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CPC (Chronic Pain Club)

teemu shalanie

WeeDGamE StannisBaratheoN
got crazy restless leg syndrom, just wondering if anyone else has the same thing? and what strains they r using to treat it right now ive been using a kush, just looking for other pain killer strains, to help my crazy legs ,


Well,the TNF blockers are supposed to stop more damage. My sister has RA and Lupus. She is on Plaquenel but says it isn't working. I was going to start first on Remicade but was worried about the infusion thing. First the Dr. puts you on Methtrexate for a couple months. If it does not improve your condition then the drugs like Humira,Embrel,Simponi,and others are suggested. Google these drugs and find out about them before you decide treatment. Have you already been on steroids? They also help,and have pretty big side effects too. Either way you go,when you are on the drugs you must have your blood drawn monthly to make sure your liver is okay. I know that sometimes the treatment seems worse than the disease. But if you are getting bad that fast,I don't know what choice you really have. go look up the drugs so you have all the info you need to make an informed decision with your Dr. MW:)
I took your advice,its just alot to take in you know.i'll have a better idea of a game plan when i see the doc.
i cant take oral steroids.already had trouble with my stomach,took predneslone (spelling?)for lung inflammation due to inhaled acid.
ending up with a bleeding ulcer.
im interested in steroid injections .
i really feel for your sis.hopefully something will work for her soon.


Senior Member
ICMag Donor
got crazy restless leg syndrom, just wondering if anyone else has the same thing? and what strains they r using to treat it right now ive been using a kush, just looking for other pain killer strains, to help my crazy legs ,
Teemu I had some problems with RLS and found relief in hot water. The hot tub helped me greatly. If you don't have a spa or tub you might try warming towels with hot water just befor bed..good luck.DD
G`Morning Everyone, Hello Doobie & Mary & Club Members :wave:

I just woke up after staying up until 4 am, I just can't deal with alot of my pain but besides my back and neuropathy spasms I deal with mmy RA in my knee's is getting so bad that the pain is starting to be consistant and so bad at times even as a big guy and can take alot of pain it wants to make me cry and I don't tell my wife but I'm having trouble climbing stairs and holding myself up.

What comes next more meds, Already my Dr. told me he just feels I'm on to many meds now and another med for the RA will be over kill to my system so how do I deal with this and the worst in my heart is the emotional pain at my age 48.

BBL I'm going to do a few things and get a coffee :coffee:


hey DR,
sorry to hear your having a bad time of it.
ive given birth twice and as agonising as it is,its peanuts compared to long-term pain.
at least labour is a productive agony.
i hope it doesnt get you down too much,.

has there been any talk of getting your knee replaced,or is that not an option for you?
i really hope there's more that can be done for you.


Howdy all. Just checkin in too see how everyone is doing. I was staying away from this site for awhile... nothing against the site, it just seems like a buncha crazy stuff happened all around the same time.

My pain has been good lately. I have been drug free for over a year now. This is more important to me than being in pain. A few years ago I was taking 5 different medicines a day, all day long, in my early 20's. I was unable to travel in a car or go anywhere far away without fear of not having my medicine..... problem was I was just dependant on the medicine. I've learned over the past few years pain is really a mind over matter thing.... i know its alot easier to say when I'm doing good. But drugs just are NOT the answer for me.

They only treat symptoms and its only temporary. It makes me very sad seeing people listing benzo's as part of there daily drug regime..... I have pretty severe social anxiety, but benzo's are not the solution.... sure as shit they work great though.... only anxiety meds that every worked for me. My anxiety is directly linked to my neck pain and tension... this i know for a fact, however I wouldnt recommend my worst enemy to take a benzo for relief of this. Not regularly anyways. Imo these drugs are way more dangerous and addicting than opiates.

I originally made this group "private" to ensure peoples privacy when talking about medical problems. This was also the reason i didnt just "accept" everyone that tried joining the group.... I didnt care if you didnt have grow pics, I just didnt want brand new members with no posts or nothing said watching/reading this group.
I dunno how i feel about that now.


