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IM FEAKING OUT! what would you do!?


Senior Member
Ok guys, i feel like im going to have a heart attack right now, i could really use your wisdom!

Ok so ive been growing in my apparment since i moved in in february, my policy is to collect all my growing stuff and put it in a big bag, then after harvest i bring it to my work at a woodshop, i wait a few hours then i go out and dump my bag of evedence in our works dumpster; then i clean out some machines and cover the bag with a few barrels of sawdust.

So i did that yesterday, i have about 10 or 12 plants in a 2X3 space with a 400w hps at week 3 flowering, not a huge grow but enough to go to jail for id imagine. Anyways yesterday was tuesday and garbage day is thursday, i came in this mornin at 6 am to find the dumpster had already been emptied sometime this morning! It was 2 days early and only a quarter full! Im worried they are on to me, witnessed me dumping the bag, then came qnd got the whole dumpsterload so they could take my bag out without leaving a visible disturbance in the sawdust i piled on top.

What would you do? Im thinking of blending up all my plants and flushing them and packing ot all away, can you get in teouble for having used soil and lamps and junk if its packed up and not used?


Active member
I would stop being so paranoid grab my nuts and remember i'm a man. The dumpster companies always work on weird schedules during the holiday season.

If all else fails, make a tin foil hats


3rd-Eye Jedi
is the dumpster under surveillance?

that would be the only reason to take a dive to see what was dumped in hopes for some identifying information

if its a worker you would think they would notice you

who would jump in a dumpster to see what you put in there

id assume some shit that you had no room for at home and if the company has a policy against you using garbage for personal use a reprimand or something

once its in the truck its in a truck with a bunch of other dumpsters garbage and your on to greenre pastures


weed fiend
Ok guys, i feel like im going to have a heart attack right now, i could really use your wisdom!

Ok so ive been growing in my apparment since i moved in in february, my policy is to collect all my growing stuff and put it in a big bag, then after harvest i bring it to my work at a woodshop, i wait a few hours then i go out and dump my bag of evedence in our works dumpster; then i clean out some machines and cover the bag with a few barrels of sawdust.

So i did that yesterday, i have about 10 or 12 plants in a 2X3 space with a 400w hps at week 3 flowering, not a huge grow but enough to go to jail for id imagine. Anyways yesterday was tuesday and garbage day is thursday, i came in this mornin at 6 am to find the dumpster had already been emptied sometime this morning! It was 2 days early and only a quarter full! Im worried they are on to me, witnessed me dumping the bag, then came qnd got the whole dumpsterload so they could take my bag out without leaving a visible disturbance in the sawdust i piled on top.

What would you do? Im thinking of blending up all my plants and flushing them and packing ot all away, can you get in teouble for having used soil and lamps and junk if its packed up and not used?

Calm down, bro. Try to relax. No matter what happens you need your heath. Drink some warm milk or do a Valium. You're going to be fine. What exactly did you throw in the dumpster? i.e. "growing stuff"


New member
Yeah, just relax dude. Don't do the crime if you cant do the time. Sorry you're so scared but if you get scared that easily maybe you shouldn't be doing illegal shit? justa thought.


Sativa Tamer
I think you are being paranoid. This said, I would look for another way of disposing of grow trash.



Senior Member
Males, all my grow garbage, old venting and stuff, , im not a man because i want to keep my family safe? I never thought this was a huge risk, but i am careful to never dump my garbage at my appartment and i always watch the garbage bag once i dump it till its picked up. If they were surveiling me they could have just sent a truck just for that dumpster right? So they could prove it was mine,And my fingerprints are all over it...

Im, sorry, i am not a paeranoid person i just dont want to go to jail. And my work couldnt get in trouble , i followed the advice of the thead on this site that said never dump it at your place find a dumpster somewhere.im going to try hard to figure out why they ccame 2 days early and emptied the dumpster when it was less than a quarter full, id rather noth liquify and flush 400+ dollars in genetics.

Can you get in trouble for hqving all the old growing equiptment and used soil but no plants?


