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COVID-19 Boots on the ground reports, what is happening in your town?


Well-known member
i am predicting nothing, i'm stating the facts as they stand right now. this is literally the first pandemic in history that isn't even making a dent in the over all population of the planet. i know some of you are hoping to see a mass extinction of the non vaccinated, but i doubt you will get your wish.

i hope everyone continues to stay healthy, be they right wing, left wing, wingless, totally nuts, nutless and or anyone else.

may you and your loved ones all stay safe from the covid. disagree with me as much as you like, ill still never wish covid, or worse death by covid, on my fellow human beings.

Couple of articles that do somewhat address

US deaths normally change less than 2% each year; in 2020, they rose nearly 23%

Black Americans experienced highest per capita excess death rates, while regional surges contributed to higher excess death rates from COVID-19 and other causes, a VCU-led JAMA study finds

Virginia Commonwealth University

The pandemic’s effect on the widening gap in mortality rate between the U.S. and peer countries



Kiss My Ring
FDA Adds Warning About Heart Inflammation To COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines

Spike protein is very dangerous, it's cytotoxic (Robert Malone, Steve Kirsch, Bret Weinstein)

Rob Malone is the guy who invented mRNA technology.

'Single most qualified' mRNA expert speaks about vaccine risks after he says YouTube banned his video
Lawrence Richard
Thu, June 24, 2021, 10:36 AM·3 min read


The man who invented the mRNA technology used in some coronavirus vaccines says he was censored by YouTube for sharing his concerns on the vaccines in a podcast.
"[O]ne of my concerns are that the government is not being transparent with us about what those risks are. And so, I'm of the opinion that people have the right to decide whether to accept a vaccine or not, especially since these are experimental vaccines," said Dr. Robert Malone during a Wednesday segment on Fox News's Tucker Carlson Tonight, saying YouTube deleted a video of him speaking about the associated risks.
Opening the segment, Carlson shared some studies showing heart inflammation and death correlating with the use of the vaccines.
"A Norwegian study conducted of 100 nursing home residents who died after receiving Pfizer's corona shots. They found that at least 10 of those deaths were likely caused by the vaccine. 10%," Carlson said.
"Young adults in the prime of their lives are being forced to take the vaccine because Tony Fauci said that," he said, contending Malone’s expertise makes him "the single most qualified" person to share information about the technology and warrants him "a right to speak."
Malone clarified that he was not discouraging the use of the vaccine but was providing people with as much fair information as he could about their risks.
"This is a fundamental right having to do with clinical research ethics," he said. "And so, my concern is that I know that there are risks. But we don't have access to the data, and the data haven't been captured rigorously enough so that we can accurately assess those risks — and therefore … we don't really have the information that we need to make a reasonable decision."
"That's one of my other objections, is that we toss about these words, risk-benefit analysis, casually as if it's a very deep science. It's not. Normally, at this stage, the CDC [Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices] would have performed those risk-benefit analyses. They would be data-based and science-based. They're not right now," Malone said.
Malone also said he has "a bias that the benefits probably don't outweigh the risks" for younger people who are being encouraged or required to take the vaccine.
"I can say that the risk-benefit ratio for those 18 and below doesn't justify vaccines, and there's a pretty good chance that it doesn't justify vaccination in these very young adults," he added.
Malone discovered in-vitro and in-vivo RNA transfection when he was at the Salk Institute in 1988, and he subsequently invented mRNA vaccines, which are being used over 20 years later to combat the spread of the coronavirus.
YouTube told the Washington Examiner of the video that while it is "open [to] discussions of potential treatments and clinical trials related to COVID-19 on YouTube, based on guidance from the CDC, FDA and other local health authorities, we don’t currently allow content that recommends Ivermectin as an effective treatment or prevention method for the virus."
"As such, we removed content from Bret Weinstein's channels that violated this policy. We craft our policies to prevent the risk of egregious real-world harm, and update them as official guidance evolves. We do allow exceptions to our policy about Ivermectin, including content that also gives viewers the full context of the FDA’s current position."



Kiss My Ring
i'm confused....so you're saying trump should get credit for the vaccines you consider poison?

you sure are.

What is transfection?

The Who, the Why, and the of How of transfection?

Who: Scientists rely on transfection as a powerful technique to modulate gene expression in eukaryotic cells in vitro and in vivo.

Why: transfection is the process that allows exogenous nucleic acids to bypass the cell membrane to enter into cells. Exogenous nucleic acids commonly used are plasmid DNA, RNA, siRNA and oligonucleotides. Once delivered into cells, nucleic acids modulate gene expression by driving overexpression or silencing of a gene of interest.

Gene overexpression is an indispensable tool for several applications, from understanding the role of gene of interest (gene studies, high-throughput screening), to the production of biologics such as antibodies (protein production) and recombinant viral particles, particularly for therapeutic purposes (virus production for gene & cell therapy).

