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Committing suicide...


Tropical Outcast
First of all please allow me to start with telling you all why this thread.

Early this year my son died an accidental death, there was no foul play of any kind involved. The thread about that is located here: 2011 - the WORST year in MY LIFE!

Now on to the core of this thread:

I have increasingly become aware of especially younger people who are physically perfectly healthy and in the "bloom of their life" either already having committed suicide or talking about it - and besides taking their own life - leaving behind a mess just like I and my family have been in, just from a different background how it happened.

There was one member here on IC who had brought up this subject in the fairly recent past regarding himself due to stress @ home, school & the wrong drugs.
I have coaxed him to get professional help and he is good to go, so no worries there, he is in good hands and happy again.

So by now you're probably asking yourself: Why is SH bringing this up??? Is he just ranting 'bout stuff?

No, he is not.

Reason I am saying the above is it PISSES ME OFF
when perfectly healthy & especially young people commit suicide or even remotely think about it.
It already is hard enough dealing with losing your child due to accidental death but wtf is going through those peoples heads when they take their own life or even just talk about it????

Yes, often those thoughts are a cry for help, I think we all know that.

But what if one takes the next step and OD's on something or uses a rope?

Committing suicide in most cases is such an egoistic and self centered step because there is ALWAYS light @ the end of the tunnel! ALWAYS!

One may not see that light right @ the moment because his or her vision is blurred due to for example having taken the wrong stuff.
Stick with the green is all I can say here, that stuff will still leave you a window open.
Huff paint? Take those darn pills so many are taking these days? Snort crushed xxxxxxx's????
Paint is there to be PAINTED with! Pills are for the sick, not the healthy! Snorting crushed xyz's??? Good God!

Pot is fun to grow & there to be smoked or ingested, stick with that if you can't do w/o.
No one has died from Pot & neither will you.

Look...every day people walk out of a Doctors office having been diagnosed with irreversible conditions and have just limited time left to live.
Those people would LOVE TO TRADE with every single problem you reading this right now have and everyone elses as well.
Those people in most cases have no way back. Those same people mostly will live the remaining time they have on earth in a different state of awareness than you and I currently do.
Unlike most of us those people DO appreciate every additional single day they are being given!

So if one of you has gone the wrong path and needs help - please do not leave behind a state of mess for the ones left behind.

You have friends and often family you would leave behind IN A MESS!!!

Yes I understand you might be in a situation where you think there is NO WAY OUT....but think about it...there IS a way out.

You just are not aware of that way out - but there IS ONE!

I am not a pro about this whole thing
, just had a few instances around bringing me more awareness to suicide and what is left behind by those who commit it.

So please call that number below (preferred) or PM me but as I said: I am not a pro.

The people @ this number are much more capable of helping you than I am or worse the wrong friends are.

Thank you for reading this.


Need help? In the U.S., call 1-800-273-8255
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline



Well-known member
Suicide is for pussies. Sorry if it offends, nothing more selfish than putting others through an emotional roller coaster and taking the road less traveled.

No one ever said life was gonna be easy, people are just such drama queens and get caught up in the moment instead of taking a look back at the big picture. Had to bury a close family member due to suicide not long ago at all, ever see people punching a dead corpse out of pure emotional frustration? It'll leave it's marks on your soul. Life aint about us, it's about the people we surround ourselves with. If your life is bad to that point that you have no one and no hope, it's time to pack up and start fresh somewhere else.


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor

You guys know what I feel about all of this, excellent thread and suicide sucks.

Life is always the best choice. :good:


Tropical Outcast
Suicide is for pussies. Sorry if it offends, nothing more selfish than putting others through an emotional roller coaster and taking the road less traveled.


It may be offending to some...BUT the only thing keeping someone from doing it is GETTING HELP because as I already said often enough unless one is gravely sick there ALWAYS IS A WAY OUT!

There is ALWAYS light @ the end of the tunnel!
(just hope it ain't a train!) ;)


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
That is the growroom on the other side! It needs you, your plants need you! :biggrin:


I love my life
It is not a solution, but the increased incident is an indication that we as a species are going the wrong way.

This problem impacts all of us, but the feeling of not being able to achieve what your parents achieved is hugely demoralizing and the societal conditions left to the young adults of today is unfortunately suicidally depressing.

This is not only a western problem or a problem of the young. I recently read an ICmager's post that 600+ farmers a year in India commit suicide by drinking pesticides.