I read the post and I'd like to add my attempt at wisdom.Don't sweat it, just keep your eye on the ball and don't lose focus.Grow trash is a huge pain in illegal areas, I have a very difficiult time with it myself and try to have it never leave my property, I know you don't have the luxury but I tear all my shit up and compost it, some people take it all to the dump, some people flush it, theres no "right" way to do it.I seriously doubt that theres a problem.I've been in thousands of growing "problems" and its never what you think it is!!:) Good luck, and keep growing.


as is all-too-common in my life, I succumbed to my
1- jus relax..
2- never dispose of grow materials anywhere near where you live or work...mine go right to the shredder n compost bin...
3-act normal..very important, very...

Crusader Rabbit

Active member
Males, all my grow garbage, old venting and stuff, , im not a man because i want to keep my family safe? If they were surveiling me they could have just sent a truck just for that dumpster right? And my fingerprints are all over it...

Im, sorry, i am not a paranoid person i just dont want to go to jail. And my work couldnt get in trouble

Relax dude. Who the heck do you think is watching you? Does the FBI have you under constant surveillance, sneaking around your work place because you have a grow closet at home?

If it was anybody it was your boss. If it was your boss he would have just gone out back and pulled the bag out from under the sawdust.

Nobody is going to contract with the trash company to send out an empty truck to pick up that dumpster, drive to another location and go through the contents of that truck to see what was in that one dumpster, because you might have ten plants in your closet. Never gonna happen.


Senior Member
Well thanks guys you are making me feel better, but no my boss is cool with it, i give him buds all the time, i am just worried maybe somebody was suspicious and reported me over the past few months so they started surveiling me, my towns only 50 thousand people, but people get busted all the time, isnt it balsy NOT to get really worried when my garbage dissapears ovwrnight after i dump it? I figured the cops would have pulled it out last night, then called the city garbage dude to come empty the dumpater the next morning to cover their tracks... How can i be sure? Or at least a little more sure? Dump a second, decoy bag and spend more time watching that one, think it would be safe to wait a week on killing my girls even if the cops did have my garbage or would they be likely to raid the nect day in theory l if they found it


Id say you'll be getting visited by black copters any night now, men with guns will drag you away, and you'll prob end up in a secret military prison being used for experiments. Sorry man.


Id say you'll be getting visited by black copters any night now, men with guns will drag you away, and you'll prob end up in a secret military prison being used for experiments. Sorry man.

Might want to let someone else watch your dog for a while if you got one....unless you are looking to have him put down.

I take all my garbage to random dumpsters/trash cans around town. I especially like big apartment complexes where everyone is just another blank face to everyone. Good luck and hope you are worrying for nothing bro!:tiphat:


Active member
isnt it balsy NOT to get really worried when my garbage dissapears ovwrnight after i dump it?

In our line of work/play it's important to be aware of unusual things going on around you. Anything that's different from normal in your environment is something to keep an eye on. Keep an eye on it long enough and you usually find or figure out the reason for it, refuse collection day changing suddenly without your knowledge for example.

Don't just dismiss unusual stuff but no need to FREAK OUT!!! as it wouldn't help even if you were being surveilled. Staying calm and appearing to go about your business as usual probably would though.


To Have More ... Desire Less
.......just change up U'r routine..... and find a new dumpster......try bringing wood chips home and drop the wood chips and grow/gear....in a different dumpster on the way home......


To Have More ... Desire Less
dude..... simple.... HAVE U'r boss call and see when the dumpster was last emptied......
that waste company CHARGES ...U'r boss ....EVERYTIME that dumpster gets dropped.....NO matter when....it will be on he's bill..... have him call and check....
like U got cheated on a dump..... or over charged on a bill and need the individual charges broke down for verification of product /used.....


Senior Member
I just wanted to thank everybody, even the guys that just took the opportunity to make fun of me, you were all right, my boss dug through the mail and found a lettter from the waste managment saying they were switching our pickup day, it was sent BEFORE i dumped the garbage so im all clear. It just goes to show ya, i think paranoa, or just that loss of peace of mind is the biggest cost factor of growing in a non med state, ive slowly gotten pretty paranoid over the last ten months! To think i almost tossed my whole grow over it! So ya you all were right and im a nutjob, sorry to waste your time but really, your comments helped me through a rough couple of hours so once again, thanks so much!

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