Gene silencing is a method used to prevent expression of a gene of interest. The expression of a gene can be partially reduced (gene knockdown) or completely blocked (gene knockout). Because any gene can potentially be targeted, gene silencing is a prevalent technique used to develop gene-based therapies to address monogenic pathologies, cancer and in immunotherapy strategies.

How: Transfection of nucleic acids into cells cannot be achieved without the help of a transfection method. There are several physical methods that exist such as electroporation, sonoporation or microinjection but these processes are complex and relatively toxic for mammalian cells. To solve these issues, chemical-mediated transfection offers a great alternative: easiness of use, high transfection efficiency and excellent cell viability.


Chemical-mediated transfection

1) encapsulation of genetic material with transfection reagent

Nucleic acids are negatively charged due to their polyphosphate backbone and are thus able to interact with positively charged transfection reagents (polymers or lipids). This results in the formation of transfection complexes or nanoparticles, which protect nucleic acids from nuclease-mediated degradation.

2) Cellular uptake of nanoparticles

Most cells express negatively charged heparan sulfate proteoglycans on the external surface of their cell membrane, with which positively charged transfection complexes are able to interact. This interaction is key to trigger cellular uptake via an endocytosis process.

3) Release into the cytosol and if needed transport into the nucleus for transcription

Upon cellular uptake, transfection complexes are sequestrated into intracellular vesicles. Our transfection reagents are able to induce the release of the nucleic acids into the cytoplasm through vesicle membrane rupture or fusion. Most nucleic acids (oligonucleotides, siRNA, mRNA, etc…) stay in the cytoplasm where they are active. In case of gene transfer, plasmid DNA is transported into the nucleus for transient expression) which can become permanent after genome integration (stable expression).


Woa dude cool your jets!!! Who said anything about mass extinction??? Si l'anglais n'est pas ta langue maternelle je peux te le dire en Francais. Même ton commentaire ci-haut est prématuré donc, cela laisse beaucoup à désirer, en ce moment, car tu ne sais pas ce que le future contient. Donc mon commentaire! :tiphat:

PS: Si tu base cette assomption sur certain de mes commentaires dans ce que j'ai dit dernierement, et bien oui... Ceux qui se foute des protocoles de bonnes eduforme etc... rester chez vous. Ont ne veux pas ta pollution parce que tu te christ de tout! Rien de plus, rien de moins!

just read the thread. you don't have to go back many pages. people talking about how it will be cool to see the unvaccinated die off to make the world more roomy etc, less traffic i think was posted.


Comfortably numb!
just read the thread. you don't have to go back many pages. people talking about how it will be cool to see the unvaccinated die off to make the world more roomy etc, less traffic i think was posted.

... just because we have some idiots here, you don't have to join the crowd. This thread is more than 14 pages. I have participated in it sporadically. In the last couple of days the conversation did not contain any thing about mass extermination, at least I didn't see it. Mind you the new ignore feature here means you do not see posts from people on your ignore list.

That being said ...
speaking of population reduction, we still see no reduction in the planets human population. funny old pandemic that doesn't even reduce the population by 0.01%

You posted this right in the middle of a conversation between moose and I. What is the relevance? If your are replying to someone specific, do us all a favour and quote them, to reduce confusion. That is what the quote function is for. It removes all ambiguity :tiphat:

moose eater

Well-known member
To clarify, I didn't refer to any political parties (I'm as non-partisan as they come), .01% is 1/100th of a percent, and COVID's mortality rate is WAY higher than that. It's higher than 1%, btw.

Re. my earlier post, in a Venn diagram, there's a distinct overlap between the groups 'anti-vaxxers' and 'COVID-deniers.'

MANY of the anti-vaxxers ARE the COVID-deniers; you know, the folks who wouldn't wear a mask, wouldn't distance, etc., placing others at significantly greater risk, not that long ago.

So, yes, if/when those who so callously handled others' well-being in the recent past, in fact, become the primary recipients of the outcomes that result from their lunacy and delusions, and those they previously endangered are now a bit safer for having taken what are now being proven to be successful precautions, I have no real problem with their receiving their earned karma.

A quick peek at the current world-wide mortality rates re. C-19 SHOULD tell ANYONE with a calculator, or even mere clear thought processes, that we are now missing -millions- of COVID casualties (persons), and going on 620,000 deceased just in the USA. Factually, that means less drain on the food supply, less pressure on housing, etc., and, again, to have the 'new' primary recipients of that mortality be those who freely jeopardized others in recent past, doesn't bother me much. Karma's a Bitch.

Last edited:


Well-known member
To clarify, I didn't refer to any political parties (I'm as non-partisan as they come), .01% is 1/100th of a percent, and COVID's mortality rate is WAY higher than that. It's higher than 1%, btw.

Re. my earlier post, in a Venn diagram, there's a distinct overlap between the groups 'anti-vaxxers' and 'COVID-deniers.'

MANY of the anti-vaxxers ARE the COVID-deniers; you know, the folks who wouldn't wear a mask, wouldn't distance, etc., placing others at significantly greater risk, not that long ago.