Natalie J. Puffington
Glad to see you around Kony! :wave:
I am glad to hear you have found a 'drug-free' way to deal w/ your pain. I wish it was feasible for all of us. You are right though, your mental strength plays a large role in coping w/ chronic pain. I have found that when I am mentally tough, I do a lot better. However, the pain does wear on me, so I have periods where I'm a weak, whine-y, complainer.
Marmoset, have you had a joint replacement? I only ask since you mentioned it to DR and b/c I need to have my hip replaced.
I am very very very fearful about the whole thing, so it would be really helpful to talk to someone who has already had one. :)
Anyone? Joint replacement? Any 'cyborgs' out there? lol.
BTW, I just want to make clear, for the 'record', I am 33, not 83; as you might expect the typical "hip replacement-ee" to be.

Hang tough everybody!! :smoke:


Glad to see you around Kony! :wave:
I am glad to hear you have found a 'drug-free' way to deal w/ your pain. I wish it was feasible for all of us. You are right though, your mental strength plays a large role in coping w/ chronic pain. I have found that when I am mentally tough, I do a lot better. However, the pain does wear on me, so I have periods where I'm a weak, whine-y, complainer.
Marmoset, have you had a joint replacement? I only ask since you mentioned it to DR and b/c I need to have my hip replaced.
I am very very very fearful about the whole thing, so it would be really helpful to talk to someone who has already had one. :)
Anyone? Joint replacement? Any 'cyborgs' out there? lol.
BTW, I just want to make clear, for the 'record', I am 33, not 83; as you might expect the typical "hip replacement-ee" to be.

Hang tough everybody!! :smoke:

I guess i didn't mention the THC... but it's a given.... I eat edibles nearly every day now. I dont keep track but atleast every day for the past 21. Works great to help get the mind into a better place. And it helps cause we don't chop for another 2 weeks, atleast I got the cookies.

I went on a 200+ mile one way car trip a few weeks ago, and we drove back the same day. I couldn't do that a few years ago... my neck would get so tense driving for 20 miles i'd have to take a painkiller. Now if it hurts that bad I smoke a bowl and eat a cookie. If that doesn't work I smoke some bubble. By the time that is done the cookie is starting to work, but the bubble helps alot, although i miss the weed "head" high... I never get that with edibles.


Hey how are ya, talk to you in the group forum. :wave: MW
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Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
Chronic pain (neuralgia, sciatica, back pain) for 5 years now. Our move to a legal med state was almost entirely decided based on my desire to reduce the amounts (or eliminate) of RX's I was taking (6 different meds, every day). I'm now down to 2 RX's, and only half the dosage of one at that (the other is a new med for me, but it's far less serious than some of the narcotics I was on). Cannabis does the rest. Thank the gods for cannabis!

I'd like to join the club. I've been lurking on this thread since it started and it's been nice to read posts from those who "get it".

Hello KNY & Mary, natty & All of You Kind People

Some of you know my disabilities and the meds I take on a daily bases and for you who don't well let's just say it's longer then a shopping receipt.

I lived in a med state relocated back to Boston and have been back 3 years now but after my lawsuit is finished I will be relocating back to wa state and applying for a med card as this is already in the works so when i do get back a file with the med clinic is established and on file.

I suffer from severe diabetic neuropathy pain, chronic back pain due to a broken lower back, migrain headaches, RA & Diabetic Open Angle Glaucoma.
I just received the call from my primary care dr. I have to go in the next 3 weeks for a series of chest ct scans they found a small masses on my lungs ( lipnods ) i'm emtionally distrawt bbl


My primary care dr called and I need to have a series of ct scans & a lung biopsy at the beth isreal hospital in boston and my other results of my liver were just the liver reacting to the strong meds that are working to reduce the size because my liver is enlarged.

I'm so worried I'm lost for words, thank the good Lord I have him and you good hearted people to talk to here.


Natalie J. Puffington
KJ, welcome! :)

I too have been able to reduce and eliminate some of my Rx's already, though not completely, since getting my med rec.
I hope to eventually eliminate a few more, (if not all), after we harvest and I get my hip replaced.
CO being a med state was definitely part of my reasons for moving here. Just by omitting all of the stress that went w/ being an "outlaw med user", made my Fibromyalgia improve. (Stress seems to be a big factor in my 'flare ups'.)
I am really looking forward to being able to add more cannabis to my regimen; especially edibles and canna-milk!! The edibles in the dispensaries don't do a thing for me, so until we finally harvest and I am able to make my own...

