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could your grow win the cannabis cup??


Active member
damn how do we do this without sounding arrogant?? is your shit the best or what??

i have no interest in travelling to a cannabis competition, mainly because im very satisfied with my results.

but yes, I'm afraid i may beat their shit....
i feel the exact same way, and so does anyone whos smoked my bud. so i guess many of us think we have the best. the best in our neighborhood anyway right?


In search of Genetics
My strain cross is Wins all Cups X Besttherewilleverbe
I named it Messiah of Marijuana! aka MoM.


Overkill is under-rated.
lol, if there was a growroom competition I'd enter, but cup winners are about the best genetics primarily, a grower maximizing the genetic potential of a strain is almost as important.

That said, I'd put up some of my ChemDawg, Trainwreck or Sour D against anything bred in the Dam.

all the people who believe they have the best buds need to send some to me, because I am an official "bud tester" and only an "official tester" can declare the best weed.


of course i'd like to think i could hold my own but since i've never been to a cup i really couldnt say plus i still need another year of work done on the project i'm workin on now (swt xak47)


Active member
as long as i don't master curing properly i stand absolutely no chance lol

The weed i grow is always good, but it is always the curing/drying part that gets me :( so i avoid curing and just dry and freeze)
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Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
so... instead of saying "yeah man, my shit is better than anything in the cup".. why don't you enter and prove it?

not trying to be bitchy or anything, just would like to see more folks entering ;)


I think I could hang with what I've worked with that has brought me here.

HonkyCat is stupendous and has gotten nothing but rave reviews from a fairly large, diverse group. Veterans to young'ns have sampled and loved it. HC's sister is no joke either but I prefer HC. It's all inside - taste, smell, yield, resin production....I'm pretty lucky really.

I wish I had an arsenal of her equals but that is in the making. She just stands with her head above everything I have messed with before now and I have messed with a few. I really can't take credit for what's going on inside of her. Sure, i made the crosses that brought her to me, but there were others that made crosses that brought her parents to me to begin with.

Keep em crossing, select only the best....you'll know when you find em.


Active member
im pretty sure that the cup stash is pretty amazing stuff - i dont want to offend anyone but i cant imagine that many people on the ic could beat it, for my part i couldnt: since i switched to hydro i have a lack in taste which kind of sucks and even tho the stuff i grow is pretty potent im sure if a coffeeshop owner wants to win the cup there is no way i could compete.

no after i grew out some classics for my own needs i can tell that the coffeeshop weed is just a rip off - smoked some good stuff on the dam but rarely anything which was really potent.


Active member
well the seeds from the dam have been unimpressive. but the clones floating around north america have that old skool taste and high. i think dutch plant selection drifts from original breeders description and more towards sweet scents; skunk for example.