So, yes, if/when those who so callously handled others' well-being in the recent past, in fact, become the primary recipients of the outcomes that result from their lunacy and delusions, and those they previously endangered are now a bit safer for having taken what are now being proven to be successful precautions, I have no real problem with their receiving their earned karma.

A quick peek at the current world-wide mortality rates re. C-19 SHOULD tell ANYONE with a calculator, or even mere clear thought processes, that we are now missing -millions- of COVID casualties (persons), and going on 620,000 deceased just in the USA. Factually, that means less drain on the food supply, less pressure on housing, etc., and, again, to have the 'new' primary recipients of that mortality be those who freely jeopardized others in recent past, doesn't bother me much. Karma's a Bitch.


The Delta Variant is going to be the #1 variant in the country and Israel has 100% proof that the vaccine doesn't work for the Delta Variant. So even if you got the vaccine and you're old or weak or fat you're going to have a rough time.

Karma is not coming for me as I'm under 40 I don't even drink anymore and I get lots of exercise gave up junk food too. If I do die from the virus it will kind of suck unless there is an after life then I'm going to see all my old friends and family and party like it's 1999. :yay:

I don't doubt the virus is real I just know it's only really deadly to people over 65 and they get a retirement check so they can stay home for the most part and survive. Plus they say immunity from catching the virus works I personally think better than the vaccine cause without an immune system the human race would be extinct long ago. Plus cancer and heart disease are still the leading causes of death in the USA. :blowbubbles:


Well-known member
Not clicking the link, but I've had 2 shots with no blood clots, so your post is already bullshit.

Keep getting your science information from morons, it'll leave more space for the rest of us.

Honestly, I WANT all the deniers to get sick. I want them to be confronted with incontrovertible evidence of their own idiocy. I want them to SUFFER for the effect their science-denying, Trump-worshiping bullshit has had on the rest of us.

What's any of this have to do with Trump? It's Trump's vaccine Operation Warp Speed or something retarded that Jack ass called it. Trump said we should take the vaccine making you a bootlicker for Trump. :laughing:

I personally think Trump and Biden can get fucked. But regardless what happens to us, you're going to suffer and die like the rest of us, so just remember that when you're scared, in pain and taking your last few breaths, it's going to happen. You're not getting out of life alive. :tiphat:

I would like to live a long life but I've far outlived many, so I'm not doing so bad. Cancer and heart disease are far worse than Covid-19, cancer is by far the worst death, watched my dad suffer for over a year and dying at 40 years old nothing but skin and bones I can only hope to die in a week or two from Covid-19, wishing people suffer? Yeah, if karma is real you'll get cancer and really suffer. I personally wish everyone dies quickly cause I'm not a dick and I'm also a firm believer of assisted suicide if they're suffering and going to die slowly. I know if I get that bad I'm going to die from an opiate overdose and fall asleep so you can wish I will suffer all you like but I'm just going to fall asleep and stop breathing. :tiphat: Covid-19 is actually fairly quick though, so not exactly suffering, but I've actually seen suffering and it's not Covid-19, that would be cancer.


Active member
The Delta Variant is going to be the #1 variant in the country and Israel has 100% proof that the vaccine doesn't work for the Delta Variant. So even if you got the vaccine and you're old or weak or fat you're going to have a rough time.

Karma is not coming for me as I'm under 40 I don't even drink anymore and I get lots of exercise gave up junk food too. If I do die from the virus it will kind of suck unless there is an after life then I'm going to see all my old friends and family and party like it's 1999. :yay:

I don't doubt the virus is real I just know it's only really deadly to people over 65 and they get a retirement check so they can stay home for the most part and survive. Plus they say immunity from catching the virus works I personally think better than the vaccine cause without an immune system the human race would be extinct long ago. Plus cancer and heart disease are still the leading causes of death in the USA. :blowbubbles:

If you have proof of your statement that i bolded i would certainly like to look at it.
There have been breakthrough cases in Israel, but that’s to be expected. Remember, the Pfizer vaccine is 90% effective, so 10% of vaccinated people could be expected to still get infected. How many vaccinated people have been hospitalized or died? In my opinion, THAT is the measure of whether the vaccine is working as intended. I ran some numbers last week, and iirc, the mortality rate for vaccinated folk is ~0.000005 or 0.0005%.

To put that into perspective, all things being equal, if the unvaccinated person mortality rate is 0.02 and the vaccinated mortality rate is 0.000005, then an unvaccinated person is 4000 times more likely to become infected and die from the virus compared to a vaccinated person.


As for your claim that only people over 65 are dying from the virus, some of these variants, like the delta variant, are more effective of infecting and doing harm to younger people. Hospitalizations and deaths among younger folk have been increasing from the early days.

moose eater

Well-known member
The Delta Variant is going to be the #1 variant in the country and Israel has 100% proof that the vaccine doesn't work for the Delta Variant. So even if you got the vaccine and you're old or weak or fat you're going to have a rough time.

