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Could YOU make this place home (w/ pics)


Active member
Clear Creek – East Side

Talkeetna/Chase Area

ASLS 89-124 - Apr. 40 acres

"A Diamond in the Rough". In this case, the land being the "Diamond" and the cabin being the "Rough".

But as many locals say, it is better to have a rough cabin there while you build your own then the best tent.

The seller tried to make a living at this place, but it is truly so hard to get to and "remote" that about 3 years ago they gave up and bailed out.

This is truly a roadless area and one may be able to go by ATV near the west side of Clear Creek, but you can not cross Clear Creek by ATV. One may only be able to get across at certain times when the water level is low with hip waders, but that can change from day to day depending upon thunder showers, etc.

One might be able to get there by snowmobile in the winter time and only if one keeps a trial going all the time. And don’t confuse that with a nice, pleasurable snowmobile ride. But then there is always the helicopter that can whisk you in from Talkeetna, which is apr. a 15 minute flight.

For a quick sale, the seller would take $45,000.- cash if a deal can be made this year.
Which would be the land value, apr. $1,000.- per acre and a small token for the improvements.

Other then that, it is a great place to enjoy nature, fish or hunt, in some of the finest area Alaska has to offer.

just south enuf to grow all yer veggies and ganja in the grenhouse.









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Active member
If ya look in the kitchen..you see a Miracle Grow box :joint:

Thats a remote place...Gotta know the risks of living out that far...Too cold for me...I would prefer something up a hill looking over the valley,,, $45,000 for a quick sale is alot of sweat and labor..

You should wait in the winter and see how's its like...


Active member
that's too messed up for me living in the middle of nowhere, I'd get so bored with no tv no luxuries and most important no people anywhere probably shoot myself pretty fast.

I'd live there only if if I could get all the playboy bunnies to come live with me there also then hell yea.


Active member
not like you'd live there as is

.....make improvements...you'd have all the time in the world.


Active member
$40,000 for 40 acres in Alaska... OR I could buy 160 acres in Saskatchewan, Canada, for $32,000 CDN, have road access and be 25min away from North Battleford. (Near Alberta side and 1/2 way up the province).

mls.ca for other house/land prices in Canada.

Cost of living is very high in Alaska, although I think you can live off the land if you choose to, but thats an easier option in Sask. since you can have grazing land and a small crop.

Sask. of all the Canadian provinces is the most intolerant of marijuana, mainly because the RCMP force isn't overwhelmed with druggies, so they make a big deal about stoners. Course, Alaska is pretty lenient...

Hmmm... bah, they both suck compared to Kelowna BC!
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Resident pissy old man
Nokuy, was that the place that had 2 cabins and a generator? Clear Creek looks kinda shallow and full of rocks. Hard to tell from the pics. Looks a little too wide to put a bridge over it. Can you get a boat in there in the summer?

Whoever lived there before wasn't exactly a neat freak!
That looks fu%$en hardcore!! how will you get basic supplies?

You could run a generator for when you need power or go the gas route maybe.

It would be one hell of an adventure. Keep us posted!!!
Another thing you should maybe consider..... maybe get a small work crew in their and build like 4/5 eco friendly cabin. That would be a SICK place to getaway to and you could market it to fishermen , hunters etc. But you obviously want you peace and quiet so maybe you just operate for 3/4 months of the year. The income from that could also subsidise your living for the rest of the year!


Wow that looks amazing wouldn't have to worry about being bothered out there! supplies are the problem though, i guess you could force a large trail but that could take ages.


That's Jeremiah Johnson, man.

I'm pretty hard, but life there would be 90% survival/10 % rest. There would NEVER be a break. You would have to make it for two types of living. Hunting/gathering, preserving huge amounts for those periods when you simply would not be able to go out due to weather. Then the other type of living, greenhousing. You'd have to dedicate yourself to Jeremiah Johnson style of living as it would be the most dependable.

How far from a regular road are you? How far from a town with supplies? Where can a bush pilot land?

Will you have mineral rights and full water rights. There appear to be a strong enough current to possible build a water turned generator. A bridge would be a must - it would have to be a high bridge, due to Spring melt off. Make sure the Spring melt off doesn't flood off your living area - nothing worse than a regular disaster ruining everything you have and being in the middle of nowhere with the bears and wolves.

I'd want a wind generator and solar power - back up my back up. This would give me the electricity to enjoy the modern things I'm spoiled with and I'd really like satellite internet and telephone. During the winter when you're snowed in and can't do anything but run off the wildlife trying to get your food stores. The internet is a savior from insanity by keeping communication with us stoners concerned if you're still alive or have become a bear's dinner.

