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Covid 19 mrna Vaccines...Yes/No?

Covid 19 mrna Vaccines...Yes/No?

  • yes, gimme

    Votes: 29 31.9%
  • not yet

    Votes: 15 16.5%
  • no way

    Votes: 47 51.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Comfortably numb!
Actually data points to long term immunity from coronaviruses once one has recovered from infection. I already posted evidence. The best scientific projection would say the same for the vaccine.
Unfortunately from what I have seen, your lungs will be screwed for life, amongst other things (pre-vaccine). What will happen to vaccinated folks with a re-infection, is a guess @ best! :frown:


See the world through a puff of smoke
Actually data points to long term immunity from coronaviruses once one has recovered from infection. I already posted evidence. The best scientific projection would say the same for the vaccine.

Has to do with the T-cells i read, but although this virus doesn"t kill many compared to small pox, ebola etc, this virus is still more nastier than the common flu.Spoke yesterday a woman who caught it early September and she is still not feeling well, so don't know what'll happen toi her when she will be infected again.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Certainly not claiming any medical expertise.

I will mention another virus. Chicken pox.

While you acquire immunity to chicken pox, the virus can lay dormant returning as shingles. While you can get shingles twice, three times is rare.

All I’m suggesting is an imperfect immunity. One that improves with exposure.” Smart”immunity that learns as its goes.

Quite plausible.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
could you link me to the lancet study?

its funny because some immunologists were saying from the start that you get it you are immune once over it, but then the news reported that covid is different and immunity is only short term. i for one would be happy to know this virus is breaking one less norm. but swiss gov advise is that immunity only lasts about 5 months from getting it. first they said you are immune after getting it, then slowly their stance changed to 3 months and now 5 months.


My hope is that it follows the biological behavior of its 'family' coronavirus - SARS-COV.

Unfortunately testing has been fraught with human error so there have been many false reports. When I was tested, I was sure I had it but the test I had said negative. My doctor even said good I was negative. After I learned the test was serology based on antibodies I realized a negative report could/would mean I had yet to have enough antibody response to show up. A second test a few days later showed a huge number of antibodies to covid19, meaning that my body was winning the battle.

I had some residual effects like lower leg swelling and covid toes. I first felt symptoms around November 19 and the only remaining effects, which I know of, are weakness and being easily worn out. Hopefully, I have no organ damage.

I had the instinct to take lots of aspirin which I believe saved me from blood clotting. I took Tamiflu right away. I had read about dexamethasone, a steroid used in treatment and got some at the pharmacy and took antibiotics recommended by my doctor.

Overall the greatest savior was a friend who cared for me. I was fairly helpless for 2 weeks.


today was an amazing day, we have half a meter of snow covering everything but the sun was out, beautiful. took my nephews out to do some sliding down handy slopes and we made a snow shelter.

sadly the snow was powdery and not sticky at all, so building an igloo was not possible as you cant cut the bricks without them crumbling as soon as you try lift them to place them, so we just started piling the snow up, once we had a decent pile the boys started work tunnelling in and hollowing it out. we are hoping it will freeze solid tonight so we can finish the interior tomorrow. so nice for them to experience a real winter like we used to have nearly every year when i was a kid.

the trees look amazing, although lots of big branches have broken off under the weight of the snow. they are warning folks not to go walking in the woods, although i think you will hear it before it falls so should be able to get out the way :D


i do like my country...

i do like my country...

Swiss to vote in referendum on government’s Covid restrictions


Swiss campaigners have triggered a referendum to strip the government of new legal powers to impose lockdowns and curtail public life as the country battles the pandemic.

January 14, 2021 - 14:16
Sam Jones, Financial Times

Campaign group Friends of the Constitution on Wednesday handed in a petition of 86,000 signatures collected over the past three months — well in excess of the 50,000 required — to formally initiate a nationwide vote to repeal the 2020 Covid-19 Act under Switzerland’s highly devolved democratic system.