Karma is not coming for me as I'm under 40 I don't even drink anymore and I get lots of exercise gave up junk food too. If I do die from the virus it will kind of suck unless there is an after life then I'm going to see all my old friends and family and party like it's 1999. :yay:

I don't doubt the virus is real I just know it's only really deadly to people over 65 and they get a retirement check so they can stay home for the most part and survive. Plus they say immunity from catching the virus works I personally think better than the vaccine cause without an immune system the human race would be extinct long ago. Plus cancer and heart disease are still the leading causes of death in the USA. :blowbubbles:

MedScape, as well as a number of other credible medical journals, disagree with a number of assertions within your comment.

Where I live, WHILE I was in the hospital for a post-op infection, the youngest person to die from C-19 locally, passed away; they were in their 20's.

Avi Shiffmann's site, which I linked to above, and was the world's first 'clearing house' for C-19 stats, is a good starting point for you to learn something meaningful re. C-19 data..

After that plunge in to hard numbers, perhaps look into sports figures who were in exceptional physical condition, who've died in their 40's (*locally, here, where I'm at, that would include an MMA fighter who passed from COVID-19, while being described as "Healthy as an ox." As well as a well-known marathon runner who survived, but is stated to likely never have his lung capacity return, who once literally wrestled caribou while tagging them in his role as a biologist; have you run any marathons, or wrestled wild big game recently?).

While the mortality rates for those over 65 are indeed higher, the fact is that persons of ALL ages, and in varying degrees of health, have died from C-19.

Then there's the rare and not-so-rare secondary disorders related to C-19, and you can find the article in a recent on-line Fairbanks Daily News Miner edition (again, local to the Fairbanks' area, which is a small population, relatively speaking), re. 2 very young children who developed a severe disorder, and had to be medevaced to Anchorage..

Yesterday, MedScape re-published a report re. "profound brain changes" in C-19 survivors.

Again, there are respected medical publications available, on-line, and for free, that refute much of what you posted above, even if only anecdotally in some cases.


Well-known member
What's any of this have to do with Trump? It's Trump's vaccine Operation Warp Speed or something retarded that Jack ass called it. Trump said we should take the vaccine making you a bootlicker for Trump. :laughing:

I personally think Trump and Biden can get fucked. But regardless what happens to us, you're going to suffer and die like the rest of us, so just remember that when you're scared, in pain and taking your last few breaths, it's going to happen. You're not getting out of life alive. :tiphat:

I would like to live a long life but I've far outlived many, so I'm not doing so bad. Cancer and heart disease are far worse than Covid-19, cancer is by far the worst death, watched my dad suffer for over a year and dying at 40 years old nothing but skin and bones I can only hope to die in a week or two from Covid-19, wishing people suffer? Yeah, if karma is real you'll get cancer and really suffer. I personally wish everyone dies quickly cause I'm not a dick and I'm also a firm believer of assisted suicide if they're suffering and going to die slowly. I know if I get that bad I'm going to die from an opiate overdose and fall asleep so you can wish I will suffer all you like but I'm just going to fall asleep and stop breathing. :tiphat: Covid-19 is actually fairly quick though, so not exactly suffering, but I've actually seen suffering and it's not Covid-19, that would be cancer.

There has been a tv/movie scene that shows some kind nurse, medic or md turning up the morphine to end someone's life mercifully.
The next scene is a peaceful burial. That is a device, looks great on paper and on screen, but that is not how it works in real life.
At all. I would not curse my worst enemy with such a demise.
By the way, there are no shortage of people under the age of forty that have and will suffer the effects of the basic virus, for the balance of their lives.


Kiss My Ring
"Panic Porn Dressed Up As Science" - Exposing The Truth About The Delta Variant

by Tyler Durden
Wednesday, Jun 30, 2021 - 07:39 AM

Equity futures are in the red Wednesday morning as Dr. Anthony Fauci's warnings about the supposedly "dire threat" posed by the Delta variant continue to be dramatically amplified by the American media.


Yesterday, we delved into the issue of the Delta variant as daily COVID cases reported in the US ticked higher after touching their lowest levels since the start of the pandemic. The data set off another round of warnings about the relatively large swath of Americans who refuse to get the vaccine.

On Wednesday, Bloomberg published the latest in a series of stories effectively re-stating the same facts: the vaccination rate in a handful of deep-red states has substantially lagged the rate in the rest of the country. The lead-in for Wednesday's story was the fact that the gap between the most- and least-vaccinated states has continued to widen. Though even Bloomberg concedes that "on a national level, the news appears good...the country's vaccination campaign is among the most successful in the world..."

Source: Bloomberg

One academic quoted in the Bloomberg story, Timothy Callaghan, who studies rural health at Texas A&M, warned that "we're going to have counties where vaccination is rare and nowhere close to herd immunity, and others where it's high. We could be headed toward a divided country of haves and have nots."

They also warned that an analysis last week of COVID cases in 700 counties found that the new delta variant first identified in India (which, according to Bloomberg, is "far more contagious") has been found more often in less-vaccinated US counties.

But is the Delta variant really "far more contagious" than earlier iterations of SARS-CoV-2?

