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Columbian Punto Rojo vs Columbian Gold effects?

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Given the choice, I would grow all my trippy strains outside at the highest elevation I could find.
That's why Colombian Black or Red are more precocious than Gold.

You mean stronger I take it?

Hi Yesum, ya theoretically and logically i think that altitude produces stronger properties and early flowering compared to sea level. The magics good UV trippy places are tropical and equatorial and of course no need altitude for weed to become trippy lol. Gold kind herb is clear and up at low dose and if abuse it's trippy no problemo but i think that it's not as disturbing strong as the same genetics grown in the same low latitude higher in the hills.

Good Vibes GoatCheese thx to calm the kid :)
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atomizing haze essence
first you didnt grow it, so dont give your fantastic theoretic examples. what is your work with cannabis? none.

I just showed how much dumb you are.... everybody knows that NH is 25% NL LOL even Hempy hahahah and by the way it was you who mentioned him, you are stupid manipulative liar. you have no clue how NL influenced it as... I repeat.. you didn't grow it. there is no other way to find out how NL influenced haze than to grow NLhaze and original haze. which you didn't grow. look to my albums how real work looks, you puppet.

your stupid speculative posts, that you read somewhere - at Soma catalogue? hahaha, without any real experience, have no value. just empty words.

this thread, you pseudoexpert, is about colombian weed. not about your personal problems. complete idiot.

cheesegoat I remember how you tried to mock Bodhi... so I am not surprised how big idiot without any respect you are. as same way as horse tried to discredit tom hill and dj short. no work behind you guys. but incredible boldness and zero respect thats what Roms friends are... low class and bunch of lies and bullshit presented as the truth without eye wink.

do you have anything to colombians? or you just need to ventilate your hate to MAHA KALA? clown. but what such low class pseudoexpert can say to colombians? of course. big nothing.

I personally think that you are not goat. I think that you are hybrid of goat and lame. but very weak individual. so weak, that when I say goat and lame comparing them to you, I have to apologize to those animals. retarded goatlame.
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atomizing haze essence
Don’t bring Hempy into this.
You clearly have a thin skin, cause you can’t talk about the silly claims you have made without talking about what someone else said. Hempy has nothing to do with this, so why bring him up. Be a man, Maha. quit acting like an upset little boy.

Don’t call people pseudo experts when you ‘re not the sharpest knife in the kitchen yourself. It doesn’t look too good on you. Dig it?

It would be just as stupid to claim that if you cross Columbian Gold and Punto Rojo, that every plant of that cross would have 50% of the genetics from the Gold and 50% from the Rojo parent in every seed you grow! This is basically what you said about NH and the NL5 in it.

...do the crosses you make at home work that way? I bet they don’t. So it was a dumb claim, who don’t you just admit it.

I haven’t grown pure NH – and i never will - cause i don’t like the NL5 stone IN SOME OF THE PLANTS, nor am i fan of Hz A male effect either.
..but i have smoked pure NH from De Dampkring in Adam and i can assure you there’s not 25% of NL5 effect in every NH plant like you claimed, goofy.

You seem to remember the convo we had in the Haze thread, cause you remembered me using my G13Hz plants as an example (= the g13 affie effect isn’t equally noticeable on every plant, not even close), but when i pointed out your dumb claim back then you never replied anything to that, but now you bring it up 1½ years later. See what you are made of?

...which just shows you’re an arrogant pseudo expert with a sensitive ego.

I’ll leave you guys to it.
bunch of terrible bullshit, it is significant that Roms:moon:, proved hater, supports it hahah.

and totally off topic.
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And you don't realize that you are what you reproach to others, classic psychiatric disorder from cannabis man. And you wanna get some trippy good shit even more potent wow are you sure you can ? Just start to stop your bad modern shit haze before i would say.


atomizing haze essence
And you don't realize that you are what you reproach to others, classic psychiatric disorder from cannabis man. And you wanna get some trippy good shit even more potent wow are you sure you can ? Just start to stop your bad modern shit haze before i would say.
hahahahahaa why you think I care what you think LOL I sure have better hazes than your mango haze LOL

completely low class post of sad hater as ganja doesnt cause any disorder(and for your information, psychic disorder, not psychiatric LOL silly)... it is hate on ganja too, wow very nice. I mean it doesnt matter what you hate, hate is hate.

I dont care what haters think. you said you are huge hater? it is the reason why dont you share with us your precious pics of your colombian reds, golds and blacks? that you dont want to share it as some of icmag members are americans, and you hate them? like you said LOL

I think it is against principle of this international forum to bring here hate against other nations. very disgusting.

dont try to act like authority. you are not, at any point... it is very funny :D

and show us some real work, instead of hypothetical talking about altitude and other bullshit.

I guess we will not see your colombians, I am kid but you are not able to do what kids can do. take few pics of plant...

you save every pic of your swazi, but dont have any pic of colombian, while you act like some expert on colombians.

