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Cracking a safe!



Oh, come on, there ain't nothing in that safe! Nobody gonna leave gold in a mine safe when they know the combination.

They abandoned the safe because they were too lazy to get it bac k out of the mines. It is worth more as an antique than you will get peeling it open. Save the safe! There are safe collectors out there.


I am well versed in these things,and I want to warn you of some possable dangers.Some of these old safes have tear gas in a glass vial,or worse.Some of the old ones had mustard gas in a glass vial.If You drill in the wrong place,or get rough,by by.I have also seen them rigged with explosives.
Call a professional.3000 pounds is alot,How big is this thing?

Weedman Herb

Sylvia Browns spirit guide called my spirit guide and she told me there IS gold in the safe ...


Just to let everyone know the dial goes up to 50.

So that is 50^50 combinations'. 8.8817841970012523233890533447266e+84

Meaning that all combinations' like 1,2,3 2,1,3 3,1,2, 3,2,1, 2,1,3, 2,3,1 are all valid.

It's a wild guess if anything...

I promise to update this thread but it will be a while!


Did you say it's only a 3 combination lock? So 50x49x48= 117600 combinations lol... ah stoners...
Unless 1, 1, 1 is a combination then it's 50x50x50


and in the smaller safe is the combo to the larger safe. so all you have to do is...


Active member
I have nothing to add,just wanted to tell nnnnnnnnghnnnnnghnnnnnn
how fucking creative a handle he came up with!!

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
Use a stethascope. you know that thing the doctor uses to listen to your heart, and lungs, You can hear a click with the right numbers. If you still cant hear use two stethascopes. I hope you find a crazy lost strain of weed seeds labled "soma seeds"

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
oooh a plasma cutter. that sounds exciting. do that, but where protective gloves and goggles, and a cup. gotta protect the family jewels. That is wht I never carry a gun in a front holster.


Freedom Fighter
A locksmith is what you need-- If the combo can be gotten, they can get it, more than likely tho, they will need to drill it to manipulate it...but that is fully repairable--


Okay, when i was a sys admin i often had people call me up with lost passwords and shit. It's the same principle as your lost code. One thing people usually do is use a code that's easy to remember, as you know where the safe came from you have the address, tel number etc of the original owners. Once you have their phone numbers, birthdays, address etc you could try combinations of these numbers to see if you can guess the code. You state it's a 3 digit code and the numbering is 0-50. Most phone numbers are six digits and so are birthdays, depending on how you write them of course. Try the zip code, all kinds of things may work.

It's a long shot and requires a little research but most people use easy things to remember when choosing a password so the same may apply to safe codes. You'd be amazed how many easy codes i cracked just by educated guessing. Your code is simple numerics so should be even easier to break.


I Feel Good
ICMag Donor
get a plasma cutter and slice the bitch up.

if she's worried about making money off of it, tell her to scrap it. should be able to make
$.2 a lb

if our economy was a little better, and people had money, i would say save the safe...


Any safe cracker is probably going to need to drill it. I'd just call around and search for places that do this type of work online.
funny looking safe, is it worth anything?
try shaking it so to hear if there is any contents inside.
The best thing to do is take your time and work the combinations, its only three numbers anyway.

thermite is dangerous, all your other options are expensive

h^2 O

yeah i was thinking thermite as well. But yes it would eat up the contents. Unless you controlled it to like a tennis-ball size hole off in the corner...or maybe a whole corner itself. You wouldn't make a bomb out of the thermite, you'd try to to either drip on the safe or control the burn on the safe. A locksmith can crack the safe for a few hundred I'll bet.


Also, while thermite would work, it would take a shit ton of it to get through something that thick. I'm guessing most of the people suggesting it have never mixed, lit, or even seen thermite in person. Having mixed it myself for years as a fireworks additive, I know a fair bit about it, and I can tell you that it would work, but not without problems.