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COVID-19 Boots on the ground reports, what is happening in your town?


numbers here are consistently down now here, some days we have 0 deaths from covid, most days its between 1 and 10, very low hospitalization rates too, our covid pass will be a certificate too, not only an app, we can chose, even the app is open source and will not store any data in any central location. apparently those scanning it will not even know if a citizens is immune due to being vaccinated, or from having had covid in the last 6 months. our privacy ombudsman made a huge fuss to make it that way and to keep potential data leaks from causing harm. im relieved they didnt use this to make smart phones a mandatory part of this pass, like the Chinese have done.

Doctor M

Active member
Anecdotal evidence from the state with highest per capita death toll...

After 15 months I know 6 people personally who got "Covid", none died, 1 was hospitalized for 24 hrs.. One of them was told July 2020 he had Covid and then in October 2020 when he again developed flu like Symptoms, they said he had "Covid". When he questioned catching "Covid" twice he was told they were wrong back in July when they told him he had "Covid". No further explanation was given, just "Oh they were wrong, you have it this time"

After 3.5 months I know 2 people who died within 7 days of getting the Covid" shot.

How do you argue in favor of lockdowns, forced "consent", unapproved, untested Covid shots for 246 pages and ignore the 800lbs. gorilla in the room?

PCR tests are ineffective at detecting virus's and according to Fraudci any PCR test with a cycle threshold above 35 is useless...... Most labs used a cycle threshold of 37.

Hospital were being paid to find and treat "Covid" positive people, with an extra bonus if they ventilated them. Death coding guidelines for doctors did not require any kind of confirmation of "Covid" to be listed as the cause of death. They only need to suspect "Covid".

The labs have been told to lower the cycle threshold for PCR tests now, after to many "breakthrough" cases emerged.

Suddenly the folks with 2 - 3 comorbidities are be death coded as dying from one or more of those comorbities if they test positive for Covid after being vaccinated. Meanwhile unvaccinated people with 2 - 3 comorbidities who test positive for Covid using a 37 cycle threshold PCR test are still coded as "Covid" deaths.

As I read through this thread I see 2 kinds of people.

1. Those who question
2. Those who cherry pick science

Anyone who has any knowledge of the medical cannabis fight and trusts big Pharma with an experimental, untested, never tried mRNA shot seriously needs to question there own bias.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
kinda like joining a pot site just to talk about politics eh?

sick meme game though bro,i'm sure your parents are super proud...


Active member
Here’s some cherry picked science:

The current seven day moving average death toll from covid is 325 per day.
The current seven day moving average hospital admission rate is 2574 per day.
Extrapolating from these numbers and using a mortality rate of 1.8% to 2%, means that 16,000 to 18,000 Americans were being being infected two to three weeks ago.
This is what is happening to the unvaccinated group.

Here are the same stats for the vaccinated group:

Notice a difference?


i really don't blame anyone for joining this site to join the discussions in the speakers corner, with all the censorship going on on the big sites and comments sections who can blame them for appreciating what Gypsy has created here in terms of allowing free speech and looki here, we were ahead of the curve, even Fauci is now saying the 6 miners from yunan need to be investigated, he now says the 3 sick workers from the wuhan labs need to be looked at again. so yeah, if you pay attention a lot of stuff is shared here that ends up passing the test of time while "official" narratives get washed down the tubes of history.

i actually watched this phenomenon over many years in the fight to legalize weed, i can't count the number of fake fear mongering articles i read about cannabis. it might take time, but in the end the truth prevails.


Here’s some cherry picked science:

The current seven day moving average death toll from covid is 325 per day.
The current seven day moving average hospital admission rate is 2574 per day.
Extrapolating from these numbers and using a mortality rate of 1.8% to 2%, means that 16,000 to 18,000 Americans were being being infected two to three weeks ago.
This is what is happening to the unvaccinated group.

Here are the same stats for the vaccinated group:

Notice a difference?

you sound almost surprised, lol. thats whats supposed to happen, vaccinated are supposed to be better protected from getting covid. those that didnt get it didnt do it because they prefer to take their chances with the disease. it be a right fuck up of a vaccine if the data showed anything else. what i am interested in is the mortality rate in the 2 groups month for month and year for year. lets hope for the best eh.