In a recent piece published by the Blaze, writer Daniel Horowitz explains that the existing data suggests Delta isn't any deadlier or more infectious than other strains. Horowitz described the warnings from epidemiologists and public health bureaucrats like Dr. Fauci as "panic porn dressed up as science."
The implication from these headlines is that somehow this variant is truly more transmissible and deadly (as the previous variants were falsely portrayed to be), they escape natural immunity and possibly the vaccine — and therefore, paradoxically, you must get vaccinated and continue doing all the things that failed to work for the other variants!
After each city and country began getting ascribed its own "variant," I think the panic merchants realized that the masses would catch on to the variant scam, so they decided to rename them Alpha (British), Beta (South African), Gamma (Brazilian), and Delta (Indian), which sounds more like a hierarchy of progression and severity rather than each region simply getting hit when it's in season until the area reaches herd immunity.
However, if people would actually look at the data, they'd realize that the Delta variant is actually less deadly. These headlines are able to gain momentum only because of the absurd public perception that somehow India got hit worse than the rest of the world. In reality, India has one-seventh the death rate per capita of the U.S.; it's just that India got the major winter wave later, when the Western countries were largely done with it, thereby giving the illusion that India somehow suffered worse. Now, the public health Nazis are transferring their first big lie about what happened in India back to the Western world.
Fortunately, the U.K. government has already exposed these headlines as a lie, for those willing to take notice. On June 18, Public Health England published its 16th report on "SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation in England," this time grouping the variants by Greek letters.

As you can see, the Delta variant has a 0.1% case fatality rate (CFR) out of 31,132 Delta sequence infections confirmed by investigators. That is the same rate as the flu and is much lower than the CFR for the ancestral strain or any of the other variants. And as we know, the CFR is always higher than the infection fatality rate (IFR), because many of the mildest and asymptomatic infections go undocumented, while the confirmed cases tend to have a bias toward those who are more evidently symptomatic.

In other words, Delta is literally the flu with a CFR identical to it. This is exactly what every respiratory pandemic has done through history: morphed into more transmissible and less virulent form that forces the other mutations out since you get that one. Nothing about masks, lockdowns, or experimental shots did this. To the extent this really is more transmissible, it's going to be less deadly, as is the case with the common cold. To the extent that there are areas below the herd immunity threshold (for example, in Scotland and the northwestern parts of the U.K.) they will likely get the Delta variant (until something else supplants it), but fatalities will continue to go down.
According to the above-mentioned report, the Delta variant represented more than 75% of all cases in the U.K. since mid-May. If it really was that deadly, it should have been wreaking havoc over the past few weeks.


You can see almost a perfect inverse relationship between hospitalization rates throughout April and May plummeting as the Delta variant became the dominant strain of the virus in England. Some areas might see a slight oscillation from time to time as herd immunity fills in, regardless of which variant is floating around. However, the death burden is well below that of a flu season and is no longer an epidemic.
As for vaccines, there is no evidence that somehow they provide better protection than prior infection from any other strain of the virus, nor does the Delta variant justify further use of these experimental shots. If anything, the U.K. data show that, to the extent there were deaths due to the Delta variant, there were more fatalities among those already vaccinated relative to the number of confirmed cases by vaccination status.


Again, the numbers are low across the board and there is no evidence the Delta variant is anything but less deadly for anyone. But there is certainly no evidence that somehow the vaccine is a greater imperative because of this variant. India itself appears to have achieved herd immunity – with the WHO estimating infection rates between 60% and 75% in most places – with one-seventh the death rate of England, but with one-fourth the percentage of people who have receive one dose of the vaccine.
Thus, the good news is that now that most countries have reached a large degree of herd immunity, there is zero threat of hospitals being overrun by any seasonal increase in various areas, no matter the variant. The bad news is that after Delta, there are Epsilon and 19 other letters of the Greek alphabet, which will enable the circuitous cycle of misinformation, fear, panic, and control to continue. And remember, as there is already a "Delta+," the options are endless until our society finally achieves immunity to COVID panic porn.​

That being said, the US isn't the only country falling victim to the Delta variant hysteria. Reports published Wednesday morning claimed EU leaders including Germany's Angela Merkel and France's Emmanuel Macron were planning to hold a call to discuss more potential travel restrictions. It's increasingly looking like anybody with international travel plans might see them dashed due to Delta paranoia. But there's a reason why British PM Boris Johnson plans to lift the last remaining restrictions in England on July 19, when the recent extension is set to expire.
But not everybody has been fooled. As we pointed out yesterday, Sen. Rand Paul has been one of the most vocal critics of the "Delta" variant hysteria. In a tweet sent yesterday morning, he urged the public not to let the fearmongers win.

Though judging by the sea of red on Wall Street Wednesday morning, it looks like most haven't taken his advice.


