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Could YOU make this place home (w/ pics)



I'd wanna get a diesel generator for me jardin, other than that that place looks SIQ.


burnt out og'er
Man its too damn cold up there most of the year and dark six months too, brrrrrrrr
If you can keep the grizzly bears and other large creatures from breaking in and/or killing you, it obviously has great fishing and hunting, and the state pays a kickback to it's residents for the energy revenues and great tax benefits too.

For me, I'd rather stick with the southeast semi-wilderness right here in the lower 48 where I can still jump in a car and find my way to civilization in less than a half hour drive. But hell yea, that would be a great place to visit and catch some great fish, northern pike, bass mmmmm

Moldy Dreads

Active member
Like some have said, the hardships are the grizzlies, snow shovelling, etc.
You'd have to be a hardcore outdoorsman. No generator, no electricity, dark for months, it would be hard, specially alone. Definitely a fun adventure, I just don't dig so much cold, snow and isolation from roads and emergency help..


Bush Doctor
That is the kind of property I want.

So yes, at least imo I can make that place MY home..what with the river and pond and lake.


Active member
well some of you are full of 'alaska misconceptions'...so much that i hardley wanna address them...as i have addressed pretty much all of them before.

it's NOT dark 6 months out the year....especially in the southern part of the state.

you don't have to shovel snow....i lived many winters in colorado in the mtns @ over 10'000 feet and a cpl winters in alaska...got way more snow in colorado and NEVER shoveled ever....when it snowed i would just drive over the drive way a bunch to pack it down....i always had studded mud tires.

...pathways around the house just walk the same path...no shovel ever necessary.

ill have to look again but i think that cabin has a genny...if not there is no reason u cant bring one in.

lots of alaska arent extreme cold...when i lived in kodiak we almost never got snow...a cpl inches here and there...climate more like seattle...lots of rain.

sorry "10k" no bass...and not that much pike...pike are my fav fish to catch....good eatin too.

"bobby s"...no pizza delivery...but who needs it when you can make your own w/ mooseburger.
Believe it or not I have been by that cabin. Its about 50 miles west of me and we go snow machining over there. Actually....petersville is about an hour north of that spot....big playground for me.


Active member
Believe it or not I have been by that cabin. Its about 50 miles west of me and we go snow machining over there. Actually....petersville is about an hour north of that spot....big playground for me.

hey OMT....it doesnt say anything about ATV access.....do you think you could get access by ATV?

...it does say possible boat access...how possible do u think that is?

also would u consider it a "busy" winter p-ground?....reason i ask is i was looking at lots of stuff around talkeetna, but man i dont wanna hear snow machines all the time...sometimes ok, but not too much.


Horse-toothed Jackass
Is that an outhouse in the 'backyard'? Ugh, no thanks. I can put up with it for a while, but sooner or later I'm going to want indoor plumbing, especially in the winter; no fun freezing your ass off on the toilet...
No....you cant get there by ATV that I know of. You would have to break trail....but with as many streams and rivers that are in that area....it wouldnt be easy.
The only reason I have got there is frozen lakes and rivers.

If you dont like sleds....than Talkeetna isnt an ideal place. That is a main mode of transportation in the susitna valley.

You know and I know that living off the grid in this state is HARD. I have only heard of a handful of people doing it year around. Your better off looking towards cantwell and willow area...to buy a 20 acre plot...on the road system.
Find one with a cabin...or build your own.

If you have a Bush plane....like a small piper...than thats a different story.

Boat access is doable....but there are some areas that a prop drive wont go...you will need a jet drive and a boat that doesnt draw more than 8-12 inches....much like a a snag skiff for a seiner.


Active member
C0uLD Y0u M@ke Th1s PlacE H0me?...end all

C0uLD Y0u M@ke Th1s PlacE H0me?...end all

well i say 'end all' because it would/could be.

