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Cops used k9 to find my small grow?


aka "Doc"
You can "vote with your mouth" (complain) or you can "vote with your feet" (move to a friendly environment). Realizing freedom is super paramount, why take "needless chances"?

We have come a long way--in 1965 Timothy Leary was sentenced 30 years prison time for getting caught with 3 roaches (case was later overturned) and it was only 11 years ago that Tommy Chong was sentenced 9 months jail time plus forfeiture for selling "bongs". Yep, we have come a long way--but not far enuf.


Active member
"it failed because of BIG PHARMA spent alot of money making sure it didnt pass..

if we allow ourselfs to be manipulated by big money propaganda, then we will continue to lose, only you can make a difference! as its been proved time n time again.

Our younger generation, the 80's thru the 90 gen, and the next gen 2000+ will over turn all these dumb ass ignorant laws in time...


Excellent point. Ever hear of the P.N.A.C. ? Here is a short excerpt from their paper, "Rebuilding America’s Defenses: Strategy, Forces and Resources for a New Century" published 9/11/2000, "Further, the process of transformation,
even if it brings revolutionary change, is
likely to be a long one, absent some
catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a
new Pearl Harbor."

Let me know if you can find this paper online any more?

Everyday we loose more and more!

ever since 911 happened, you have no more rights like you use to. wire taps, email intrusions, certain words typed on the net get flagged by the government and scrutinized for any plausability. your gonna be guilty until you prove otherwise, and good luck with that unless you have an endless supply of money. its one F'd up country we live in now a days, but hopefully its a safer one.


I did. I want everybody to vote. I think Conservative politicians would be annihilated if it happened.

I doubt they'll ever make an effort to prove me wrong. They never have-

Paul Weyrich - Goo-Goo Syndrome (proper audio/video synchronization) - YouTube
I really dislike big government, does that make me conservative?

I'm done voting republican or democrat, too much money invested in both electoral candidates.

Chances are if you're getting investigated over a light or two, someone talked and local politics have nothing to do with it.


Active member
It don't mean shit, I guess. :biggrin: I think sometimes shit gets posted by people TRYING to get a thread binned. Trolling is just SO cool... NOT.

14. Politics/Religion
: Threads or posts pertaining to political and religious discussions, by their very sensitive nature, can incite or flame others due to the wide and varying personal beliefs that naturally exist in a global community and will be deleted. ICMag is an international site attracting members from a multitude of religious and political backgrounds. We do this in favor of harmony and unity, rather than the divisions created by permitting open discussions of politics and religion requiring an opinion from such a global community. Political discussions pertaining specifically to cannabis laws/legalization are only accepted in the appropriate forum

Breaking the law. Breaking the law. :headbange

When you get that paranoid, as I would having witnessed the LEO in the OP comments... I would probably be going to extremes too... But in the end, if no photos or video, then it didn't happen! :)


Active member
"it failed because of BIG PHARMA spent alot of money making sure it didnt pass..

if we allow ourselfs to be manipulated by big money propaganda, then we will continue to lose, only you can make a difference! as its been proved time n time again.

Our younger generation, the 80's thru the 90 gen, and the next gen 2000+ will over turn all these dumb ass ignorant laws in time...

While that might be very true, what generation do you think is in power now that is making all these changes from mmj to full legalization and is pushing the current protests and riots? Clue...not the millennials.


Active member
When you get that paranoid, as I would having witnessed the LEO in the OP comments... I would probably be going to extremes too... But in the end, if no photos or video, then it didn't happen! :)

TBO investigations can take years i seen it first hand nothng like watching a buddy get taken down by 6 vans like you would see in the movies swarm in on you with military rifles you move your dead after the fact
what he did 5 years earlier and get charged and sent to jail

PS and was clean for last 3 years prior so with that said nobody is really safe if they can prove you did a crime your going to jail
you here cases where a person killed someone and 10 - 15 years later there caught guess what they go to jail


Invest in some Foscam IP cams and set to record on motion ( <90 USD each on amazon)

Or shoot then both in the face if your state has castle law. That is the only good LEO.

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