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Could YOU make this place home (w/ pics)


Active member
Pops said:
Are you sure that it is far enough out for you,Yukon? Two hours by snow mobile is a little close to civilization. In a couple years, those damn Easterners will be knocking on your door to see what is cooking?

lol...maybe not far enuf in the end, but i dont see any suburbs poppin up anytime soon.

im lovin this place too:




Active member
RudolfTheRed said:
ill buy this little nook from ya...


i could see you and your pooch on that porch bro!

the property would be a good place for a few good peeps!


Resident pissy old man
Didn't you show that property in post 9 before? No fireplace and the tank for the heater is very small. Needs an A/C generator. What is the price on that one? It would seem that you would want a good fireplace up there so you could heat with wood. probably lots of dead stuff lying around. Would save on having to haul fuel oil. At the very least, a wood cooking stove could save you some trouble. Need to haul in a 500 gal. septic tank and some perforated PVC for a field drain. You will get tired of smelling your own shit!


Active member
Pops said:
Didn't you show that property in post 9 before? No fireplace and the tank for the heater is very small. Needs an A/C generator. What is the price on that one? It would seem that you would want a good fireplace up there so you could heat with wood. probably lots of dead stuff lying around. Would save on having to haul fuel oil. At the very least, a wood cooking stove could save you some trouble. Need to haul in a 500 gal. septic tank and some perforated PVC for a field drain. You will get tired of smelling your own shit!

i may have, but i dont think its the same ....one i showed that looked sim. was on the west side of cook inlet....ill have to look at locations again tho


Non Conformist
Pops said:
You will get tired of smelling your own shit!
I dunno Pops, speakin fer myself, I never get tired of smelling roses! LOL! Good ta see around man. Yukon, very nice! It'd be hard goin there on vacation, and then have ta leave. I could see myself jus twisting off and never comin back! lol Good luck, sure looks nice. Take care... BC


Active member
god damn i could look at remoteproperites.com all day long... just dreamin about being there... ah, one day.. one day...

i could see you and your pooch on that porch bro!

the property would be a good place for a few good peeps!
i could too!!!
and if it helps i can chop firewood like a fuckin mad man lol

(heh, the state i live in now is exempt)


Active member
RudolfTheRed said:
god damn i could look at remoteproperites.com all day long...

you dont have any idea how many days ...(sometime entire days) ive spent on www.remoteproperties.com

when i have a shitty day and i get really sick of people it's often the 1st website on mymind and 1st thing i do when i get home.

they are really good people too beyond the website....if you are really interested in a property they will send you all the info you could ever want on the place, and catalogs on their current stuff w/ out a fee... even tho somewhere it says they ask for a fee.
hahahhahhahahahahaha......I dont think one person that has replied in this thread could live in that place through the winter......but yeah.....go ahead.....be my guest. Sure looks nice....any pics in the winter?

I know how rivers and lakes flood here.....thats entirely to close to the water IMO....I can guarantee that the temp right now....at that spot....is about 18F (plus or minus 2)...and its not even the end of oct yet. 7 long months of winter ahead of you there...and then break up....all for 5 months of a buggy ass rainy summer. Dont get me wrong....i love this place....and live very similar to that....and its no cakewalk.

Im sure many would eat their words in this thread....all fun and games till you actually have to shoot and kill a moose and then figure out a way to store it for the winter...anyone know how to do that here? A generator wont get you that far. How about bustin your ass all summer collecting enough wood to get through the winter....all seven months of it? Try solar power....that will be downright hilarious in december lol.

Im not trying to be a dick.....but better yet a devils advocate...Ak is no joke...and to try to survive in solitude in this land is only for a few folks....and mostly they are limited to very small communities that they have to rely on. I like where im at....and i like my electricity.
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Old Man Time said:
hahahhahhahahahahaha......I dont think one person that has replied in this thread could live in that place through the winter......but yeah.....go ahead.....be my guest. Sure looks nice....any pics in the winter?

I know how rivers and lakes flood here.....thats entirely to close to the water IMO....I can guarantee that the temp right now....at that spot....is about 18F (plus or minus 2)...and its not even the end of oct yet. 7 long months of winter ahead of you there...and then break up....all for 5 months of a buggy ass rainy summer. Dont get me wrong....i love this place....and live very similar to that....and its no cakewalk.

Im sure many would eat their words in this thread....all fun and games till you actually have to shoot and kill a moose and then figure out a way to store it for the winter...anyone know how to do that here? A generator wont get you that far. How about bustin your ass all summer collecting enough wood to get through the winter....all seven months of it? Try solar power....that will be downright hilarious in december lol.

Im not trying to be a dick.....but better yet a devils advocate...Ak is no joke...and to try to survive in solitude in this land is only for a few folks....and mostly they are limited to very small communities that they have to rely on. I like where im at....and i like my electricity.
They can not get there in winter to take a picture:)
I agree with the location problem to the water. Also the bugs would carry your but off in the summer. It's pretty for a reason. No one wants to live there and it is too hard to develope.

Eagle river Ak.



Resident pissy old man
OMT has a great point that most of us lack the wilderness skills to survive up there. I can kill,clean and jerk a moose or deer, but the damned bugs would drive me crazy. Forty years ago, I would have loved to try that, but old age has limited my abilities and given me a desire for certain creature comforts, like air conditioning and internet porn. Besides, getting sex from a hibernating female bear is not my idea of a fun Friday night!


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

Whereas the right to privacy allowed to its residents is great being so far removed from the basics in life is too costly, no road to the property means you can only take as much gas/diesel/propane as you can tow by snowmobile or carry on a four wheeler, not much. Everything in AK is more expensive & opportunities few and far between.

The highest price gas in the nation is usually in AK....... why?


Proud Cannadian Cannabist
i too have been spending a ton of hours looking at remote properties since this thread started. except i just look at them on mls.ca . it amazes me how cheap land can still be had for. literally a few hundred dollars an acre if you buy large enough plots. 30 grand can get you a great 10 acre plot with a stream or pond on it surrounded by crown land. throw a camper on it and i am happy as can be. imagine livivng mortgage free. what a concept. the nice thing around here is you can have a remote propety and still only have to drive 20-30 minutes to a town that has home depot and walmart.

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