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Colorado House Bill 1284


Zoning, electrical inspections, easements, flood plains, ect. are general business issues, not mj specific. If you are growing mj to sell to a dispensary or patient, you are manufacturing a good for commercial sale and have to follow the applicable local rules just like anyone else who is manufacturing an item to sell to the general public.

As the cities and counties create Optional Premises Cultivation Licenses, at that point it will become mj specific and the local rules will indicate where you can manufacture. Probably industrial or agriculturally zoned locations that are not located in a flood plain.

So caregivers won't be able to grow in their residence? Will you be able to grow in your own home for yourself?

I find this all comical. "We have an amendment to the state constitution that medical marijuana is legal in our state. However, no one can grow it, sell it, consume it....unless you pay a kings ransom. Don't even look at it. In fact, stop thinking about it."

I'm glad they fixed it back to the original intent of the law. /sarcasm


Active member
Im cool with the new bills that just passed. as a caregiver my plan with 5 patients and 15 plants in flower and 15 in veg at one time. With a 10kw flower room I can make a decent living. Im ready to get started I just dont want to invest a a bunch of money into a grow room and get shut down before the first harvest. Im torn between a small warehouse grow and a residential basement grow. I want a warehouse grow so I can live close to the slopes, resturaunts, and bars. I don't know what to do as of yet.


Im cool with the new bills that just passed. as a caregiver my plan with 5 patients and 15 plants in flower and 15 in veg at one time. With a 10kw flower room I can make a decent living. Im ready to get started I just dont want to invest a a bunch of money into a grow room and get shut down before the first harvest. Im torn between a small warehouse grow and a residential basement grow. I want a warehouse grow so I can live close to the slopes, resturaunts, and bars. I don't know what to do as of yet.

Did you not read what Warren posted. Warren is a top MMJ lawyer in the state. Read his last post again.

From his post I'm taking that in the future (on top of what was just passed) that you will be required to be in a place zoned for growing. Even little guys like you (and me with my card, my wifes and three patients) will have to be in a place zoned for growing (i.e. industrial or commercial).

All fine and dandy...right? No. The new laws that were passed says that you...as a caregiver that only deals with up to 5 patients...is not legally allowed to charge your patients more than the amount it cost you to grow it. So now...when they make it so that we have to be licensed and in a correctly zoned place...how are you supposed to pay for that? Well...of course you can charge the amount it cost to have a space and grow it. But why would you do that if you cannot take a salary from your work? Ridiculous. How about since I need food, water, and electricity...we pass a law that requires those companies give us those good and services for no more than what it costs to produce it. I don't know if this has ever been required of any other industry. Oh...and you're only allowed to have 2 oz of usable product for each card you hold. The rest...needs to be discarded (i.e. destroyed).

This apparently is our state congress critters true intent of the law.

Warren...I know you as a lawyer are impartial either way. You're going to continue to make money any way this goes. But in your OPINION, does it not sound like they're literally using a round about way of nullifying this amendment? Sure...a handful of dispensaries with extremely deep pockets will be able to survive. But how in any way can this be considered a way to help patients? Once we're down to twenty or so dispensaries...they'll have the patients by the short and curlies. They'll be able to charge astronomical rates for any grade of medicine they present...and the patients will have little if any choices. But from an semi-outsider looking in, the only reason they even made it so only the biggest guys with the biggest bankrolls survive is so they can say, "See...we didn't skirt the amendment...we still allow dispensaries", even if you have to be a millionaire to own one of these dispensaries.


Well in my book thats called a whore. Yea I love making money to but not at things that fuck thousands of people.

Well that's a matter of opinion. Though I know if I was a different type of person and could work for anybody, I'd probably be a lot further ahead in life.
Warren is a troll looking for clients. This bill says absolutely nothing about caregivers, except limiting it to 5 patients. Nowhere in the bill does it says a caregiver has to do any of the things they are using to regulate the "Centers".

However, by not addressing overages or caregivers vending overages, they have made it so the caregiver cannot sell their overages to a "Center" (notice how I used their "new term"??) simply by saying that a dispensary can only buy from anotherr dispensary...and only 30%. I am still trying to figure out how they are going to do this, since 90% of the people that qualify, still haven't received a "physical" license yet...hell, I just got my receipt and I sent everything in, in November. All of these dispensaries are growing for the same patients, in many cases and the state has no way to track it, unless they want to go thru every dispensary's paperwork at the same time to catch patients that have multiple caregivers...

All this bill has done is throw Colorado back a few years--we all go back underground....