Comfortably numb!
It must be the stress of the pandemic that have turned the avg human being into cold hearted bastards. IMHO anyone who holds such thoughts against another human being, should do us all a favour. Heck, I thought this was a cannabis forum, and from what I remember, cannabis mellows us out. What strain are these haters smoking? :tiphat:


Well-known member
Updated June 29, 2021

What We Know About the Dangerous COVID B.1.617.2 (Delta) Variant

By Chas Danner and Paola Rosa-Aquino

The Delta (B.1.617.2) coronavirus variant originally discovered in India last December has now become one the most — if not the most — worrisome strain of the coronavirus circulating globally. Research suggests it may be the most transmissible variant yet — 40 to 60 percent more contagious than the Alpha (U.K./B.1.1.7) variant, which itselffueled numerous waves of the pandemic around the world. Delta has already spread to at least 92 countries. The strain undoubtedly contributed to the massive wave of cases that has inundated India in recent months, and makes up virtually all new cases in the U.K., and at least 10 percent of new infections in the U.S. On top of all that, it may be more likely to infect people who are only partially vaccinated than other strains, and may also come with a higher risk of hospitalization. Below is what we know about the Delta variant.
How is Delta different from other variants, and why may it be more dangerous?

The Delta variant “is faster, it is fitter, [and] it will pick off the more vulnerable more efficiently than previous variants,” warned Dr. Mike Ryan, the executive director of the World Health Organization’s Health Emergencies Program, on June 21.

Delta has multiple mutations that appear to give it an advantage over other strains. The most important apparent advantage is that the mutations may make the strain more transmissible than any other variant, which would also make it the most dangerous variant yet. Professor Neil Ferguson, a leading epidemiologist at Imperial College London and one of the chief pandemic advisers to the U.K. government, said on June 4 that Delta is estimated to be 60 percent more transmissible than Alpha, which is itself more transmissible than the original strain of the coronavirus that emerged in China in late 2019 — and that is why scientists believe it became a dominant variant globally. Other estimates from the U.K. have said that Delta may be 40 or 50 percent more transmissible than Alpha.

Numerous COVID experts and the WHO warn that Delta variant will soon become the most dominant COVID strain in the world and drive rapid outbreaks among unvaccinated populations.

There is limited research regarding whether or not the Delta variant causes more severe illness than other variants. According to Public Health England, early data suggests that Delta is more likely to lead to hospitalization than Alpha, but that could be due to increased transmissibility rather than it being more pathogenic. Per the Guardian:
An analysis of 38,805 sequenced cases in England revealed that the Delta variant was associated with a 2.61 times higher risk of hospitalisation within 14 days of specimen date than the Alpha variant. There was a 1.67 times higher risk of A&E care within 14 days. These figures take into account factors such as age, sex, ethnicity, area of residence and vaccination status. Data from Scotland supported the findings, also pointing to a more than twofold higher risk of hospitalisation for those infected with the Delta variant compared with the Alpha variant.​

Vaccines are effective against Delta — but may be slightly less effective

Research by the U.K. government has found that full vaccination is effective against the Delta strain but may be slightly less effective than against other variants, particularly after only one dose.

One set of U.K. government research found that two doses of a COVID vaccine provided 81 percent protection against the B.1.617.2 variant (compared with 87 percent protection against the B.1.1.7 variant). One dose only provided 33 percent protection against symptomatic infection from B.1.617.2 (compared with 51 percent protection against B.1.1.7). That means, according to a Financial Times analysis, that a single dose is 35 percent less effective against B.1.617.2 than it is against B.1.1.7.

If that is accurate, it means that Delta may be the variant that currently poses the biggest threat to partially vaccinated populations worldwide.

Public Health England recently found that Pfizer’s COVID vaccine was 96 percent effective, and AstraZeneca’s vaccine 92 percent effective, at preventing hospitalization from the Delta variant.

Again, as with every known variant, full vaccination works against the Delta strain, preventing serious illness at the very least — but there are still signs that the variant marks a worrisome evolution in the coronavirus, and it seems likely it could raise the stakes for countries that continue to struggle to vaccinate their populations.
Delta is spreading in the U.S., where it is expected to become the dominant strain

The Delta variant is quickly on its way to becoming the dominant strain in the U.S., overtaking the Alpha variant, which has been the most prevalent COVID strain in the States for months. As of mid june, the Delta variant accounted for at least 10 percent of new infections in the U.S., up from 6 percent the previous week. CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky has said she expects Delta to become the country’s most dominant variant.

Though hundreds of millions of COVID vaccine shots have been administered in the U.S., full vaccination rates still vary across the country; areas where fewer shots have been administered could feel this highly transmissible strain’s impact. “I’m really holding my breath about the South and what happens over the summer,” Dr. Peter Hotez, co-director of the Center for Vaccine Development at Texas Children’s Hospital, recently told CNBC. “Less than 10 percent of adolescents are vaccinated in many of these southern states, so we have a real vulnerability here.” There is also some evidence that young Americans are beginning to lose interest in getting vaccinated.

Low-income and minority communities have a deficit in vaccinations as well, making them all the more vulnerable.

