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IGT's 2000w+ Perpetual Hydro Garden


gets some
Since it looks like the photo uploader is broken again, I guess there won't be any pre-harvest pics. Oh well, they look about the same as last update, just bigger.

Today is bittersweet. I started making harvest preps for tomorrow which is always a good day but after checking on my clones, it looks like the brown algae has reared it's head again. :badday: :badday: I have placed an emergency order for Physan 20 in hopes of killing it before it kills my clones but Ill have to keep it in check till it arrives saturday. Im not too upbeat about the outlook though. I think some overhaul of my cloning technique is in order since I havent had good luck with clones last few runs. :cuss:

But on the bright side, the delay will give me the opportunity to do something Ive been kicking around in my head for a while. A total rearrangement of my room. I have alot of wasted space that I want to take advantage of, while also adding another 600w lamp. I plan to scrap the aero system and build another top feed system identical to the big one Im using. It'll take some work and some cash but if I have some down time while I regroup from scratch, it'll be worth it in the long run. So today is a good and bad day. How rare are those?

Keep it safe guys! Ill post some harvest pics if the uploader gets fixed.


New member
HeY IGT.. Sorry if you mentioned it elsewhere but what do you use for cloning?

Dip n grow, olivia's, miracle powder, etc.... thanx



gets some
HeY IGT.. Sorry if you mentioned it elsewhere but what do you use for cloning?

Dip n grow, olivia's, miracle powder, etc.... thanx


None of the above. No hormones or powders, just a good ol tap water bubble cloner. It's weird because some times I get 95% success then I can turn around and get 50% or even worse the next time. No rhyme or reason to why the difference. Im going to pick up a bottle of Zone today and see if that doesn't hold it off until the Physan shows up tomorrow. Its been 9 days and no roots :badday:


New member
Nice....I'm gonna give it a shot...Pure H2O..I'm havin issues with Dip N Grow...
The ends that are in the water turn too a slime...It isnt the temps though..
Those clones looks excellent..I'm using a grape ape mother that usually clones in 7 to 10 days with the DnG, but the slime is killin me.. I been at like 50% success rate..When your tryin for 100+ clones that aint cuttin it...lol.thanx.



gets some
Quick update. The Physan 20 showed up today and I put it to use immediately. It did a great job cleaning up the algae and Ill probably use it in very weak concentration as a preventitive cloner supplement in the future. I see some weak root nubs so they were trying to root...hopefully they will pick back up. We'll see. One clone has actual roots so at least I can salvage the genetics and turn that one clone into a new mother.


gets some
Last update for this crop. My clones had to be scraped but fortunately I managed to save a few and now have new mothers growing. Itll knock my schedule off by a month or so but Ive started the room rebuild. It'll be pretty sweet when finished. Im looking to bump it up with another 600w and maybe 40 plants total.

Oh yeah, current crop yield is looking to be around 3 pounds. Not bad for only 18 plants, instead of my usual 28.

Enjoy your holidays everyone.


Plz forget you know me...Sugaree
high IGT! Pics....? C'mon dont leave us hanggin...lol.Cant wait to see whats next.
Peace bro, bugout


Yea good luck on your new room bro, glad to see everything working out here, and my god those buds were so fat!!!!! Peace


Active member
I'm sorry to hear about your cloning problems. The current batch of clones I'm trying to root also sucks pretty bad. I normally have no problems cloning so I think it's because my room is getting pretty cold now that it's winter. A heated cloner is on the wishlist...


gets some
Thanks for the good words fellas.

I had some trouble uploading pics before so I stopped bothering with them for now. Sorry TBug, no pics until room rebuild is complete.


Sorry to hear about the cloning issues. I've been there and done that with aero cloners and feel it's too much of a hassle for me to deal with on a larger scale.

I've finally just settled on 10" x 20" nursery flats with high domes and 72ct insert cells, using Root Riot's (like Rapid Rooters, but has a smaller hole which I like). I mist once when I cut them, and tape the dome shut to keep the moisture in. The domes are made by "Mondi" and have two adjustable vent holes at the top. Every 2 or 3 days (ideally every day), I open both vents, and put a shopvac hose near it for about 5 seconds to get a good air exchange. I don't need to peel the tape off, and get pretty damned good results for such low maintenance (plugs never needs to get rewetted before roots show, even when w/ a heat mat).


gets some
Hi badugi, thanks for commiserating with me on my cloning issues. I still like my bubble cloner and I dont plan to switch to anything else. At least not yet. It still seems like the best way to root 40 plants in a small space? Anyway, if I keep having problems Ill probably switch to something else...

No pics yet but the room upgrade is coming along very well! The new system is built, new 600w Galaxy digi (with SuperSun 2 hood) has arrived, etc. My moms are coming up and things are looking peachy. Hopefully I can get some pics up shortly.

Be safe all!


gets some
Holy smokes it took a long time to upload these pics! Like 30 minutes at least. See how much crap I go through for you guys? :bashhead:

Anyway, here's a few teaser pics of what Ive got goin on. There's still plenty of work to be done but Im gettin there. I think Ill bug a mod to change my thread title :joint:

28gal res that will feed and drain both systems, now with 19gal auto topoff. This will ensure I don't have to do manual daily topoffs anymore! And no more separate reservoirs! :jump:

Finished posts just waiting to be used. 39 plant sites total.

New lighting arrangement. 4x600w digitals, 3 Cooltubes and a SuperSun2.

I still have to build new topfeed manifolds and another trellis screen and a couple other small details then it'll be time to rock. Hey IC, please fix this godawful speed problem! Be safe all.
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New member

Im glad to see NFT system working so well! Ive always had good grows using NFT. Obviously its done you very well! Nice work man.


Plz forget you know me...Sugaree
High IGT! Wow man...nice upgrades! you will like the autotop....and if ya have a dehumidifier, you can have drain right into the top res for even less bucket hauling...lol. either way, make sure you put an airstone in to keep it from getting stanky(you prolly knew that...lol)
Peace brotha and show us more...lol,bugout


gets some
:badday: :badday: :badday:

My cloning woes continue! WTF! I dont get it!?!?

Im rooting new clones and this is what is happening to them:

The arrows point to the problem. The stem section right under the first leaf is rotting away. The "meat" is gone and the clone falls over. I started an Infirmary thread on it so if anyone has any input on why my bubble cloner sucks so bad all of a sudden, Id love to hear it. Im nearly about to just drop some coin on an ez-cloner or something and say fuck it.


EDIT: Not all is lost however. I learned from the last failed batch and kept my mother going while trying to root them. I ditched them, switched the styrofoam in my cloner (I think that's the issue since the timing of my issues fits), and took another 40. Plus another 25 that Ill try to root in rapid rooters. Wish me luck. I cant deal with anymore clone failures.
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