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CPC (Chronic Pain Club)

HH my wife told me holding in her hand just 1 of my eye drops cost over $340.00 i take 2 different eye drop meds lol my co pay monthly is $126.00 for my meds..

you seen my list and thank god i have health insurance..
be good to develop a list of recommended meds

$156 a tablet, depending on the exchange rate..Gleevec
my other meds aren't especially exorbitant
I'm quite familiar with that type of pain in my left knee, But mine occurs mostly when I'm trying to get to sleep.

Ugh that sucks! Trying to get to sleep when your legs are bothering you (anything bothering you for that matter) has to be one of the most infuriating things in the world.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
?? that is the price at wallgreens,savemart. they dont list a generic at these 2 places. The price I listed is with no insurance but with a 15% discount. Kaiser meds are always more. My ativan is twice the price at Kaiser then any other place.

for 30 pills at savemart 400mg is $4570.87. These are the prices they are listing


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
you must be taking the 400mg pills ? shit at 152 a pill I would never be able to receive those meds if I needed them.
you must be taking the 400mg pills ? shit at 152 a pill I would never be able to receive those meds if I needed them.
i guess I'm lucky, but then again....
as I mentioned the price fluctuates...funny when I first heard I would be taking it, on 10/09, it was only $3900, and then Big Pharma increased the price 15% as the health care bill passed, they also received protection against generics.


Thank God my wife has awesome insurance.I picked up a discount card for Oxycontin,where I am only resposible for 25$ of the script.My Roxicodones cost little and my Marinols cost 5$ co-pay.I had awesome benefits when I worked special ed at local school district till becoming so injured due to students behavior that I went on SSDI in 2003.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
that stuff is 850$ for 30 pills 10mg . Does it work for you. I have herd it's not very good.


That a nice setup darman. We are all here to help I dont have any Insurance as well. I take 40mg of Oxy with Dilaudid as a break through pain med. I have to pay for all of this so I look for the best pain meds I can get within my budget. I have probably the largest price list of pain meds then anyone lol.

Methadone is a synthetic opiate. This did not work for me either. alot of trial to find what works

What did you find that worked for you? the methadone is cheap and with no insurance affordable( but if i cant get it to work doesnt really matter how cheap it is.. Did you find something that worked that I could afford . I live off my garden since I cant work and cant get in on any benefits.They do very little for a single male no kids or wife. I cant get any help and can barely afford the monthly visit to the damn doctor let alone another expensive medicine.


you should have a program at your local community hospital. I use mine. It pays for all office visits and ER visits. It does cover some meds but not many. For me to get Opana I have to have Cancer to get it approved. Morphine Sulfate is cheap for 30mg pills and a qty of 30 will cost you 20$ at savemart. Print and use this card to get a discount

thx, but the morphine wasnt working I was up to 60 mg three times a day i believe with norcos in between. i know I was paying $130 for the morphine at walmart, which wasnt real bad if they worked.. and was getting little relief. For some reason I have a high tolerance for these meds. Ive never taken more then asprin before this injury besides vicodin a few times thru out my life for an injury here and there.so I dont really understand why i cant find something to kill the pain. seems like if the meds work at all its only for a short period of time before i start getting no relief . I will go check out the local hospital to see if they can provide me with any services.
G`Morning everyone.

Anyone need a hot cup of coffee this morning...


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I'll take you up on that coffee Dr! For the person who asked me about marinol.It does work but you have to take it at the very 1st sign of trouble.Wait too long and try to swallow a pill while surpressing a vomit.Not gonna happen.They also tend to make me paranoid while out in the public eye.Kind of like a racy sativa.I don't like racy anything.I mean yes I am disabled and in major pain but I am Felix Unger and I live with 3 Oscar madisons.I need couchlock bad....a few hours sleep and a heavy head is welcome here.Have a safe and pain free weekend guys/gals gonna be 90 here so the AC's are alreay on...BigD


AHA! BigD,I can puke and keep my pills down! Took years of practice but I can do it! Hope ya feel a little better today,maybe you can actually get some blessed sleep. MW

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