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Conversation Starter - What's Your Favourite Whiskey?


Chemdog & Kush Lover Extraordinaire
ICMag Donor
Wow, ya'll some alcoholics up in here, lol. I kid, I kid, just joking. My teen years involved lots of Jack Daniels. 20's was Jameson. Now I don't drink hardly at all. I'm allergic, and an attack usually sends me straight to jail, haha!!

Used to get some moonshine a buddy's dad made in highscool. Shit was so pure, we used it to start fires at parties. I have some sitting on my shelf now that a buddy made and flavored with cinnamon sticks.


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ICMag Donor
What are your hydrometers reading? They 80 proof yet?

My batches come out averaging ~90 proof after the first distillation (the stripping run). Somewhere in the 150s or 160s after the second distillation, the spirit run. This is with the pot still.

My reflux column produces just under 190 proof every time if it's done right. I prefer to do 4 or 5 stripping runs with the pot still and one big spirit run with the reflux still if I'm making vodka. The spirit run is done with the reflux still for vodka, or the pot still for flavored spirits like whiskey, brandy, and rum.
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Active member
ICMag Donor
Would I be out of line to ask how you guys are doing it? And if I could get a basic beginner guide to get started? I swear I won't give your secrets away.lol


I'm not sure if linking to other forums is allowed. Mods, feel free to delete the link if it's against the rules.

This is a weed site, so most people here have more experience with growing than with distilling. Other forums focused on home distilling will have everything you need to get started. They have knowledge from old time distillers, free for anyone out there who wants to read and learn.

I've been growing since 2000. Distilling since last October. :) I love this new hobby, but I'm still a newbie.


Well-known member
Thanks.my buddy built a still a year or two ago but still hasn't used it.a cop lives right across the street but I think its legal? I've been dying to make a run with him but he's been busy.wanna do peach flavored


Active member
ICMag Donor
Thanks.my buddy built a still a year or two ago but still hasn't used it.a cop lives right across the street but I think its legal? I've been dying to make a run with him but he's been busy.wanna do peach flavored

It is technically illegal in the US. In reality, cops don't care about people who distill at home for personal use. If you do it, just don't tell people about it. Like if you were growing weed in a state where it's illegal. Do it inside, don't tell anyone, and no one will know or care. Law enforcement will care if you sell it instead of drinking it yourself.

Peach brandy is fun. :) If you're looking for a strong peach flavor (as opposed to a brandy flavor), it's better to make a quality neutral spirit and flavor it with peach afterwards.


Well-known member
Is it dangerous inside? I mean obviously you need ventilation. I assume its kinda like doing bho inside in a sense.also I thought you could make 100 gallons a year legally. maybe that's just beer and wine.sorry for all the questions.thank you


Active member
ICMag Donor
Is it dangerous inside? I mean obviously you need ventilation. I assume its kinda like doing bho inside in a sense.also I thought you could make 100 gallons a year legally. maybe that's just beer and wine.sorry for all the questions.thank you

It's not dangerous if you're careful. The basic idea behind distillation is boiling the alcohol and cooling the alcohol vapor so it condenses. No alcohol vapor leaves the still unless you have a leak or you aren't cooling it the right way.

BHO is a lot more dangerous. I've only done that outside. You can buy a closed system where you capture and cool the butane vapor, just like an alcohol still. Those are more for professionals. I've only done open blasting in the back yard.


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
My smaller 13 Gallon simple reflux still from Mile Hi...

Only good thing about this still, is you can use the whole middle part as a carbon filtering system after you do a run....



Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
My 26 Gallon goose neck still from Moonshine Distiller. Cheaper then the 13 gallon and way better!



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ICMag Donor

My little 6 gallon still, from the vodka run last week. :)

6 gallons seems big enough for a hobbyist, but not really. I've been fantasizing about getting bigger fermenters and a bigger still.


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ICMag Donor

Today's whiskey run. 20 quarts? Seems a little excessive. I wonder what I'll do with all this. :)


Active member
yes it has ! I have a hand built copper reflux still. Ive distilled water and have a few mods to make to it and a leaky lid to solve .