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Colorado Growers Thread

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Pagan Extremist
To my knowledge, no-one has been inspected or otherwise scrutinized simply for getting a red card, and I know a felon with a card... You pay the doctor mostly... plus a 15$ state filing fee...


Active member
To my knowledge, no-one has been inspected or otherwise scrutinized simply for getting a red card, and I know a felon with a card... You pay the doctor mostly... plus a 15$ state filing fee...

It's a pay to play game, & that's OK by me for people who have greater ambition than to just grow their own.

I don't, at least not at that level. If I found a way to invest in a legal cannabis operation, that'd be different. Not likely.

The beautiful thing about personal growing under A64 is that it's not a trick bag or one of those "tell me you love me and then you can fuck me" deals.

The rules are easy & straightforward, the primary one being never sell. Just grow it, smoke it, share it, give it away if you want. The 1 oz on street possession limit doesn't bother me- I have no reason to drag around that much let alone more than that, and there is no at home possession limit. Might get weird if a person moved, I guess, & had a lot more than an oz to take with 'em.

For our purposes, plant limitations are a non-issue, TBH. We're gardeners in the first place & I worked with technology my whole life, so obtaining a more than adequate supply has been a matter of just doing it. Heat has been the biggest issue. Growing fems or clones, we could overlap cycles & readily harvest 5-6 lbs per year from our quota. That's nearly an ounce apiece or more, every week. Dunno about the rest of you, but if I smoked half an ounce a week, myself, I'd be baked crispy all the time, playing catch up from taking pot naps half the day. An ounce a week would put me in a vegetative state. If I wanted to push it for some reason, we could harvest a lot more from a legal plant count. Witness Gettogro.

For us, and for a lot of others, I figure, staying CO legal isn't hard at all. Yeh, I pay for my pot- just in sweat, equipment, electricity & supplies. I'm grateful to my fellow Coloradans for allowing me that. I don't want the bother of keeping moms, so I grow from seed, plan on making my own soon to avoid that expense as well.

The only thing that worries me is rippers, so I'm very cautious about who sees my grow, about odor & light control as well. I pretend it's illegal just to stay safe.

2 Legal Co

Active member
I've had thoughts about the 'moving' part. I move twice a year, so it's been on my mind. And of course I 'move' right after harvest, so I'm somewhat over the 1oz mark. lol

Guess I'll just have to insist that it's part of my 'whole' goods.


Hello gents, looking to move to your beautiful state this spring!

Kinda sucks that I won't be able to work in the legal canmanus industry for awhile. Caught a felony for growing a few years back.

Legal bud and some of the best skiing in the country... Can't wait


Pagan Extremist
[the state] will be enforcing rules that state applicants "must be age twenty-one or older; may not have any controlled substance felony convictions or any other felony convictions that have not been fully discharged for five years prior to applying; may not have any delinquent governmental or child support debt; and must be a Colorado resident at the time of application."

Key employees, who make operational or management decisions that directly impact the business, such as master growers, undergo a full background check and provide two years of tax information. Their application fee is $300 (annual renewal, $200). Support employees, such as budtenders, do not need to provide tax records but also undergo a background check. That application fee: $150 (annual renewal, $75).

Sorry to burst the bubble bro... I am also disqualified... However, now I work for myself, and I pay myself to scratch my own nuts.... under the table of course.



[the state] will be enforcing rules that state applicants "must be age twenty-one or older; may not have any controlled substance felony convictions or any other felony convictions that have not been fully discharged for five years prior to applying; may not have any delinquent governmental or child support debt; and must be a Colorado resident at the time of application."

Key employees, who make operational or management decisions that directly impact the business, such as master growers, undergo a full background check and provide two years of tax information. Their application fee is $300 (annual renewal, $200). Support employees, such as budtenders, do not need to provide tax records but also undergo a background check. That application fee: $150 (annual renewal, $75).

Sorry to burst the bubble bro... I am also disqualified... However, now I work for myself, and I pay myself to scratch my own nuts.... under the table of course.


bubble intact sir!

I meant just on the side. I have a successful career so no worries there. Just gotta find a job out there that won't background check lol. that shouldn't be too hard!

I am looking at the denver area, any of you guys out that way. How is it, seems pretty awsome.


yea its tough to want to work in the "industry" when you can put in ten hours worth of work for yourself and make the same amount.

Most places cant keep a trim crew since they won't pay them more then $12 an hr and got robbed left and right

Denver is an interesting town, weather sucks but the people are awesome. ;)


Active member
300 days of sunshine, constitutional right to grow, and for quality of life in an urban setting, Denver's pretty high up on the list. If you ski, look west of Wadsworth Blvd. No sense in driving across town before you head into the hills.


i was joking about the weather, down in the city its awesome except those six weeks of winter come February.

A lot of people around here don't have the hustle that I'm used to back east, it took me a few years to calm down, there's an odd mix of people in the city thats all.


Active member
i was joking about the weather, down in the city its awesome except those six weeks of winter come February.

A lot of people around here don't have the hustle that I'm used to back east, it took me a few years to calm down, there's an odd mix of people in the city thats all.

Got it, thought maybe you missed PNW or were even more prone to sunburn than me.

NYC transplant, when I moved here I talked so fast, had to repeat almost everything a second time very slowly to be understood.


Pagan Extremist
I like the weather.... ask me again in 15 minutes. lol

weather seems entirely dependent on solar radiation... 60 degree and overcast feels rather cold... 60 degree and sunny... feels like africa LOL


Yea I am a new yorker so that's going to be strange. Politeness always throws me off when I am out in the midwest... it feels like people are fucking with me haha

Any of you guys rock a green house?
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