Former FDA commissioner Scott Gottlieb has noted that he is particularly worried that Delta might fuel an epidemic come the fall. And here is what Ashish K. Jha, the dean of Brown’s School of Public Health, warned in a June 16 Washington Post op-ed:
We are entering a time when being unvaccinated is going to become exceedingly more dangerous. Society is open. Distancing is a thing of the past, and mask-wearing is declining. All of the public health protections that kept unvaccinated people safe are disappearing, but the delta variant is gaining momentum. In some states, such as Mississippi and Wyoming, vaccination rates mean that covid cases are likely to spike this summer and fall. Even in highly vaccinated places, the delta variant may trigger the occasional outbreak. The difference will be in hospitalizations and deaths. For the vaccinated, breakthrough infections will be inconvenient, annoying or maybe even miserable. But rarely deadly. The unvaccinated will be far more vulnerable.​

Delta is already the dominant variant in India and the U.K., and is fueling outbreaks and gaining dominance in many other countries

A study by India’s government found that Delta has become, by far, the most dominant strain in the country, where the B.1.617 variant lineage was first detected in late 2020. Delta undoubtedly played a major role in the enormous COVID wave India endured this year.

The variant spread rapidly among the unvaccinated in the U.K. after hundreds of cases were imported from India a few months ago. On June 18, Public Health England reported that Delta accounted for 99 percent of all new coronavirus cases in the country, up from 90 percent the previous week. PHR research has also suggested that Delta “is associated with an approximately 60 percent increased risk of household transmission compared to the Alpha variant,” and that the number of new cases was doubling every 4.5 to 11.5 days in regions where Delta was spreading.

The rise of the variant also delayed the country’s full reopening. Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced on June 14 that the easing of coronavirus restrictions originally scheduled for June 21 was being pushed back to July 19 (at the earliest).

The rapid spread of B.1.617.2 has led the U.K. to attempt to speed up its vaccination campaign, particularly the second doses that many adults in Britain still have not received.
Because it is so transmissible, B.1.1.7 became the dominant strain in the US. Aggressive vaccination largely blocked its impact.
In the UK, w/ 59% vaccinated (1st dose), B.1.617.2 is on the rise, out-competing it, a preview of what's to come in the UShttps://t.co/BGGUrwNNon pic.twitter.com/foW2HICf86

— Eric Topol (@EricTopol) May 30, 2021

The good news? Since a majority of the U.K. population is fully vaccinated, the number of people the Delta strain is infecting remains relatively small. And because the U.K. is a world leader in the genome sequencing of variants, it is providing the clearest picture yet of Delta’s capabilities — to the benefit of scientists worldwide.

Elsewhere, there are now fears that Delta could hamper or halt the E.U.’s recent progress against the coronavirus. The Financial Times reports that while Delta makes up a small number of new cases being detected in mainland Europe, it is taking hold in at least three E.U. nations: Italy, Belgium, and in particular, Portugal, where Delta now accounts for 60 percent of new cases in Lisbon. In Russia, Delta has already become dominant in Moscow, reportedly accounting for nearly 90 percent of all new cases in the city, which is apparently experiencing an explosive outbreak.

Health authorities in Indonesia have found that Delta has already become dominant in three parts of the country, including heavily populated Jakarta. Fewer than 5 percent of the some 270 million who live in Indonesia have been fully vaccinated as of mid-June. Doctors already fear that Delta will fuel a nationwide wave of infections as it did in India.

Delta has been detected in at least 92 countries, according to the WHO, but has likely spread to more thus far undetected.
Why is the B.1.617.2 variant now being called ‘Delta’?
On May 31, the World Health Organization announced that it would give new designations to COVID variants of concern using the Greek alphabet, both because of confusion over the “alphabet soup” names currently in wide use and to prevent variants from being referred to based on where they were first discovered (i.e., the U.K., South Africa, or India variants), a practice that runs the risk of creating harmful stigmas about specific countries and that may become confusing if more than one variant of concern originates in a single country. The WHO has designated the B.1.617.2 variant as Delta.

Scientists will continue to use the more complicated alphanumeric names for variants, as they always have, but the WHO hopes that the Greek-letter-based names will become the widely used ones among nonscientists.
What is the Delta Plus variant?

The Delta variant spawned a new, slightly altered variant of its own dubbed Delta Plus. India was the first country to find the mutated version — just like it was the first to find the original Delta variant — but it’s spreading in a number of countries including the United States and the United Kingdom. About 200 cases have been spotted in 11 countries, reports CNN. One death linked to the Delta Plus variant has been reported so far, in India where authorities have deemed the strain a “variant of concern.”

Delta Plus contains an additional mutation called K417N, raising concerns that it could be more transmissible. But that might not be the case: “I predict 417 is not an important enough mutation. Delta is bad enough as it is and I don’t think 417 will change [it] that much or become dominant,” Ravindra Gupta, professor of clinical microbiology at the Cambridge Institute for Therapeutic Immunology and Infectious Diseases who has been genetically sequencing COVID-19, told Time Magazine .
Why is a more transmissible variant more dangerous?