Well-known member
Was high fiving w/ another maskless lady at the grocery the other day. She quit smoking last year, 2 weeks prior to I.
It was a grand time and felt good to just be humans doing human stuff IRL... like laughing, connecting and encouraging each other etc.
She also gave me a little tip about certain non food sale sticker colors. I paid $1.19 +tx for items I'd otherwise
have thought to be $15., even on sale. Score!

Round here... if there is any "mask" signage on businesses; they state that "fully vaccinated" do not need to
wear masks to enter.
I do not wear a mask and I am not vacc'd.
Shit... do folks now think I got that f'n jab? Do they now think I'm a turn coat company store lackey???
Meh, IDGAF what others think.
I can once again see smiling faces and be among those who are smiling back.
Dig it.


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
i really don't blame anyone for joining this site to join the discussions in the speakers corner, with all the censorship going on on the big sites and comments sections who can blame them for appreciating what Gypsy has created here in terms of allowing free speech and looki here, we were ahead of the curve, even Fauci is now saying the 6 miners from yunan need to be investigated, he now says the 3 sick workers from the wuhan labs need to be looked at again. so yeah, if you pay attention a lot of stuff is shared here that ends up passing the test of time while "official" narratives get washed down the tubes of history.

i actually watched this phenomenon over many years in the fight to legalize weed, i can't count the number of fake fear mongering articles i read about cannabis. it might take time, but in the end the truth prevails.

Then there is this...


Ole Ralph wears his mask like it matters. You see a lot of black people wearing them this way. Why? Do they breath with their mouth through the mask when a dangerous white nationalist walks by, so they don't catch the deep prejudice?



just watching the press conference about the next step in loosening of the covid restrictions here in Switzerland, wow they are allowing nearly everything again, sport without masks even inside is apparently ok, no masks at work, shops can run at full capacity, same with swimming pools. lots more too, we are no longer limited to 4 per table in restaurants and those that have been fully vaccinated or recently tested, or healed with certificate, can even go to concerts and clubs. some brave moves imo. but the one thing i was dismayed to hear is that border restrictions are also being lifted. i mean what the fuck, things are good here, last thing we need is foreign variants being brought in to fuck it all up. but these morons probably let them selves be lobbied by tourism industry. even a antigen test will be enough to get a 48 hour lasting certificate. kids will also no longer need to wear masks in school.

H G Griffin

Well-known member
Near or over 70% have 1st shot, approaching 1/3 are fully vaccinated, provincial gov't is looking to lift all restrictions by Canada Day. Doctors and scientists are saying it is too soon, given lack of knowledge of variants.

I'm fully vaccinated now, so I look at the deniers who won't wear masks or take precautions with contempt rather than burning anger. Any consequences of their stupidity are now far more likely to affect them personally. Previously they could strut around spewing virus and the chances were that they would never even know those who were infected because of them. Current stats say nearly all new deaths and serious cases are among the unvaccinated.

Fuck 'em, they wanna die or kill a friend or family member for their freedums, let 'em.


Near or over 70% have 1st shot, approaching 1/3 are fully vaccinated, provincial gov't is looking to lift all restrictions by Canada Day. Doctors and scientists are saying it is too soon, given lack of knowledge of variants.

I'm fully vaccinated now, so I look at the deniers who won't wear masks or take precautions with contempt rather than burning anger. Any consequences of their stupidity are now far more likely to affect them personally. Previously they could strut around spewing virus and the chances were that they would never even know those who were infected because of them. Current stats say nearly all new deaths and serious cases are among the unvaccinated.

Fuck 'em, they wanna die or kill a friend or family member for their freedums, let 'em.

exactly, if you are vaccinated, what do you care what others do. of course the unvaccinated are now mostly getting it etc, would be a shity vaccine if that wasn't the case. here we have an over all death rate of under 9000 people from covid since the start.


Comfortably numb!
Near or over 70% have 1st shot, approaching 1/3 are fully vaccinated, provincial gov't is looking to lift all restrictions by Canada Day. Doctors and scientists are saying it is too soon, given lack of knowledge of variants.