I read Spinoza, and there was said that negative passions like hate, have their origin in fear. fear is primal to hate... dont be afraid little roms, nobody will hurt, this is only internet.

and I want to say that such "closet pollen chucking" like you do, and act like breeder LOL, it is that cause that colombian lines are not trippy today. I think that skunkman, also for you it is just pseudorican big mouth small brain person, did better job in preservation of colombians than you.... same with your thai or jamaican... I have to inform you that real preservation is 500 males vs. 500 females, big mouth small brain skunkman knows this, but you bg breeder from France not? now think why it is like that small numbers are bad for preservation, and maybe you will learn something, but with your arrogant attitude to people with real work I doubt it very much. till that you will fucked up those line more and more I guess... but will act as master breeder and taking pics of seeds LOL
and yeah your bullshit about Tom Hill, Tom Hill ..preserved old school sativa. it is called tom hill haze. true heirloom which in its quality beat any of your closet pollen chucking line you have LOL wait you used his X18 line, although you fucked it up propably. how it is that possible from pseudorican breeder? very confused you are.

although your friend horse calls original haze(which is according to skunkman hybrid of three colombian lines) only watered down colombian... LOL crazy boldness, he saw it at you? this kind of stupid behavior? thats crazy, you are both out of reality so much. too funny.

it is so funny, when guy like you talks about trippy weed, even your friend horse said, when I told him that your red thai is mild non trippy weed, that it was grown poor by you indoor, that what he said... I said no, it is just mild weed, but for Roms strong enough. you have no access to real cuts, so you have no comparison to standard. same for horse.

it is funny, because when somebody says, like you, that mazar, which is relaxing indica, that it is trippy weed, has no clue about trippy weeed LOL a period. please stop to talk about it. or that laugh will tear me apart.. hahahahahaha
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atomizing haze essence
man I want to talk about colombians, but how it is possible when these guys hate so much, they dont care about genetics, they want to ventilate hate LOL that goatcheese even didnt mention colombian for once.


atomizing haze essence
I agree. but genetics has to survive and being reproduced, when it is not done properly, then we can see decline of quality. and either it is civil war or growers start to pollute it with broad leaf, genetics can be lost.

so my question is if these colombian lines, in USA or in Colombia, were reproduced properly. like original haze for example, we can say that at original haze, big number were used and big stress was put on keeping so many genetics it was possible and avoiding some narrow selection with small numbers?

was it done with colombians lines available today and who did it? I doubt colombian growers who care for profit first, did it...


Well-known member
It's very upsetting when change doesn't go the way we want it to go, but most of the time it's out of our control and just has to be accepted.

............ it's not unusual to want to make a buck quickly in this materialistic society we're all living in, such is life.

So lets just do the best we can do as individuals and keep calm and carry on! :good:


Well-known member
Well for me my only experience with Colombian Gold came from @MadMac and his delighful OHzs1. For sure got the lumbo gold pheno. Straight green in growth but cures gold after only a couple weeks. Aroma was sweet hazy with typical Sativa taste and left frankincense hang in air when smoked.

High was up potent, little to no comedown, but not super clear. Could go a little hazy at times and chilled out on couch. Made me wanna get up and dance at times too so guess I got that mdma pheno and no problems doing physical work either.




Well-known member
What seems to have happened in Colombia and Paraguay is poisoning with paraquat
The war wasnt against drugs, it was against Punto Rojo and Pedro Juan Caballero weed

Americans kill and erradicated one variety like Punto Rojo and the next day a new variety is reintroduced with high resistance to these agrotoxics in Colombia, that seems to be what happened.

What we are seeing in that article posted above is what is happening in all of South America. Lat50N technology with artificial lighting and curtains for light dep to grow lat50N CBD or placebo/rope genetics in the tropics or subtropics
Tonnes of this material is being exported and somebody is buying this sickening weed called medicinal out there. I have 3 of these multinational corpos a few kms away from me and people in the agricultural business in my area know what they do
When you read competitive workforce you should read hunger salaries and exploitation
Laws are being written by a government official and the next day this government official is appointed executive of these corpos. There is a clear conflict of interest and this is the business of politicians today. Before was mafia cartel and now is government mafia cartel with all these pseudo medicinal rope.

Some articles:

These 2 are in spanish, from the colombian point of view, you can use your translators if interested
This article is from 1983 newspaper Semana:

This is historical memory from the origin of fumigations from Mama Coca

This subject seems to arise too much emotions.
Take it easy, this is not football worldcup but well, it is clearly politics and politic talk always come up heated everywhere in the planet. There is a cause and reason for everything even if we dont what it might be.
It seems the old threads in spanish when people were talking about paraquat in Colombia and Paraguay were right

Have a nice, peaceful, happy and calm day everybody


New member
Has anyone that’s tried “punta rojo” and tried Aces Panama “red pheno” describe any similarity if any? I have some I’m eager to pop, and know it’s going to be great, I just would love any input.


Well-known member
Has anyone that’s tried “punta rojo” and tried Aces Panama “red pheno” describe any similarity if any? I have some I’m eager to pop, and know it’s going to be great, I just would love any input.

Never had the pleasure of smoking any Punta Rojo unfortunately...

Based on some of the smoke reports here https://www.icmag.com/threads/punto-rojo.280719/page-4 it has a clear euphoric high.

So no, it is nothing like ACE Panama red pheno.

And it would be somewhat unrealistic to expect a 10 week flowering strain to be similar to a 25 week flowering strain.

That said, I did notice an interesting comment from @satva..

satva said:
Phenos from "[Destroyer x (1972 Highland Guerrero x Blueberry)]" are the closest I've got to the high of Punto Rojo. I'm testing the South American pheno, strong growth, vigorous, flowers everywhere - "Jennifer Flowers". None of the heavy, narcotic, dreamy effect associated with connoisseur loose flower tops from mid- late 1970's Red Colombian.

Now the latter, the mid-late 70's Colombian red loose tops... That does sound like the red pheno of Panama.
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