The outcome will be legally binding, with a vote scheduled for as early as June.

While the pandemic has exposed social and political fractures across Europe over the rights of citizens, in Switzerland — where individuals’ rights are often treated as culturally sacrosanct and government powers are sharply proscribed by law — the strains have become particularly evident.

This content was published on Jan 12, 2021 Jan 12, 2021 Campaigners have handed in signatures in a bid to bring the two laws, passed by parliament last September, to a national referendum.

“In our opinion, the [government] is taking advantage of the pandemic to introduce more control and less democracy,” Christoph Pfluger, a board member of Friends of the Constitution, told the Financial Times.

He added: “The long-term problems that will arise from this kind of approach will be grave. We are a movement that says crisis management cannot be done without the will of the sovereign — the people. You cannot govern without the people.”

Mr Pfluger said Switzerland would be the first and perhaps the only country to give its citizens a direct vote on coronavirus restrictions.

Until late December, Bern’s governing Federal Council had been reluctant to impose restrictions during the second wave of the pandemic.

Staunch opposition from many Swiss to further curbs and dire warnings from several of the country’s most powerful and influential lobbying groups about the economic consequences of another shutdown forestalled action in the run-up to Christmas, even as case numbers rocketed.

A poll conducted by Switzerland’s Sotomo Research Institute for state broadcaster SRF in November found that 55 per cent of Swiss were concerned about their individual freedoms being restricted by government measures. The same survey found that even an 11pm curfew for bars and restaurants was considered too restrictive by a third of Swiss respondents.

Mr Pfluger said his campaign had been “astonished” by the level of support from volunteers it had gained in recent weeks and the speed with which it had been able to gather signatures.

The Swiss government’s laissez-faire approach exploded into a diplomatic stand-off in early December as the country refused to force its ski resorts to close, to the anger of its Alpine neighbours.

On December 18, however, Bern was forced to order a nationwide shutdown of restaurants, bars and leisure facilities that will remain in force until the end of February. On Wednesday the shutdown was extended to cover shops selling non-essential goods.

The referendum triggered on Wednesday takes aim at the legislation that underpins such curbs.

The Covid-19 Act, approved by lawmakers in September, gives Swiss authorities a continuing legal basis to impose restrictions to handle the coronavirus outbreak in the country.

Before the legislation, Bern only had the power to curb public life through unilateral emergency decrees under Switzerland’s Epidemics Act. Those powers were strictly time-limited and subject to onerous parliamentary oversight.

Critics of the campaign to repeal the new laws note that by the time the referendum is held, not only will the pandemic likely be in remission, but many of the legal provisions granted under the Covid-19 Act will automatically have lapsed according to sunset clauses written into the legislation.

The Friends of the Constitution say they are battling to ensure a precedent is not set for future emergencies. “On a purely objective level, the [Covid-19] law is not that important,” said Mr Pfluger. “But it is one part of a bigger puzzle.”

A health worker prepares the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccination at Lausanne University Hospital
Swiss look into effects of delayed Pfizer vaccine deliveries

This content was published on Jan 16, 2021 Jan 16, 2021 Pfizer-BioNTech temporarily slows shipments of its coronavirus vaccine to Europe. Swiss health authorities say they are looking into the consequences.

According to the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health, the country recorded 3,001 new infections on Tuesday, a rate of 477 per 100,000 citizens. Numbers have been slowly but steadily falling since the new year, and are sharply down from a peak of 10,558 daily new cases recorded on November 2.

Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2021


Well-known member
if getting sick from a virus meant you would never get it again, then why did i used to come down with fucking flu nearly every damn winter until i started getting vaccinated for it? take your time, i'll wait.