I don't think this trend will reverse until we as a society reject immoral restraints on our liberties. The vast mine fields of bureaucrats and special interests protections is enough to make most people quit before they even begin.

We each have a dream be it an island, a garden, or a business unfortunately for many the gates to dreamland are lock and guarded at gun point by evil older men / corporations.



sunshine in a bag
i almost overdosed two nights ago with people i thought had me in good hands. they had good intentions sure but knew less than i thought they did and i ended up realizing how nobody can make sure i stay alive except for me.. and maybe doctors.. i'm sure they know a thing or two about health.

i dont think i would ever kill myself, unless i was very old w/ no dependents, all of my family was gone, all of my friends were gone and i was at an age where i felt like there wasn't enough time left to "start over" so to speak...

but then again, i've thought about suicide (much like anyone else would, not saying i wanted to kill myself but i've pondered the idea of taking my own life instead of just waiting) and i came to the conclusion that i probably would never been in a position where i would want to kill myself or even want to die.

i like seeing what happens next, and i'm sure that something sort of exciting could happen in the next 40-50 years that i have left here.

life is cool, even though sometimes it really blows, like right now.


I lost my sister due to suicide last fall. Done a bit of reading on it.

Suicide is the result of depression and chemical imbalances. People don't just kill themselves "just because". It's because they are mentally ill. It's the result of a person's genetics predisposition to depression and trauma the person has experienced.

Saying it's the "height of human selfishness" or "for pussies" is about as ignorant and stupid as you can possibly get. :2cents:


I love my life
Those unfortunate souls who lost the battle to "Toil" in the USSR as Stalin starved the populace, weren't chemically imbalanced they were faced with the very real fact that the state can remain IRRATIONAL longer than the individual can stay sane.

The increasing rates in the USA among the young doesn't mean that we have a greater chemical imbalance than before. The rising rates indicate that we are leaving an bleak and immoral future to the young and increasingly they are choosing to kill themselves rather than participate in the immorality.



Tropical Outcast

Suicide is the result of depression and chemical imbalances. People don't just kill themselves "just because". It's because they are mentally ill. It's the result of a person's genetics predisposition to depression and trauma the person has experienced.


Some, but by far not all.

Rest as Hydrosun already said above - there can be MANY various reasons.


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
Suicide is sad, and it's a touchy subject.

But that in itself never makes it right or justifies it.

Anyone who has lost someone close to them to suicide is left with alot of questions and sometimes alot of guilt. I think maybe some people who do it are really in need of massive attention and have literally run out of things to do, sometimes people do it out of revenge because people close to them have hurt them and that is the only option they see fit. Suicide definitely does plenty of harm to those still living and can be like a domino effect.

I really wish all humans had some kind of built in survival mechanism that kept them from purposely hurting themselves but the sad reality is that in today's world we pretty much all are actively hurting ourselves one way or another. Some suicide just takes longer to kick in like poor diet, cigarettes, heavy drinking, prescription drug addictions and plenty more........all of them will get you there eventually and cut your lifespan down.

Very sad stuff, worth examining your own life and asking yourself if you can do things differently maybe and help preserve your own life a little better. :canabis:


Active member
Suicide is a cowards way of dealing with life.......The most selfish act one can commit....fuck how you feel about yourself....the impact you have on those that love it eternal damage....Man the Fuck Up Cousin


edit: Now that I've though about it, not really something I want to discuss on here. Sorry if I insulted anyone. Touchy subject.


As a youth, suicide has crossed my mind in the past. I really believe the information overload that young people partake in has blurred the lines between fiction and reality.


I love my life
I don't want to be too insulting, but that's pretty much entirely wrong. Many factors are present, but saying the "young are increasingly choosing to kill themselves rather than participate in the immorality of the USA" is laughable to anyone who's actually cracked open a book.

Maybe it's that the past few generations have exposed themselves to more new drugs (the long term side effects of which we really don't know), chemicals, carcinogens, horrible processed foods, etc than ever before in human history.... Autism is on the rise. Cancer is on the rise. Mental illness is on the rise...

Are you saying suicide is on the rise because of processed foods and carcinogens?

I don't believe autism is on the rise, I only believe that the number of people diagnosed with autism is increasing. I see huge pharma profit motives as why the number of people diagnosed with mental illness and autism is increasing. I do NOT believe that the human race is more chemically imbalanced than in generations past.

What book would one crack to believe that human brain chemistry has changed in the last two generations?



Active member
suicide is a starting point,when your at your lowest there is only up from there.the loss of the ego is a great thing.