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Well-known member
Not one republican voted to lower insulin prices and forcing people to pay the highest prices for there needs .

idiot Josh Hawley says that "people need to lose weight" to defend his vote keeping insulin prices high. does he understand that not all diabetics are that way because of their weight? or is he just plain stupid all the way through?


Well-known member
if obama and the democrats were "commies" they would have done something more like the NHS or a Medicare for All system, not force you to buy something from a capitalist marketplace lol.

yup. if single payer health care is "communist", then the entire developed world is commie, lol. US is the only industrialized nation on the planet not offering it to its citizens...how quaint! and stupid. i'm sure there is an idiot or two that is proud of this "accomplishment'...🙄 probably an insurance agent.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
But Republicans make it legal to marry children. Finding the info at places people prefer is better than posting a link..
Tennessee Republican pushes bill to allow CHILD MARRIAGE that would scrap the state's current minimum age of 17 before couples could tie the knot


Well-known member
I don't remember Republicans forcing me to buy anything let alone Healthcare. Try again.

Obamacare was a repackaged and renamed Republican health care plan from the 1990's that was endorsed by Newt Gingrich and Chuck Grassley and proposed by The Heritage Foundation (ultra cuckservative thinktank). Mitt Romney proposed his version in MA or wherever he was a Rep and called it Romneycare. They're all the same thing. A government mandate forcing you to buy something you don't want from a price gouging private market.


Well-known member
Stalin communism is better word, just changed the definition, but how agriculture was reformed was devastating for the people in Ukraine back then in 1932.People were dying of starvation on the streets.Got a name for it Holodomor.

Stalinists are reds aka nazbols aka national bolsheviks..... ie- red fascists lol i'm not wrong in what i said. no group of leftists today likes the Stalinists.


Well-known member
So you still get to be a hoarder while being a communist.
that's not what i was saying. what i mean is far righties think if you call yourself a socialist or leftist or something, they think you shouldn't own anything and must wear the same raggedy clothes every day or something.

‘No country has ever achieved communism’. You ever wonder why? It doesn’t work. In a perfect world free of corruption

why hasn't communism ever been achieved and why doesn't it work are two separate questions. the reason why no leftist ideology currently "works" is because capitalists are basically the mafia. they aren't going to allow a competing economic ideology (that would utterly ruin them) flourish anywhere on the face of the planet. this is why the US financially backs right wing fascist dictators & coups in South America (and the rest of the globe) to squash leftist uprisings.

but yes as i've said multiple times in this thread, communism currently cannot work. humans are still too dumb and propagandized and dependent on authority to live in a cashless, stateless society.


Well-known member
I don't remember Republicans forcing me to buy anything let alone Healthcare. Try again.

"the provision in President Obama’s health care law requiring all Americans to buy health insurance has its roots in conservative thinking.

The concept that people should be required to buy health coverage was fleshed out more than two decades ago by a number of conservative economists, embraced by scholars at conservative research groups, including the Heritage Foundation and the American Enterprise Institute, and championed, for a time, by Republicans in the Senate.

The individual mandate, as it is known, was seen then as a conservative alternative to some of the health care approaches favored by liberals — like creating a national health service or requiring employers to provide health coverage.

“In 1993, in fighting ‘Hillarycare,’ virtually every conservative saw the mandate as a less dangerous future than what Hillary was trying to do,” Newt Gingrich, the former speaker of the House, said at a debate in December, casting his past support of a mandate as an antidote to the health care overhaul proposed by Hillary Rodham Clinton during her husband’s administration."


Obama had full control of the house, senate, etc, everything! and what did he do with all that power? right wing health care reform lmao. this is one of the greatest examples to why i'm always saying neoliberals are center-right wing. these people aren't lefties. they do lip service to lefties so they can garner their votes and support, but then when the neolibs take power, they run to the right. same thing the GOP does to libertarians.

Three Berries

Active member
Republicans don't force their supporters to buy the insulin they require.

Their supporters just aren't smart enough to realize that what they're being told is to go ahead and die if you can't afford insulin.

I'm Type 2 and if I followed my Drs advice would be on insulin. Instead I changed my diet and control the blood sugar like that, basically a low carb diet.

But for most Type 2 diabetes is self inflicted from a high crab diet, one promoted by the government and health care industries. Drs don't want to cure diabetes.


Well-known member
I'm Type 2 and if I followed my Drs advice would be on insulin. Instead I changed my diet and control the blood sugar like that, basically a low carb diet.

But for most Type 2 diabetes is self inflicted from a high crab diet, one promoted by the government and health care industries. Drs don't want to cure diabetes.

And if you were type 1?

Are you suggesting that your doctors advice was to continue to eat a poor diet and not control your blood sugar? Then, just go on insulin?

You should find a new doctor.


Active member
And if you were type 1?

Are you suggesting that your doctors advice was to continue to eat a poor diet and not control your blood sugar? Then, just go on insulin?

You should find a new doctor.

He’s saying he ate a poor diet and didn’t have any free will.

Three Berries

Active member
I was 300 lbs. Drank 4-5 beers a day. Quit drinking beer and lost 45 lbs. But still had high blood sugar. Went modified keto and lost another 60 lbs where I'm at today. Got off all meds.

My A1C was always above normal range and the Dr was not too worried about it. Just the usual exercise and watch what you eat. But he too was overweight.....

If your A1C is above normal you are type 2. And it won't get better until you change your diet.

But Drs won't tell you about carbs. The USDA promotes the healthy high carb/low fat diet when it should be the opposite.

My younger brother has been type 1 since about 8 years old due of scarlet fever. It sucks.

High insulin cost are part of the gouging from Big Pharma, Done with permission from Congress who also are invested and make money off Big Pharma. YOU ARE the COUSTOMER.

Click image for larger version  Name:	Healthy and keto food pyramid (2019_06_30 16_19_06 UTC).jpg Views:	0 Size:	112.9 KB ID:	18121120


Well-known member
My younger brother has been type 1 since about 8 years old due of scarlet fever. It sucks.

High insulin cost are part of the gouging from Big Pharma, Done with permission from Congress who also are invested and make money off Big Pharma. YOU ARE the COUSTOMER.

Yet, you don't support $35 insulin mandated by congress? Just like all the Republicans that voted against it. Twice.

Your brother must really resent that. HE IS THE CUSTOMER.

Or, he's rich.

Or, not real.

Three Berries

Active member
Yet, you don't support $35 insulin mandated by congress? Just like all the Republicans that voted against it. Twice.

Your brother must really resent that. HE IS THE CUSTOMER.

Or, he's rich.

Or, not real.

I don't think Congressional price controls are the answer. Congressional action to limit price gouging for all products through more lenient completion is the answer.

Look at the history of insulin and they cornered the market on it.


Well-known member
I don't think Congressional price controls are the answer. Congressional action to limit price gouging for all products through more lenient completion is the answer.

Look at the history of insulin and they cornered the market on it.

Yet you complain that congress gives them permission to do it.

It must be nice to play both sides of the fence with no shame.