Plus, as you know things always go wrong or not quit to plan. The internet is your resource center of information such as: Solar batteries aren't charging, how do I fix this? I discovered an artesan flow that seeps into my greenhouse, how can I alter it or at least contol it from flooding. Someone buy all these bearskins I got, I need cash.

Or even, a bear snuck up on me, I won - but my leg is infected and I need a doctor.

You can do it, definately. But don't put caution to the wind with enthusiasm. The property is cheap, but the cost of getting equipment and supplies is going to costs you at least twice what you paid for the property to survive on it. At least survive where it's enjoyable and not regretful - like the previous owners.

Remember the Yukon gold rush rules and the requirements to go up there for gold. I can't remember off the top of my head, but I think you were only permitted if you brought a year of supplies with you. The same thing will apply, you must have the supplies in preparation to be totally cut off from civilization and rescue - supplied and prepared in case all you plans fail and everything goes wrong.


omfg! Hello NEIGHBOR!!! LOL.. thats about how far out i live.. :) hard part is getting Internet service that fare out.. hahaha... would be some rockin' outdoor crops..



Active member
closest road is the parks highway at about 15 miles out....but you'd have to cross both the Susitna and the Chulitna rivers to get there directly (easier in winter) (yeah a trail to there is a must)...FAR easier travel in the winter by snowmachine than by ATV trail in summer.

...or u could get to Talkeetna by water if u have an airboat..or ATV /snowmachinTalkeetna isnt exactly (grand central) but u can get what u would need.

one little secret i failed to mention is that altho this property is in the bush,...it's only a cpl. miles west of the Alaska Railroad line, and this area is the last "flagstop" rail area in the united states. (im sure sum of your are familiar with it)

"flagstop" means that the railroad will pick you up and drop you off anywhere you want along the line....so i could get to talkeetna, wasilla, or anchorage by rail ...pretty much any day I want.

the railroad line runs along the Susitna river, and you can see it in that topo map in post #1 if you look really close.

wireless phone and internet would almost be a must, but I'm not sure how avail. it is in the specific area.

I know that solar isnt the best energy choice in the area....hydro is possible w/ the river, and bio-diesel of course, w/ crops grown for home production.

plenty of game in the area for hunting, and plenty of fish.

Wasilla would be about an hour down the road, and Anchorage ""shudders"" could be reached in a couple hours.

clear creek has sum shallow spots...but you cant count on it...a bridge would be best, or a cable/bucket system would suffice.

...closest neighbors are about 10 miles away


Active member
and is that house right next to a river....... bad idea to have a house so close to a river, come time when the river floods which all rivers eventually do, some rivers may flood every 10 years every 20 years or even every year and when it happense there goes your house.

Old Soul

Active member
when do I move in? I would love to be far away from civilization. Hunt and fish all day and grow my own veggies. But I am not much of a people person.



Active member
its actually plenty far off that river...but close enuf that you will never bitch about "NOT having water"...I've lived in a remote place where we had to haul in water for EVERYTHING...IT SUKED.


Yummybud said:
that's too messed up for me living in the middle of nowhere, I'd get so bored with no tv no luxuries and most important no people anywhere probably shoot myself pretty fast.

I'd live there only if if I could get all the playboy bunnies to come live with me there also then hell yea.

lolol yummybud

you cant even get friends, let alone girls

and your thinking about playboy bunnies LOL

but yeah, yukon, that's my kind of thing, at least you don't have all the garbage the city has to offer, soul garbage


three for playing, three for straying, and three f
We think alike yukon..but im done with winter. I've had 3 months of shitty summer all my life. And i gotta tell ya..Going self sufficient in that kind of climate is going to be really really hard..and winters will be depressing.

I like the idea..but i got my eyes on a plot in southern Spain Granada. The temps hardly ever drop below 8 degrees celcius. And i can grow crops all year around. Not to mention some bad ass sativas. Soil and water could be a problem. But solar energy is abundant. Its supposed to be possible to connect to Mains water..but thats always sketchy business in Spain. Hey and if i ever get the urge to ski or snowboard Sierra Nevada mountains are just as far as Costa Almeria..(about 15 miles). So its the best of both worlds..

I admire your guts tho..and i think it will be worth it. Seeing where things are going in the world today. You are prolly better off than most of the city folk in 15 or so years..