See the world through a puff of smoke
Former director of emergency department US expects serious consequences of vaccinations in 4 to 14 months

Covid vaccinations switch off a crucial part of your immune system, as a result of which you can become critically ill or even die after (re) infection with the coronavirus'

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny ** served as director of the emergency department of an American hospital for 12 years. She then began to focus on integrative medicine, now runs a large nationwide center for it, and became one of the world's best-known and in-demand anti-vaccine speakers. The author of several books is by no means the first person with a credible medical background to warn that the Covid-19 vaccinations could have dire consequences. According to Tenpenny, the big blow will come in about 4 to 14 months, and huge numbers of people could become critically ill and even die.

Tenpenny's interest in vaccines arose at the beginning of this century when she was confronted at a conference in Washington with critical doctors and scientists and numerous stories from parents whose children had suffered serious health damage after being vaccinated. She asked the official CDC documents justifying vaccinations and was shocked. 'I thought, is this it? Is an entire industry based on this poorly written 'bad science' paper? '

** Dr. Tenpenny even has its own page on Wikipedia (certainly in recent years turned into one big unreliable propaganda tool for the establishment). It states that her claim that vaccines can cause autism has been 'broken'. That is disinformation, see our article from 20-01-2019 : Recognized pro-vaccine expert turns around: Vaccines can indeed cause autism .

'The antibody response these vaccines cause will be fatal'

After 40,000 hours of study, two books and hundreds of articles translated into some 14 languages, she dares to say that 'I'm pretty much the one to talk to about vaccine-related problems ... When Covid turned up in March (2020), I naturally dived deep there. I am very keen to let people know what is in these vaccines and why you should refuse them anyway. These vaccines are deadly. '

The antibody response these vaccines cause can be fatal. It will be about 4 to maybe 14 months before we fully see the devastation of what will happen to people vaccinated with this vaccine. ”

'That's scary,' responds interviewer Reinette Senum.

Tenpenny: 'And that should be too. We are at a crucial moment in time on many different levels for all of humanity. Gone are the days of holding hands and being careful, not wanting to hurt anyone, being as nice as possible to the snowflakes . That just isn't possible anymore. '

Already a huge number of counter-reactions

Senum then points to the large numbers of reports from people and also doctors and nurses who shortly after being vaccinated with a Covid vaccine went down, became critically ill, and sometimes even died. "That's just the beginning," Tenpenny continues. 'After 30 days, we already have over 40,000 reported cases of counter-reactions in the VAERS database (estimates have been for years that only 1% to 10% of the actual number ends up in this database - X.). More than 3,100 people have already gone into anaphylactic shock and more than 5,000 with neurological reactions. '

'In 30 days! Can you think of any other product that has ever caused side effects in 40,000 people in 30 days? And not only is it still on the market, but it is being pushed through hard, complete with actors getting paid to say how great it is to take this vaccine. Some people get paid $ 500 just to get vaccinated. '

'In videos, you can see doctors and nurses cheering that they are finally getting the vaccine, but in a few months they will not be so happy when they have their neuropathic and cardiological problems, their autoimmune reactions, and they die of a blood disorder. But we will never get to see images of those people. '

Senum then cites a poignant example from a hospital, where a doctor congratulates a woman who had experienced anaphylactic shock 40 minutes after being vaccinated , saying that he was unable to move an arm himself for 36 hours because of the vaccine. She is baffled that people seem to be okay with all of this, and has accepted that the industry itself has announced that many people will get backlash, and people will die. So, as I did more often last year, Senum compares getting this vaccine to playing a game of Russian roulette, which will continue continuously once you have been injected.

Trojan Horse mechanism

Dr. Tenpenny then cites the often discussed experimental Pfizer / BioNTech 'nano' mRNA vaccine on this site, with ingredients that have never been used in humans before, and of which the tests were carried out in all haste last year. Recently it became clear again that the test results had been manipulated in an extreme way to market this vaccine, which essentially amounts to genetic engineering, as 'successful' to the population.