In a May 28 op-ed for the New York Times, Zeynep Tufekci succinctly broke down the threat of increased transmissibility:
A variant with higher transmissibility is a huge danger to people without immunity either from vaccination or prior infection, even if the variant is no more deadly than previous versions of the virus. Residents of countries like Taiwan or Vietnam that had almost completely kept out the pandemic, and countries like India and Nepal that had fared relatively well until recently, have fairly little immunity, and are largely unvaccinated. A more transmissible variant can burn through such an immunologically naïve population very fast.

Increased transmissibility is an exponential threat. If a virus that could previously infect three people on average can now infect four, it looks like a small increase. Yet if you start with just two infected people in both scenarios, just 10 iterations later, the former will have caused about 40,000 cases while the latter will be more than 524,000, a nearly 13-fold difference.​

This is why allowing the coronavirus to spread and evolve unchecked is so dangerous

Delta is yet more proof of both how SARS-CoV-2 continues to evolve and how that evolution is continuing to produce variants that are more dangerous than those that came before them. From the available evidence, B.1.617.2 may be the most transmissible variant yet to spread throughout the world, and thus poses the biggest risk to unvaccinated populations, and possibly also populations where most vaccine recipients have only received one dose. Scientists have good reasons to sound the alarm over it.

And more dangerous COVID strains raise the threat of increasingly threatening variants which may evolve from it. Vietnam’s health ministry has announced that it has detected a variant which appears to be a hybrid of both B.1.1.7 and B.1.617.2 variants. The country has only been able to give at least one dose of a COVID vaccine to about one percent of its population thus far, leaving it highly vulnerable to the new variants, despite faring much better than most of the world at preventing the spread of COVID-19. Now Vietnam is racing to do more testing to see how far the hybrid strain has spread and how it differs from its predecessors. (It should be noted that some scientists are urging restraint before jumping to any conclusions about how bad this — or any — new variant is.)
The best way to prevent new variants from evolving is to give the coronavirus fewer opportunities to evolve by preventing and containing outbreaks with effective precautions like face masks and proper ventilation, and by vaccinating people before they can be exposed to infection in the first place.

This post has been updated throughout to include new information.



Well-known member
If you have proof of your statement that i bolded i would certainly like to look at it.
There have been breakthrough cases in Israel, but that’s to be expected. Remember, the Pfizer vaccine is 90% effective, so 10% of vaccinated people could be expected to still get infected. How many vaccinated people have been hospitalized or died? In my opinion, THAT is the measure of whether the vaccine is working as intended. I ran some numbers last week, and iirc, the mortality rate for vaccinated folk is ~0.000005 or 0.0005%.

To put that into perspective, all things being equal, if the unvaccinated person mortality rate is 0.02 and the vaccinated mortality rate is 0.000005, then an unvaccinated person is 4000 times more likely to become infected and die from the virus compared to a vaccinated person.


As for your claim that only people over 65 are dying from the virus, some of these variants, like the delta variant, are more effective of infecting and doing harm to younger people. Hospitalizations and deaths among younger folk have been increasing from the early days.

"TEL AVIV—About half of adults infected in an outbreak of the Delta variant of Covid-19 in Israel were fully inoculated with the Pfizer Inc. vaccine, prompting the government to reimpose an indoor mask requirement and other measures to contain the highly transmissible strain."


I'm no doctor but if about 50% of new cases are in people fully vaccinated with the Pfizer vaccine, well it probably doesn't work too good, certainly nowhere near 90% effective.


Active member
"TEL AVIV—About half of adults infected in an outbreak of the Delta variant of Covid-19 in Israel were fully inoculated with the Pfizer Inc. vaccine, prompting the government to reimpose an indoor mask requirement and other measures to contain the highly transmissible strain."


I'm no doctor but if about 50% of new cases are in people fully vaccinated with the Pfizer vaccine, well it probably doesn't work too good, certainly nowhere near 90% effective.

Thank you for the link.
The article was behind a paywall, so i could only read three paragraphs.
From what I could read, half of new infections were from unvaccinated children under 16.And half of the adults that were infected were vaccinated. Those two lines taken together implies that twenty five percent of new infections were vaccinated adults.

Without more information, such as the resulting number hospitalizations and deaths, the information provided in the article does not automatically mean the vaccine doesn’t work. The CDC and others have reported that the vaccine is slightly less effective towards the delta variant infections compared to other variants, but still effective when it comes to reducing hospitalizations and deaths. I believe someone here reported that the delta variant is less lethal than the other variants. We’ll just have to watch what happens as delta spreads across the US.

Doctor M

Active member
No paywall here, however I doubt you'll walk about from the dogma....

COVID-19 Outbreak in Israel, Fully Vaccinated Individuals Make Up 50% of Infected Adults

Your experimental mRNA shots are total bullshit. If you read the EUA application submitted to the FDA by the Covid shot makers you'd know that. It's in there own data.

It's just like the nonsense about masks.. which only serve to make you rebreath co2.

Experimental Assessment of Carbon Dioxide Content in Inhaled Air With or Without Face Masks in Healthy ChildrenA Randomized Clinical Trial


Fauci's emails also say masks are useless. Give em a read you might learn something instead of just parroting anti science.