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Cool things to bring to Amsterdam?


Just curious if there is anything special us Americans, or anyone else, can bring over that folks in Amsterdam have trouble getting? Peanut butter was the thing in Spain some years back.....funny thing. Thanks.



Traktor driver
You don't have Reese's Peanut Butter Cups??? :yoinks:

Damn even we have those :biglaugh:

Hmm I would like some of that peanut butter that allready has jam in it :chin: We get regular and smooth but no extras :bat: :moon: :pointlaug


What? No Goober Jelly? That's a crime!

No Reese's? No KING SIZE 4 pack? Yikes? I eat them all the friggin time...(a part of my gain weight plan)

I'll bring what I can!


Send me your addy and list and I'll send a care box at your request.

Bucket Boy

What he said

What he said

It's hard to bring the greens with us over there. So I'd be happy to bring what I can from here... I wonder what customs will think of a whole suitcase full of peanut butter, Reeses, Mac and cheese, Root Beer, etc... :pointlaug

5 euros for peanut butter..

Should start a Peanut Butter bus. over there..


durga said:
No Reese's? No KING SIZE 4 pack? Yikes? I eat them all the friggin time...(a part of my gain weight plan)

REESE'S! my favorite! Sorry just had to say it :yummy:

Hey Happyplant I live in the states but can I still send you my list?! :bat:


How kind

How kind

ROOT BEER Please pretty please... Except A&W (yuck imho)
Henry Weinharts is the best i've tried. The more uncommon the better.
I used to collect rootbeer bottles, but over here that just doesn't work.

Some Quaker oatmeal hotcereal packets would also be very nice.

Anyone have any Swiss chocolate requests?

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Bucket Boy



You in Swiss land.. My sister lives in Neidergersgen (Spelling)????

I will stop to visit her first before the cup... :ying: :ying:

She's having a baby this month.. :gaga: :gaga:

I am really looking forward to this..

:off2: Anybody know how long the train ride from Zurich is?? :confused:


Zürich - Amsterdam or Zürich - Neidergersgen? btw you'd better know the correct spelling or it could be 4-5 towns in any number of canton's.

Zürich- Amsterdam is about 9-10 hours on the train during the day a little longer if you take the overnight sleeper train. By air it is under a 2 hour flight plus an hour in each airport.


trichomefarmer said:
ROOT BEER Please pretty please... Except A&W (yuck imho)
Henry Weinharts is the best i've tried. The more uncommon the better.
I used to collect rootbeer bottles, but over here that just doesn't work.

Some Quaker oatmeal hotcereal packets would also be very nice.

Anyone have any Swiss chocolate requests?


Trich...I got cha man. I too, am a collector of fine rootbeer bottles...haha. Needless to say, here in the states I find that hobby a bit easier. I will bring you a fine varied 6 pack of good 'ol American rootbeer.

I cant believe you dont like A&W. That is the original man.....I grew up right next to an A&W. There is nothing like a RootBeer Float.

What kind of Quaker oatmeal packs do you like? I am partial to the Maple and Brown Sugar. Good stoner food....quick and easy.

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A small personal umbrella or rain proof jacket might come in handy

I grew up on Stewarts RB / our family friend had a root beer stand in the town where Stewarts was born and brought us fresh gallons all the time /

TF - If I am not mistaken the site link I left has online sites that sell & ship all the great Root Beers worldwide.

I loved the Strawberry chocolate bar :yummy: :wink:

Dr. D

Active member
Mmmnn you americans do like your packaged food...personally i try and stay away from that sort of stuff..i suppose you miss it when you cant buy it lol

Only thing i can cover here is trichomefarmers Quaker oats i love em myself..
anything anyone needs/wants from the UK????? Cheese anyone????? lol


hey Dr D

walkers salt and vinegar crisps, also prawn cocktail yum yum. i'll trade ya for some chocolate if you like...

can't get salt and vinegar nor prawncocktail flavoured crisps where i am. let alone walkers crisps, lol.

all this talk of rootbeer is making me thirsty...

Dr. D

Active member
No probs gaius..il grab some multi-packs walkers crisps before i come...a trade for chocolate sounds good to me...

Dr. D

Active member
Ok i just been informed by my mum she wants some of that Grape Jelly Baccas posted a pic of..she got all excited wen i showed her that pic lol
She used to live in the states wen i was a wee twitch in my fathers nutsack....Baccas il bring you some local cheese for the grape jelly..
lmao this is turning into an international shopping list..