The mRNA component in the Pfizer vaccine creates an 'Antibody Dependent Enhancement' (ADE) response, which triggers your cells to produce the Spike protein of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Your immune system will then start producing antibodies. "This Spike protein has been shown to cause damage in three ways," the doctor continues. The moment antibodies attach to an infected cell, the mRNA can detach and continue to replicate indefinitely in your body, with completely unknown and unpredictable consequences.

'As if you have an' on 'button, but no' off 'button. They even came up with a name for this: the Trojan Horse mechanism, because… this part of the virus can even penetrate into other parts of your DNA. ' The second mechanism that can be triggered is that the antibodies against that Spike protein enter your lungs, and can cause Diffuse Alveolar Damage (DAD), "that is, damage to the lung cells with which you breathe. They are then broken down and destroyed. These antibodies can also cause bleeding in your lungs. '

'Vaccine switches off crucial part of the immune system'

The third, even more sinister aspect is that the Spike protein antibody can attack your macrophages (white blood cells) . There are two types of this. Type 1 cleans up all kinds of junk (from bacteria, etc.). For example, if you get pneumonia, Type 1 causes a violent inflammatory response (cytokines, etc.). Type 2 ensures that the inflammatory response is inhibited as soon as you start to recover, and repairs the damage again. So these two keep each other in balance. '

But the Spike protein antibody - and this is the full purpose of these vaccines - kills your Type-2 macrophages. It binds to them and deactivates them. All animals dead in the test stages had lungs full of these Type-1 macrophages, but ZERO with Type-2. What did they find out? That animals that did NOT have that Spike protein antibody started to recover after just two days. '

Senum: "And that's why you say that people will start dying in one to a year and a half?"

"Yes," Tenpenny replies. Then she explains the process that we have described before, namely that (re) exposure to the virus AFTER vaccination can trigger this fatal process. The vaccine has expertly deactivated a crucial part of your immune system through the methods just described. If the coronavirus does arrive, or again, it could mean the end of the story for many. Those who do survive can end up with lifelong autoimmune diseases, which, incidentally, can only occur after 5, 10 or 20 years.

'There are 36 known coronaviruses, 7 of which can infect humans. They have been around for 60 years, so they were long before Covid came into being. But now that coronavirus (thanks to the vaccines) is going to kill people. We don't see that immediately, although it does happen with some people due to other ingredients in these vaccines. Like that doctor who got ITP right away, an autoimmune autoimmune disease that attacks your red blood cells. You can die from that. '

'Between 42 days and 1 year, many more people get sick'

'Many more people only become terribly ill after 42 days and about a year, and develop all kinds of auto immune diseases. And what are those crazy doctors going to do who now say 'great you got your vaccine'? What will they say then? That it is a mutation! And that you therefore have to get an extra dose of the vaccine! Because now you already need three or four doses instead of one or two. These stupid doctors don't take the time to find out. ' And that is really not difficult, because everyone can read this in numerous published scientific studies about this. On her blog at vaxxter.com she has placed all kinds of hyperlinks and references to these studies.



Active member
^Reinette Senum has been a vocal covid denier, has spoken out against wearing masks since the beginning. She was a mayor in Nevada City Ca. up until last year, when she resigned to work on more important projects, apparently including this anti vax dr story


Comfortably numb!
... one thing to keep in mind, is to quash the truth and replace it with their own narrative. Time will tell...

I will say this though, as a GW1 vet, my health has never been the same since my return. I don't know all the vaccines I received prior to deployment. But the pill[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] Pyridostigmine bromide (PB) was definitely a factor with my health issues, both physical and mental. Although I wasn't on the ground (sailor) I have been diagnosed and documented with GWS. The US to this date still have not recognized GWS, not dissimilar to "agent orange" from the Vietnam era.


