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construction stories. the good and the bad


Active member
Everything I do that isn't framing or carpentry looks fucked up lately.

I'm getting old and tired, I guess. Just bought a door that needs to be hand chiseled. Never done that before, we'll see how it goes one of these days.

Theres a couple options instead of a chisel possily man. What is the material of the door? Wood i take it?


Active member
Haha!! Shit leopards can't change their shit spots.no.but I didn't really have a choice!this is the first job I've had all year!! And now I've got tornadoes and micro burst every where.gotta help my friends and families. even if I don't get fuckin paid.sigh

I always forget work isnt so abundant for everyone. Sorry man, i forgot jobs arent that plentyful for you


Well-known member
Yeah there's gotta be a different way of doing it than chiseling floral.you got a skill saw and saw horses?


Just Say Grow
harbor frieght router, if you're talking cutting out hinges and striker plates...chisels have cost me more in screwed up material than even a name brand router would have paid for itself long ago.


Active member
Flora didnt mention what he was chiseling. If its the outside edsge of the door plane it.

Whadeezlrg is right if you are working on the hinges or strikers router it us. Probably what he would be chiseling, but flora hasnt said yet.

He sounds like a oldtimer, hes probably laughing at us going fuck you i already thought of that...


Active member
Haha i just got home. Getting my shit off and i forgot, i was wearing a rag hat all day. Shaved my hair short and sun was fucking nuts.

I dont wear real hats. Ill do bandanas or sometimes the rag hat. I do the rag often enough im a master at it as im sure lots here are... Way better than a burn! Im white as fuck so i burn like you woldnt believe until it tans out.

Anyway heres the rag hat. Best one ive ever made i think. My guys were like what the fuck the rag again? No bandanas? No you idiots they are all fucked... Thrown away so its a rag day.


Hey if this one stays together ill use it until its no good.


Just Say Grow
they make good tp in a pinch hahahahaha

that reminds me of a time I was running a paint crew on a housing tract, I always had the helpers cleaning out 5gal buckets if they weren't busy doing something else...so we ended up with a pretty big stockpile of clean 5's that we had put up in a closet along with a few other non valuable things we left on site(drops etc)...the stucco crew decided to help themselves to probably like 75% or more of my buckets over a few weeks, sometimes to the point that I wouldn't have any buckets to spray out of or box paint...I was sick of it and one day I dropped a duece in a 5, those sick fucks took that bucket, washed it out and used it...that's when I realized I wasn't gonna win that battle...man tract work was nuts hahahaha


Well-known member
Fucking hate that shit! Always got other workers stealing my shit! On that note I fucking hate painting!


Active member
Yeah im not a fan. I hate the prep, the painting and the cleanup. I really hate spraying, cutting, but like rolling with a pole. Only part of painting i like, i hate spraying.

Hahahah at the 5er... Thats rank man, but they fucking deserved it. Classless they kept it.

Side note, i hate stucco. Fuck that shit i tell motherfuckers to call the srucco monkeys. Not my bag... I do classy worknot ragged ass shit like that.

Theres a few trades i look at as below me. Stucco is one. Fuck wrecking my arms, shoulder elbow holding hawk and trowel all day. I used to have that attitude about drywall... Still hate it but i do it... Same with painting but i do it...

I hate carpet. I never do it... Carpet tiles not bad but real carpet? Fuck you... I make my guys remove it if im flooring. Its strait nasty shit. Dusty as a motherfucker. If im tearing it out i just bring in the hose and spray er down ghetto style.


Well-known member
I gotta put my name on everything but acetone removes it.tools are fucking expensive but if I can't prove it well....


Active member
Engraving pen. Put a number code in a hidden place. All my tools get it. I put my birth year on all my tools. Small tho and usually hidden.

I also have reciepts for all my tools so i have no problem disputing ownership. The last time it happened the guy did have the same tool and mistook mine laying aroung. I showed him the mark and he gave it right back with an appoligy. Not everyone does it on perpose so thats nice to know, mistakes happen and its not always intentional theft.

Tho the fuckers that jack our shit deserve to get a hand hard tacked to a basement floor with a powder charge hilti. God i love those bangers... Id consider it if i caught someone jacking my shit, but like i said before id sort it out like a man, thats what we got hands for. They do still deserve it tho


Active member
Staying home today. Knee hurts, i feel like puking.

Oh and if anyone dosent like that, i am the boss haha!

Movies and chilling! Long weekend right on...