Has anyone filed a lawsuit against this thing yet? For the love of Christ some rich dude please file a suit.


Warren is a troll looking for clients. This bill says absolutely nothing about caregivers, except limiting it to 5 patients. Nowhere in the bill does it says a caregiver has to do any of the things they are using to regulate the "Centers".

However, by not addressing overages or caregivers vending overages, they have made it so the caregiver cannot sell their overages to a "Center" (notice how I used their "new term"??).

All this bill has done is throw Colorado back a few years--we all go back underground....

Fuck 'em all Dave. For me...this goes to the whole culture of "fuck the little guy" in this country. The stagnation of wages, the increase in prices on EVERYTHING. Giant bastards get crap handed to them. If we were to do many of the things the giant bastards do...we'd be promptly scooped up, locked away...and the key would be tossed.

"We're cool with you if you already have a lot of money. If you don't, who the fuck are you to think you can get ahead? That's OUR money. You can't have any. Horde horde horde."
Has anyone filed a lawsuit against this thing yet? For the love of Christ some rich dude please file a suit.

Ritter hasn't signed the Bill yet. The law has to be enacted, before a lawsuit can be filed. I bet you the day he signs it, several lawsuits will happen...and injuntions will be issued...


That may be true but would that make you be a better person?

No. But from my relenting belief that I should be a kind, moral person...I've gotten nothing but fucked. Same with my friends as I surround myself by good people.

Being a good person = NEVER getting ahead.
You wait....they have no idea how screwed up this is. Right now, there are many "Patients" that have themselves registered with multiple dispensaries as their caregiver. With the lag in paperwork, there is really no way to tell, either... With a 6 month+ backlog...these laws cannot be enforced..


No. But from my relenting belief that I should be a kind, moral person...I've gotten nothing but fucked. Same with my friends as I surround myself by good people.

Being a good person = NEVER getting ahead.

While there may be a spark of truth in that I have gotten ahead many times without screwing people over. Creativity and perseverance are the key to getting ahead. Although one may get ahead a little further and more often by fucking people it is short lived and the ones I know that operate that way are miserable fucks.


While there may be a spark of truth in that I have gotten ahead many times without screwing people over. Creativity and perseverance are the key to getting ahead. Although one may get ahead a little further and more often by fucking people it is short lived and the ones I know that operate that way are miserable fucks.

I agree. I thought about my last post for a few minutes. And I can't say that I haven't gotten ahead. It's just the assholes in this world that seem to rocket up the ladder. But you're right...the trade off is that you have to live with that on your conscience.

Enough of my self pity. Back to saying, "fuck our bought and paid for officials.".


Warren is a troll looking for clients. This bill says absolutely nothing about caregivers, except limiting it to 5 patients. Nowhere in the bill does it says a caregiver has to do any of the things they are using to regulate the "Centers".

You and Warren are both right, Dave. 1284 doesn't create zoning requirements for small-time caregivers, but it does leave the door wide open for municipalities to pass zoning regs that limit where even caregivers can grow. As I mentioned before, this is the case with Fort Collins. The city has limited unzoned caregivers to a plant count that is below that of even an Amendment 20 compliant grower w/ 5 patients. (i think it's 6 in flower, 6 in veg.) By using a plant count instead of a patient cap, they have also circumvented the affirmative defense although I personally doubt that would hold up in court.
Even if you struck it rich and wanted to open a free caregiving service, you'd find that there are literally less than 10 buildings in the entire city that are zoned for growing and not property of Anheuser Busch, New Belgium, or Odell. Good luck winning the bidding war with the big boys for a growing spot.


You wait....they have no idea how screwed up this is. Right now, there are many "Patients" that have themselves registered with multiple dispensaries as their caregiver. With the lag in paperwork, there is really no way to tell, either... With a 6 month+ backlog...these laws cannot be enforced..

I'm not following, Dave. Doesn't LEO just basically do what LEO wants and it's up to you and your lawyer to save your ass?
I'm not following, Dave. Doesn't LEO just basically do what LEO wants and it's up to you and your lawyer to save your ass?

We all know they do...I was simply pointing out that, even some of the Walmart dispensaries could find themselves in a sticky situation.

Example...I have my caregiver listed as dispensary A, since I don't have my red card, just got the receipt for my money today, I just go to dispensary B and to get their member pricing, I sign caregivership over to them...what the hell, there is no number on my paperwork...then I go to dispensaries CDE...

In the meantime, these dispensaries, are counting my paperwork as part of their "permitted" grow...in reality only one can...which one has the right to it?? How does LEO enforce it?