocked at the volume of water they held....-that is when they get heavy lol
the reason dreads r so heavy is you are shedding hair constantly every day, with normal undreaded hair they land on the floor and ur clothes and r gone, but if ur hair is "Locksed up" then those hairs that aint attached at the scalp any more are still matted in the dread, so even if someone has hair the same length as ur dreads(taking into account the length that dreading takes away) ur carrying shitloads more hair than the non dreaded person and as they get longer and longer it only gets worse... thats my take on it anyway Ive known people cut them down to length once they decide they are getting(too long) some folk ive known even cut em to a couple of inches.... A friend of mine was offered cash by an extension salon for his dreads.... good money too.... personally although i think dreads are just a hairstyle if thats all you want-i still think extension dreads are way tacky-thats my only thing i carry from my days living among the "dreadlock nazis whom Ive spoken about before -everybody knows the type of dreadlock wearer i mean- the ones who use words like "authentic" ......
anyway i hope it wasnt too traumatic for her and yourself Yukon.... and I hope she doesnt regret it soon after like me....(mine were never anywhere near that long) but if they were "doing her head in" then i guess thats unlikely...
Be lucky :joint: :wave: :wave:


My girl said she would have gone from dreads to shaved in one day :D

Seriously though, it's hard to change something thats such a part of you.


Active member
I don't take it to heart when people think I dont wash my hair
I don't either... but when you hear the question on a regular basis its quite annoying... i also live in the deep south so I'm sure I stuck out like a red thumb...


Where I live....... everyone has fucking dreads...... its like a cowboy hat for the PNW. :D :D I like this place weird.... couldn't imagine not seeing it.


Active member
i cut mine and sent them to my father on his b-day with a picture...thanks for paying my bail dad! plus without phish, why would i look like a phish kid...jk i knew they are more then that but you get the point! Plus now i am a smooooth criminal, not an obvious criminal! rember when they started selling dread wax and shit, i mean it doenst mean you don't wash your hair but natural dreads don't form without abit of being unkept, atleast if your white like me..wax dreads are horrible. mine were purley fashion and sadly "lot" clout, no relgious or spirtual reasons. i do not think i anyone i was freindly with still has their dreads...maybe one stragler....i knew kids who had them shaved by dept. of corrections cause they were considered unsanitary...but it was basically just a fuck you hippie type thing, like making them get naked and hosing them down....despite all the drama i realy do miss those days.


Active member
thanks for the support guys! She def. doesnt regret it yet, tho I know she will when they are "totally" gone. ...I know I did.

I was gonna add to the list of STUPID questions/comments people have about dreadlocks....but only a cpl. out of the thousands i've heard.

How do you wash those? (answer...how do you wash your hair?)

is that all your hair? (no answer necessary)

numerous stupid shit about "braids" and "braiding your hair everyday"...WTF?

how long did it take to do that to your hair? (answer.... 20 years)

I thought you had to be "black" to have dreadlocks? ....no shit!...I've actually heard that.

lol...this is a good one..."how do you comb your hair"?...(another blank stare w/ no answer reply) ("verite" ....no need for thie pic of the "dreadlock comb")

thats just the Q's from ignorant peeps.

she'd donate her hair before she would ever sell it, but wont do either.

her dreads are very spiritual to her, they mean and represent alot ...that's why she'll keep 'em.

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