I'm fully vaccinated now, so I look at the deniers who won't wear masks or take precautions with contempt rather than burning anger. Any consequences of their stupidity are now far more likely to affect them personally. Previously they could strut around spewing virus and the chances were that they would never even know those who were infected because of them. Current stats say nearly all new deaths and serious cases are among the unvaccinated.

Fuck 'em, they wanna die or kill a friend or family member for their freedoms, let 'em.

I've been monitoring the "graphs" since the beginning of this shit show... We had a major cluster fuck at our border here last week. Why can the rest of the Maritimes enjoy "free pratique" in the bubble, whilst NB has to wait another 2 weeks? Duh, to see the results of your "pan Canada" wide reopening. I would have placed a 3 week restriction on them. Why? Yes we will see an uptick within 2 weeks (it has happened every frigging long WE since the pandemic started) but it is at the 3 week mark that tells the story. According to the experts, when we see a spike, it should come down as fast as it went up e.g you have good tracing and testing to isolate the outbreak and get it under control. I was going to post snapshots and decided against it check it out for yourselves. https://newsinteractives.cbc.ca/coronavirustracker/

ETA: Look what happened to the ski resort in BC, after everyone decided hey, skiing is safe. Not!

H G Griffin

Well-known member
Switcher56 Yup. Between braindead science deniers and people who can't seem to see further than two weeks ahead, the rush to reopen will cause more unnecessary death and misery.

Me and mine are protected though. I'll be fiddling while the fools burn.


Comfortably numb!
We will also see a "playoff" spike. It is bound to happen (I hope not) but when you look at the close proximity of people and a good majority of those wearing masks (under their nose) to be a sign of concern. Why are you wearing a mask in the 1st place, and why are you not practicing masking and gathering protocols given you feel the need to wear a mask in the 1st place? Montreal was the epicenter in Que, my sister lives in Longueuil. Although the South Shore didn't suffer as much, they still endured the loooooong bumpy road nonetheless.


Kiss My Ring
NOT MAKING HEADLINES: CDC Officials Admit More Hospitalizations of Young People from Vaccine than From the Actual COVID Virus – Including HUGE Number of Heart Problems Reported


Earlier this week the CDC admitted to finding more cases of rare heart inflammation in young adults than was expected after receiving COVID vaccine shots.

The Wednesday CDC presentation shows a surge in myocarditis/pericarditis cases in young adults after their second dose of the COVID vaccine.


Former New York Times reporter and author Alex Berenson watched the CDC presentation was shocked with their results and dangerous advice to American parents and their young children.

The CDC’s own voluntary vaccine side effect reporting system received about 48,000 reports for ALL vaccines. This year that number is at least seven times that many for Covid vaccine cases alone.

Berenson then notes that from the CDC’s own data they are seeing more children and young adults hospitalized from the COVID vaccine than they ever saw from the COVID virus.

Via AlexBerenson:
We can no longer trust the Centers for Disease Control to weigh honestly the risks and benefits of Covid vaccines for young people.

That is the only possible interpretation of Wednesday’s CDC Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) meeting about the link between Covid shots and serious heart problems in teens and young adults…

At the meeting, CDC scientists presented horrendous data. It showed that even without accounting for underreporting, a second dose of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines could increase the risk of problems up to 200-fold in young men.

But the scientists then went on to suggest the vaccines should still be given – even to kids already suffering from heart problems…

the CDC’s own data shows that for every 100,000 vaccines given to young people, more than 25,000 will have temporary side effects that prevent them from “normal activities,” 700 will require medical care and 200 will be hospitalized.

In contrast, the CDC estimates that only about 50 out of 100,000 adolescents have EVER been hospitalized for Covid-related illness.​

H G Griffin

Well-known member

Not clicking the link, but I've had 2 shots with no blood clots, so your post is already bullshit.

Keep getting your science information from morons, it'll leave more space for the rest of us.

Honestly, I WANT all the deniers to get sick. I want them to be confronted with incontrovertible evidence of their own idiocy. I want them to SUFFER for the effect their science-denying, Trump-worshiping bullshit has had on the rest of us.

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