Man DR, I just saw your last post. I can't imagine how you must be feeling, I'm sure you are scared.
Just try to keep positive for now, I know it's tough; but maybe it's a shadow or something? I hope it turns out to just be an anomaly and you get the 'all clear'!!
Know you are in my thoughts DevilsReject!!
Try to hang in there!!


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
KJ, welcome! :)

I too have been able to reduce and eliminate some of my Rx's already, though not completely, since getting my med rec.
I hope to eventually eliminate a few more, (if not all), after we harvest and I get my hip replaced.
CO being a med state was definitely part of my reasons for moving here. Just by omitting all of the stress that went w/ being an "outlaw med user", made my Fibromyalgia improve. (Stress seems to be a big factor in my 'flare ups'.)
I am really looking forward to being able to add more cannabis to my regimen; especially edibles and canna-milk!! The edibles in the dispensaries don't do a thing for me, so until we finally harvest and I am able to make my own...

I hope you find the combination that works best for you!

Stress also plays a huge part in my ability to manage pain. Cannabis definitely helps reduce stress for me. That's what's so great about cannabis: positive side effects rather than negative ones!

Being legal also helps ease stress. As does growing and harvesting your own organic medicine (not only because it's cheaper and higher quality, but because the gardening itself is therapeutic!).

I'm also really looking forward to the day when I can use edibles effectively (so far, most of what I've found is crap and doesn't work). I hope to make my own canna-milk someday soon so that I can try and work in some regular edibles, which should help me reduce my RX's even further (smoking helps greatly, but it's too short-lived and doesn't always have the potency I need...eating it should solve both of those problems).

Good luck to all on living as much of a comfortable and pain free existence as possible.
thx natty, my oldest sister is an OR & Emergency room registered nurse and she just called me and told me even worst case scenario if it was the dreaded C word they can remove a portion or 1/2 or an entire lung and I can still live a normal life.

My Faith in my Lord wil carry me and my family will walk along with me and the faith I have in my savior will keep me strong and disease free :)


KJ, welcome! :)

I too have been able to reduce and eliminate some of my Rx's already, though not completely, since getting my med rec.
I hope to eventually eliminate a few more, (if not all), after we harvest and I get my hip replaced.
CO being a med state was definitely part of my reasons for moving here. Just by omitting all of the stress that went w/ being an *"outlaw med user", made my Fibromyalgia improve. (Stress seems to be a big factor in my 'flare ups'.)
I am really looking forward to being able to add more cannabis to my regimen; especially edibles and canna-milk!! The edibles in the dispensaries don't do a thing for me, so until we finally harvest and I am able to make my own...

Man DR, I just saw your last post. I can't imagine how you must be feeling, I'm sure you are scared.
Just try to keep positive for now, I know it's tough; but maybe it's a shadow or something? I hope it turns out to just be an anomaly and you get the 'all clear'!!
Know you are in my thoughts DevilsReject!!
Try to hang in there!!
Natty I know the feeling "outlaw med user" :tiphat: Wow that explain it purify I can't tell you just how much better I am since going to pot as my sole relief from degenerative disc disease. My heart is doing so much better, the depression is manageable the pain is still there but not in my face. I'm a lot more relaxed on every other front. Except the fear from getting busted. My son just finished "DARE" I told him everything from the beginning. I had to trust him that I was worth more then the free toys. Plus he was over heard on the play ground telling another boy about a plant room. So one night the DARE cop shows up at 11pm asking us about a plant room as well as do you mind if I look around?
Told him he needed a warrant. I've spent a number of sleepless night worried about that little bomb. Been shiting bullet wondering about that little joy "knock on wood" you see I'm way behind the enemy lines here. Hell until about 7 years ago I didn't even know pot had flavors before that time it hey man you got some. Wow yea we did live under a mushroom. Anyway "outlaw patient" forward medical supplies behind the lines :wave: that's me.


