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Cool things to bring to Amsterdam?



I'll take a Cheese. And what is TF a Quaker or something? See you guys there and I'll bring the Food Saver np.


Wow...been very busy and missed this thread! :bat: That's a nifty assortment
baccas! And it was very much appreciated and enjoyed, rationed the popcorn,
think I've got one pack left. :yummy: :lurk:

I'll be back with a list. :D



Same here. I can send ya whatever ya want from the Excited States! I just never thought that Welch's Grape Jelly was a sought after commodity! While *I* love em...PBJ sandwiches are on the bottom of the totem pole here! So..do you folks salivate when someone says "Smuckers" or "Knotts Berry Farm"??? LOL.

I personally like the local jellies we have here. Right now I'm halfway into a jar of Apricot Pineapple that is especially tasty...and my son is digging a Mango/hot pepper blend. You can also find jellies made from local berries...especially fall/early winter, like chokecherry and serviceberry that are very good/a bit different than the store-bought stuff. (commercial vs. connissuer! LOL)

A lot of the micro-breweries here do a tasty in-house Root beer/Sasparilla. Dunno how well bottles will travel...but we may have to see! (for canned, I'd say Barq's is my favorite and that would be easy to bring, barring security issues.)

A friend from the UK came over years ago and was dying to try Root Beer. On the first sip..he got a funny look..then told me it tasted like some sort of medication they have/had in the UK when he was a kid. Funny how our taste buds work..huh?


I can see myself now......In Amsterdam.....For the 420 Cup......traveled half way around the world(almost)....and there I am trading Peanut Butter Cups and other assorted munchies....haha.

Now that we have the edibles taken care of.....what about souvenirs? Little Nick Nacks and such. When I studied abroad in Mexico I brought along a few t-shirts.....Disneyland...etc..etc....they loved em. May sound a bit much, but......I brought lingerie to Spain....WHOA....Apparently Victoria Secret is not available and VERY popular. Sounds horrible, but I just picked the size I wanted and found the girl to fill em.....lovin it.



Wait.....what are the customs laws regarding this sort of thing? Is there a limit? Do I need to pay a tax? I dont want to bring over all these cool eats for some airport customs agent to eat it.


When I went to Japan, brought 2 ice chest coolers as my carry on (70lbs. I think). Filled with microwave popcorn, pistachio nuts, peanut butter, jelly beans, hot chocolate, beef jerky and other various munchies. The customs guy said "You know they have food over there right??!" Had to explain to them that they don't carry these items (at least not at Costco prices). They did inspect through some boxes of Mac & Cheese's and that was about it. No tax or duty had to be paid.


********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
Indigo said:
there ya go Sleepy and durga....we be overdosin' on healthy food in this part of the world...anything remotely detrimental to your health/cholesterol levels/waistline will be a hit for sure! :dance:

Then We Fat Americans must send some of our best,Sliders they call them you might know them as White Castle's. They can be bought by the case ready to ship right at the restaurant. They keep us fat and stupid here and give us what we want that can kill us(guns,crack,politicians,meth,fast food) so that they can spend our tax dollars to help the homeless half way around the world within hours while our own wait 3 DAYS for water and bread.

But at least we got you folks to keep us normal. Thanks



Traktor driver
Dr. D said:
Mmmnn you americans do like your packaged food...personally i try and stay away from that sort of stuff..i suppose you miss it when you cant buy it lol

Only thing i can cover here is trichomefarmers Quaker oats i love em myself..
anything anyone needs/wants from the UK????? Cheese anyone????? lol

Hmmmm cheese :yummy: :biglaugh:

We stocked up at Tescos last week before coming back to Germany. I'm more of a fan of dutch cheese but the missus is into her cheddar :D

Quaker Oats sounds good though, would also like some Ovaltine and Marmite, can't get them here :chin:


Traktor driver
What was their slogan again? You either love it, or hate it :biglaugh:

Oh yea my dearest would want a truck load full of cream eggs :D

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
.....can someone bring me one of those $2 fishing hats in Walmart?......D.G. just loves it when I wear one....lol!


Traktor driver
Sure I'll bring you one up when we're in A on the 27th, you want matching wellys with it??


Lots of countries do not like it when you bring in food stufs.
Australia for example come to mind immediately.
There are very very heavy fines if you are caught trying to bring into Australia food, live material like plants, or animals without the correct papers and inoculations and what ever..
They have beagle sniffer dogs walking around while traverlers wait in line for passport control.
when I went to Australia a few years ago, everyone was instructed to put the bags onto the floor so that the dogs could sniff each and every bag.

Now Holland is a different. I doubt that they will object or even bat an eye.. but then I dont know for sure.


Traktor driver
I don't think we have anything like that in Europe :chin: The whole bird flu thing has put a damper on people bringing in fresh meat (poultry) but I doubt anyone will mind a crate of rootbeer :D


TrueCanna Genetics - Selection is art
ICMag Donor
Ill bring a whole bunch of stuff with me so just keep the requests coming....crisps, cadburys cream eggs, marmite, ovaltine and of course something sweet from M&S for DG............im gonna have a think about some bits id like from the states, anyone think of anything english just mention it and it will appear.

Dr. D

Active member
MMMNNN Marmite
i love Marmite and Bovril...mmmnn on toast...mmmnn
true we will have to sort between us what we will bring..i got crisps for gaius...cheese for baccas and bex..quaker oats for TF...the list continues...


If anyone is coming from South Africa, then dried mangos would be extremely appreciated please.
Anyone coming from Spain then Spanish Mazipan is just to DIE for... seriously though Spanish marzipan - it's really very good.

Anyone want something from Israel?

The Halva is extremely good now. It is sold by weight.
Big beautiful bricks of halva that the seller cuts off as per customer request. The already packaged halva is nothing like the seasonal stuff that comes from the Druze villages from up north, and is in all the delicatessans usually over the winter months.

Oy i wish i had some right now... its all i want right now. and is one of the best munchy foods.


Traktor driver
Didn't know there's so many UKers here :chin: Good to see :D

Hey Ronley what's Halva? I know I could Google it but as you're here :D


It is a candy made from ground sesame seeds. It is an oriental originated sweet.
The ruler of Multan (a region in Pakistan) created the first halva in the 18th century, in order this be a royal dessert.
Very soon the halva making passed to Persians, and to Turks.

During the last years of the Turkish occupation, Greeks learned to make their own halva with a more western oriented approach. Thus, very soon halva became a traditional Greek product.

Today, the best Halva considered the Persian, the Turkish, and the Greek.
In Greece, the modern candy's preparation requires cooking under pressure and the skill of a professional confectioner.

The Druze confectioners also make a fantastic halva. and I think thats what is mainly sold in all the delicatessans but I could be wrong, But where ever it comes from it is Really superb and I like it a lot.

It is made from ground sesame seeds, honey or sugar syrup, with other ingredients such as dried fruit, pistachio nuts, farina (semolina), and almonds sometimes added. Cinnamon and cardamom are also frequently added. The ingredients are blended together, and then heated and poured into bars or long loaves. The name means literally 'sweetmeat' and various forms of the word may be found in Turkish, Greek, Yiddish, Arabic, etc. (Helva, halva, halvah, halwa, halawi, etc.)

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Traktor driver
You seem to be the Halva expert :D

Sounds lovely, I think we'll have some of that if you're bringing some :yummy:

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