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Coughing up black? may not be so bad..


journies said:
Oh the classic "Everything else kills me so who cares!"

Yeah, screw it, I won't worry about cancer. I'll bathe in motor oil and brush my teeth with antifreeze! Yeehaw! ;)
You seem to miss the point. Although Cannabis contains carcinogens, there are not enough in the average smokers "diet" to cause cancer. You're going to die eventually and Cannabis isn't going to cut your life short. That doesn't mean you should go out of your way to harm yourself however.


I know that smoking cigs are bad but they are so hard to quit. I know because I tried many times. I use this stuff called "Clear Lung" and it works pretty well because I cough up a lot of shit when I use the stuff. I'm not saying it works magic or anything, but it does free up my chest of a lot of gunk. Actually, everytime I laughed hard, some mucus would fly out from the depths of my lungs. Sometimes people will see it fly out. It made it feel lighter but it was kind of embarrassing. Despite how well Clear Lung works, it isn't as effective as running for an hour every couple of days. Breathing hard when running always gets the gunk out but even that isn't a effective as quiting. But if your chest is congested and you can't run, then try getting a bottle. It works better than Mucinex

Bubble Puppy

Just watched a older friend of mine die from smoking ,smoked pall malls 42 years ,bout a pack a day ..they removed a liter of brown black liquid from his lungs with a sringe,he could breathe alot better .He went from functional ,to little or no voice ,to dead on the couch in a little less than a month and a half ..All of us at work just watched his decline ,,,it was too late for him and he knew it ...and so did we...

I still smoke ,bout 2 years steady now ..


I did when I was 13-14 or so till I was 20.
Camel wide's........Bull durham

Cold turkey after hacking up a bloody mucus/lung hard disk of sorta fleshy shit.
Scary at the time.


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