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
My son just finished "DARE" I told him everything from the beginning. I had to trust him that I was worth more then the free toys. Plus he was over heard on the play ground telling another boy about a plant room. So one night the DARE cop shows up at 11pm asking us about a plant room as well as do you mind if I look around?
Told him he needed a warrant. I've spent a number of sleepless night worried about that little bomb. Been shiting bullet wondering about that little joy "knock on wood" you see I'm way behind the enemy lines here.

Wow, that's a crappy situation to be in. I feel for you and hope you come out. I absolutely respect your choice in telling your son; it's a hard one to make and only a parent can know when the right age is.

I have a feeling this bit of news might make you happy (from the Westword blog):

Medical marijuana use isn't neccesarily child endangerment, says Court of Appeals

By Joel Warner, Tuesday, Jun. 8 2010 @ 12:30PM

​With all the media attention being devoted to medical marijuana these days, it's surprising that a Colorado Court of Appeals decision last week that medical marijuana use doesn't necessarily constitute child endangerment failed to capture more headlines.

After all, the ruling could have a major impact on medical marijuana users dealing with child custody matters.

The case involves David Lyman, who, as part of his divorce with Catherine Parr, agreed to a child-custody plan that required urinalysis tests to prove he wasn't using marijuana. But a week after signing this plan, Lyman got his medical marijuana license for back and knee pain from a motorcycle accident.

Lyman asked to ditch the urinalysis tests, but a magistrate judge refused to let him do so. Then El Paso County District Judge Rebecca Bromley went further, saying Lyman couldn't have any unsupervised parenting time with his kid until he proved unequivocally to the court that his medical marijuana wasn't harming his child.

But in a 2-to-1 decision last week, the Court of Appeals nixed Bromley's order, noting that the "record does not show that father's use of medical marijuana represented a threat to the physical and emotional health and safety of the child, or otherwise suggested any risk or harm."

The court didn't wade into whether or not medical marijuana may in some cases constitute child endangerment, nor did it allow Lyman, who was represented by marijuana attorney Rob Corry, to waive his urinalysis tests. But what it did decide medical marijuana, in and of itself, shouldn't be automatically equated with child endangerment. That means Lyman, and other parents, could theoretically argue in court that their constitutional right to medical marijuana overrides urine-testing requirements.

Will the courts agree with such an argument? That's a legal battle for another day.


Natalie J. Puffington
Wow, Hempwarts what a fright you had! How long ago was this? I hope a while has gone by. I sometimes feel guilty that I left VA and didn't work harder to make change there. But I had my own 'close call' and was so anxious from my 'knock and talk", that the best thing for me was to get out of there. And I've improved a lot since, (other than my hip, which has unfortunately gotten worse.)
I too have degenerative disc dis., (in addition to a number of other things.) I have found that canna-oil salves, applied topically, works really well for that.
Keep postin' bud! You're only 16 away from joining us in the "private" digs! ;)

Glad you heard some encouraging words from your sister DR, that always helps! Stay tough kiddo!!

Hang in there friends!! :smoke:


hey all!
DR,your really having a time of it arnt you?im rooting for you man!

NATTY,i've not had any joints replaced.my papa had both hips replaced and it put a bounce back in his step ,physically and mentally. but i'm sure you rather speak to someone who really knows what it's like than an "i knew someone who..."story.

my wee ones woke up with chicken pox this morning,the joy's!
doesnt help that my arm's giving me hell.
calamine lotion application - one arm + two less than pleased kids = wrecked house!


Wow, Hempwarts what a fright you had! How long ago was this? I hope a while has gone by. I sometimes feel guilty that I left VA and didn't work harder to make change there. But I had my own 'close call' and was so anxious from my 'knock and talk", that the best thing for me was to get out of there. And I've improved a lot since, (other than my hip, which has unfortunately gotten worse.)
I too have degenerative disc dis., (in addition to a number of other things.) I have found that canna-oil salves, applied topically, works really well for that.
Keep postin' bud! You're only 16 away from joining us in the "private" digs! ;)

Glad you heard some encouraging words from your sister DR, that always helps! Stay tough kiddo!!

Hang in there friends!! :smoke:
He was in first grade so about 5 years now. :thank you:

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