... but this place is gonna be sooooooo gone sooooo fast, so unless a miracle happens soon, there will prolly be another thread....but forget that for now ...look at this gem!

i should be able to afford this w/ the money i make, but i would have to pay it off before moving....thats my only catch (any thoughts on how to swing this?)...

get a cpl partners?...

buy it, pay on the mtg, and keep working and pay rent here same time...vacation there in the meantime.

buy it, rent it out, and still vacation there?

youll see why im so frantic about it?


Active member

Skwentna Roadhouse
“Land Mark” location known by any and all travelers making their way up and down the Yentna River. Whether it is by snowmobile, dog sled, boat or airplane, everyone knows this is the place to refill your empty gas tank , get a great burger and a warm place to hang your hat for a night or two.

The Logans, who own the Roadhouse (seems like forever), are getting up in age and it is a great time for somebody young and energetic to take over.

Please don’t ask for financial statements or profit and loss statements as this is truly a Family Operation and it is not about the money you make but it is about the quality of life.
Can you make a few bucks? Yes. Will you become a millionaire? No. Is it a lot of work? Yes. Is it a tough lifestyle living among moose and bear? Yes. Well, they can become your friends or your meal.

You are amidst some of the “Best” fishing with all species of Salmon and Rainbow. Although it is called a “Roadhouse” and I can’t quite figure out where that term came from as you are living in a roadless area, and the only dirt road leads from the “Roadhouse” to the airstrip. The airstrip is maintained by the State on a year round basis. It is about a half hour flight from Anchorage or a 2 -3 hour boat or snowmobile ride to get you back to civilization.

“The Roadhouse” is apr. 3,000’ sq. ft. with the downstairs having a seating area for guests, an adequate kitchen, lots of freezer space for the “Big” catches, a master bedroom with its own bath an additional bathroom for guests, an office area and a private living room.

The upstairs consists of 6 bedrooms with a his and hers full bathroom. Heat and most of your hot water is provided by a large wood stove that will keep you warm and cozy even during those cold winter nights.

The building is well built if not over built with 12” walls, triple pane windows, double sheeted siding, plywood sheeted roof with metal roofing. (The owner is an Engineer and wanted to have it done right).

There are two Bunkhouses that are heated by oil stoves, a Fuel Shed for refueling snowmobilers, Green House, Meat House, Wood Shed and several extra Storage Buildings.
There are large fuel tanks on the premises, so the fuel can be brought in and stored for the high demand time, such as the Iron Dog Snowmobile Race and several other activities.

This place fell on some hard times when it sold and then had to be taken back by the owners a few years back, but it is up and running and just needs a new owner who likes this lifestyle.
This price offered is truly a bargain price and only offered this summer so somebody can get a head start and learn what there is to learn and be ready for the winter. This price is 20% below tax assessed value right now and will go up to $250,000.- which is the more realistic value by this fall.

So hurry! $150,000.- is all it takes and that even includes generators, some 4 wheelers, an older Suburban and tons of other “Stuff”. What it will not include is any fuel or gasoline bought and prepaid. That would have to be settled at the time of a sale.

Personal items such as guns, pictures, nick knacks, etc. are just that. But furniture, bedding and everything necessary to continue with the ongoing business does stay.

Please no “Surprise” visits. Please contact us for an appointment.


Active member





its awesome.. get you some..

bring your own broads, hear the ratio is like 200/1 guys/girl..
slim pick'ns..
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Nice indeed, i also see a future where you a raided by cops who read this exact post :p


Active member
its awesome.. get you some..

bring your own broads, hear the ratio is like 200/1 giys/girl..
slim pick'ns..

misconception ratio, but def. better to bring your own....

...sum may know the old saying about alaska men that the ladies use (''the odds are good, but the goods are odd")

...might make a good demotivate poster....stereotypes bein tru and shit


Proud Cannadian Cannabist
dude, i love you but you are gonna have to stop doing this. everytime you start one of these threads i get side tracked for days, daydreaming about organic gardening, altrnative building and being at one with nature..........oh ok go ahead.

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