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Coronavirus Disease 2019- COVID-19 News- Please Contribute

Midnight Tokar

That doesn't sound like the flu. Flu makes you puke and shit and hurt and get cold and hot, rinse, repeat.

These bastards are lying to us, while they are robbing us blind. When they start throwing around the term national emergency, watch out.

I'll say, they are terrified of a bank run. Kashkarry was on CBS 60 minutes tonight saying the fed can print faster than people can withdraw their cash.

We'll see. I suggest getting some, in case they run out of TP to print it on.

Apparently there are not only different strains of the flu but also different types.
The stomach flu gives you diarrhea, vomiting, fever, cramps etc. But apparently what I had was the influenza type which has fever, congestion, muscle aches and fatigue.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Influenza A
Influenza B

Actually C & D as well
But primarily A & B is what we see in winter months

Influenza A can be spread by pigs and birds ,while B is isolated to spread by humans.


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
Different strain, or what? LOL at the "boomer remover", more like "Social Security killer" if all the working age kids die off.


“I have patients in their early 40s and, yeah, I was kind of shocked. I’m seeing people who look relatively healthy with a minimal health history, and they are completely wiped out, like they’ve been hit by a truck. This is knocking out what should be perfectly fit, healthy people. Patients will be on minimal support, on a little bit of oxygen, and then all of a sudden, they go into complete respiratory arrest, shut down and can’t breathe at all.”

They suddenly become unresponsive or go into respiratory failure.

“We have an observation unit in the hospital, and we have been admitting patients that had tested positive or are presumptive positive — these are patients that had been in contact with people who were positive. We go and check vitals on patients every four hours, and some are on a continuous cardiac monitor, so we see that their heart rate has a sudden increase or decrease, or someone goes in and sees that the patient is struggling to breathe or is unresponsive. That seems to be what happens to a lot of these patients: They suddenly become unresponsive or go into respiratory failure.”


Well-known member
Well, the hospitals in Chile are preparing for a lot of death it seems. Today we have 746 confirmed cases. Yesterday we had 632, and a week prior, just 75. The majority are in the Santiago Metropolitan Region.

Here is an image of the purchases being made. For those that don't read/speak spanish, bolsas means bags, and the highlighted part, Mortuorias means mortuary. Body bags, as commonly referred to.



Active member
. China promotes bear bile as coronavirus treatment, alarming wildlife advocates
China’s National Health Commission published a list of recommended treatments, including injections that contain bear bile powder.

Less than a month after taking steps to permanently ban the trade and consumption of live wild animals for food, the Chinese government has recommended using Tan Re Qing, an injection containing bear bile, to treat severe and critical COVID-19 cases. It is one of a number of recommended coronavirus treatments—both traditional and Western—on a list published March 4 by China’s National Health Commission, the government body responsible for national health policy. This recommendation highlights what wildlife advocates say is a contradictory approach to wildlife: shutting down the live trade in animals for food on the one hand and promoting the trade in animal parts on the other.

Secreted by the liver and stored in the gallbladder, bile from various species of bears, including Asiatic black bears and brown bears, has been used in traditional Chinese medicine since at least the eighth century. It contains high levels of ursodeoxycholic acid, also known as ursodiol, which is clinically proven to help dissolve gallstones and treat liver disease. Ursodeoxycholic acid has been available as a synthetic drug worldwide for decades.

The World Health Organization says no cure exists for COVID-19, though some medicines, such as pain relievers and cough syrup, can treat symptoms associated with the disease. (Read about what scientists know and don’t know about treating coronavirus.)

Traditional Chinese medicine practitioners typically use Tan Re Qing to treat bronchitis and upper respiratory infections. Clifford Steer, a professor at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis, has studied the medical benefits of ursodeoxycholic acid. He knows of no evidence that bear bile is an effective treatment for the novel coronavirus. But, he says, ursodeoxycholic acid is distinct from other bile acids in its ability to keep cells alive and may alleviate symptoms of COVID-19 because of its anti-inflammatory properties and ability to calm the immune response.

Enacted in 1989, China’s wildlife protection law sees wild animals as a resource to be used for the benefit of humans. In 2016, it was amended to further legitimize the commercial use of wildlife, asserting explicitly that animals can be used for traditional Chinese medicine, Humane Society International’s China policy specialist Peter Li wrote at the time.


Capra ibex

Ainsley Earhardt on FOX news 'knows that people are dying, but she can't get her nails or hair done.... and can't return clothes to get a refund within the 30 day period' :yoinks:

What's going to happen to her?? :cry:


Well-known member
Ainsley Earhardt on FOX news 'knows that people are dying, but she can't get her nails or hair done.... and can't return clothes to get a refund within the 30 day period' :yoinks:

What's going to happen to her?? :cry:

pitiful, aint it? now i won't be able to sleep tonight for worrying 'bout her...:comfort:

Mr D

Internal Emails Show How Chaos at the CDC Slowed the Early Response to Coronavirus


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
pitiful, aint it? now i won't be able to sleep tonight for worrying 'bout her...:comfort:

To come out with that sort of shit at this time then she must be a total masochist ,,,
Surely this lady knows the response she will get,,?;;s2

White Beard

Active member
Thanks, Pipeline - but I’ll trust Brietbart about 10 minutes after I’m dead - but you have fun with your bullshit

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