See the world through a puff of smoke
^Reinette Senum has been a vocal covid denier, has spoken out against wearing masks since the beginning. She was a mayor in Nevada City Ca. up until last year, when she resigned to work on more important projects, apparently including this anti vax dr story

Personally i'm not a denier of this corona virus.I know some people who are affected by this virus direct or indirect when one of their relatives has died, but she is right about the mask, that is just a fake safety item.They're now telling you need to wear multiple layers of masks, which will suffocate you.

What is the dr.Tenpenny is speaking of i already heard from a molecular bioligist and a professor in immunology, who were telling the same kind of story.We will see in a few months if they are right.


Well-known member
from my research i need to disagree a bit with this

The moment antibodies attach to an infected cell, the mRNA can detach and continue to replicate indefinitely in your body, with completely unknown and unpredictable consequences.

this a muddled description: if the S protein antibody prevents the virion from attaching to and entering (i.e. infecting) a body cell - which it is meant to do - the virion will be eaten, the RNA may spill out, but the body destroys random floating RNA in 5 to 10 seconds. If the vaccine mRNA enters a cell, finds a ribosome, and is translated into S proteins, there is a limited number of copies that are produced due to design of the 3' termination.
Last edited:


Comfortably numb!
from my research i need to disagree a bit with this

this a muddled description: if the S protein antibody prevents the viron from attaching to and entering (i.e. infecting) a body cell - which it is meant to do - the viron will be eaten, the RNA may spill out, but the body destroys random floating RNA in 5 to 10 seconds. If the vaccine mRNA enters a cell, finds a ribosome, and is translated into S proteins, there is a limited number of copies that are produced due to design of the 3' termination.

is t
Do you speak English? You are trying to make a point and have failed to convey your msg. Care to reevaluate/elaborate?


Well-known member
sorry about that.

my point was that the mRNA vaccine does not produce spike proteins indefinitely or forever. it is designed to make a bunch and self destruct.

the spike proteins are presented on the surface of the muscle cell for the immune system to recognize and react, killing the muscle cell. the spike proteins don't leave the muscle cell, so no need to make an infinite number.

this is the point i was trying to refute:
continue to replicate indefinitely in your body


See the world through a puff of smoke
Was that tested in lab animals in your own research that mRNA doesn't act like perpetuum mobile, but get destroyed after all?So far as I know there are no data what the longterm effects are of those mRNA vaccines.


Comfortably numb!
sorry about that.

my point was that the mRNA vaccine does not produce spike proteins indefinitely or forever. it is designed to make a bunch and self destruct.

the spike proteins are presented on the surface of the muscle cell for the immune system to recognize and react, killing the muscle cell. the spike proteins don't leave the muscle cell, so no need to make an infinite number.

this is the point i was trying to refute:
Thank you :) :tiphat:

Chevy cHaze

Out Of Dankness Cometh Light
ICMag Donor
I don't think Mr Engdahl knows what he's talking about and also he's clearly far from being an unbiased observer and very much on or even beyond the brink of conspiracy theory.
Mrna vaccines are not "brand new"- Biontech has been researching these forever, with many others around the world by the way. Pfizer is just there to allow scale of production and distribition, they did not contribute to the scientific bit.
Because there has been so much work done on mrna vaccines over the last 1.5 decades or even longer, the development of the covid vaccine was relatively quickly to be completed.


Active member
Personally i'm not a denier of this corona virus.I know some people who are affected by this virus direct or indirect when one of their relatives has died, but she is right about the mask, that is just a fake safety item.They're now telling you need to wear multiple layers of masks, which will suffocate you.

What is the dr.Tenpenny is speaking of i already heard from a molecular bioligist and a professor in immunology, who were telling the same kind of story.We will see in a few months if they are right.

I have the opposite viewpoint on masks based on family working with covid positive patients over the last 11-12 months.
One has a dedicated covid unit with up to 40-45 positive patients at a time. The original nine workers in that unit have never tested positive, after 11 months of forty+ hour work weeks.
They have other PPE like face shields and gowns and gloves, but to not give credit to the mask seems unreasonable