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Active member
Yet, you don't support $35 insulin mandated by congress? Just like all the Republicans that voted against it. Twice.

Your brother must really resent that. HE IS THE CUSTOMER.

Or, he's rich.

Or, not real.

scarlet fever causing diabetes. That’s a new one.

Three Berries

Active member
scarlet fever causing diabetes. That’s a new one.

High fever harms the organs. He was 6 years old. We slept in the same bed at the time. And many a time the insulin was too much and I had to shove a chocolate bar in his mouth in the middle of the night to get things under control.

Three Berries

Active member
Yet, you don't support $35 insulin mandated by congress? Just like all the Republicans that voted against it. Twice.

Your brother must really resent that. HE IS THE CUSTOMER.

Or, he's rich.

Or, not real.

I believe he does most defiantly resent being the costumer. He was getting the usual flu shots 'because he was so at risk', but was ending up in the hospital with pneumonia, three times in a row two years ago. We almost lost him. But he finally told them to quit with flu vaccines and it's been two winters without any hospital visit.


Well-known member
Hello ... just wondering if the above qualifies as gobbledegook? Bye now ...

makes perfect sense to me. stalinists/tankies/nazbols/whatever name you wanna give them are fascists pretending to be communists. marxists, socialists, anarcho communists, anarchists, etc all hate stalinists.


Well-known member
I don't think Congressional price controls are the answer. Congressional action to limit price gouging for all products through more lenient completion is the answer.

Look at the history of insulin and they cornered the market on it.

"competition" lmao bro theres like 2 companies that make all the drugs

Three Berries

Active member
Pending legislation in Commiefornia......

California legislation ...

AB1993, for example, requires proof of COVID-19 vaccination for all employees and independent contractors to work in California.

AB1797 creates an immunization tracking system giving all government agencies access to vaccination records for all persons.

SB871 adds COVID-19 injection to the list of immunizations for pubic/private school, regardless of FDA approval, with no personal belief exemptions and very rare medical exemptions.

SB866 lowers the age of consent for vaccination to 12 without parental consent or knowledge. This bill merely memorializes what’s already been happening, where schools in Los Angeles have vaccinated minors in exchange for pizza without parental consent.

SB1479 requires schools to create long term COVID testing plans and report test results to the CA Department of Public Health.

SB1184 authorizes school health personnel to disclose a child’s medical information to a third party without the parent’s consent.

AB2098 classifies anti-COVID medical opinion as “unprofessional conduct” and subject to discipline by medical boards.

SB920 authorizes medical boards to inspect a doctor’s office and medical records without patient’s consent.

SB1464 requires law enforcement to enforce public health guidelines or lose their funding.

Loc Dog

Hobbies include "drinkin', smokin' weed, and all k
The only US communism I want to see eliminated is people without children paying for other peoples childrens education, corporate welfare leeches, foreign welfare leeches, police state welfare leeches, and military industrial complex welfare leeches. The less the government is in control of, the better off the people are.

Socialism is not a failure in central and south America on its own. It is CIA puppets that made sure any non capitalist government was overthrown -



Well-known member
Obamacare was a repackaged and renamed Republican health care plan from the 1990's that was endorsed by Newt Gingrich and Chuck Grassley and proposed by The Heritage Foundation (ultra cuckservative thinktank). Mitt Romney proposed his version in MA or wherever he was a Rep and called it Romneycare. They're all the same thing. A government mandate forcing you to buy something you don't want from a price gouging private market.

And that's why I see myself as more of a libertarian than anything else. I don't support forcing anyone to buy anything, were supposed to be a free market.


Active member
How does land get titled? Who owns the land? How did they acquire ownership? The first stage of a free market is property theft.


Active member
How does land get titled? Who owns the land? How did they acquire ownership? The first stage of a free market is property theft.

Oh not that old anarchist complaint again! Next thing you'll be telling us man has natural rights but they don't include the right to justice. Then you'll be telling us everything is the fault of the Normans who conquered England and dreamed up the Magna Carta, birth certificates and census as well as land Title. And then you'll claim everything was better before that almost 600 years ago.

Well bollocks to those ideas Mr h.h! (OR ARE YOU REALLY HEMPY MCNOODLE???)


Active member
makes perfect sense to me. stalinists/tankies/nazbols/whatever name you wanna give them are fascists pretending to be communists. marxists, socialists, anarcho communists, anarchists, etc all hate stalinists.

Well, now you put it that way, I can't disagree. Where does Putin fit? Anywhere near Stalin?


Active member
Oh not that old anarchist complaint again! Next thing you'll be telling us man has natural rights but they don't include the right to justice. Then you'll be telling us everything is the fault of the Normans who conquered England and dreamed up the Magna Carta, birth certificates and census as well as land Title. And then you'll claim everything was better before that almost 600 years ago.

Well bollocks to those ideas Mr h.h! (OR ARE YOU REALLY HEMPY MCNOODLE???)

No not really. You added all that.

what I will say is that we live in a society where we have inherited responsibilities . Free enterprise becomes an excuse to receive the benefits while ignoring responsibility. Government becomes the go between between property owners and those who don’t own property. Without social programs, extreme authoritarianism is the only recourse to mass revolt. It’s a fine balance.


Well-known member
And that's why I see myself as more of a libertarian than anything else. I don't support forcing anyone to buy anything, were supposed to be a free market.

the problem when it specifically comes to health care is no successful country does it that way. statistically all the best ranked healthcare systems are universal/medicare for all/taxpayer funded systems.


Well-known member
Exactly. More lenient competition is needed.
that ultimately won't fix the problem, humanity/americans will find themselves in this same situation 50-100 years down the road. just bandages on a gaping wound.

those competitive companies will eventually consolidate and monopolize the market. just as we see in literally every industry in our economy taking place right this second.