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Colorado Growers Thread

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Active member
While I don't know what's going on, I have a sneaky suspicion that the Fed will let the laws stand, but treat the boarders of the states much the same as the boarder of Mexico!

A second green rush is on for "Safe" land to grow,... but where to distribute?.... We all know that the Feds point of view is that "Nothing has changed" So while they may let it happen within state lines. I doubt they will be letting any cross that line!

Totally agree, it's on like donkey kong!!!

Light up every light ya got:)


Space Case

Well-known member
You guys are a little too paranoid and delusional....they put a splinter into the system by including the "everyone can grow 6 plants" in the amendment. Drinking alcohol or smoking tobacco is not a constitutional amendment in Colorado, but smoking pot now is, for every citizen! Its your fucking right to do so and grow 6! This will lead to such an unravelling and decentralization of the system, why do you think all the dispensaries are trying to consolidate, because they know they really won't be able to compete. 6 plants per person leaves us to the open farmers market model. And now to grow more than 6 plants, all you need is a signed sublet contract, instead of all this doctor/medical paperwork. So if you grow for your buddy, he can sublet a 4x4 space from you that just so happens to have a tray and a light over it for him to put is 6 plants, and there are no limits or controls in place to do so. I can get 3800 per P for my herb in Cali, and they have a booming population, more people coming to Colorado therefore can't hurt the market in the long run...

I posted this on another forum regarding 64:

Obviously full legalization is the ultimate goal, but there is no way that will fly overnight. The point is to keep abusing the regulations they keep putting up, and showing that they fail, until finally we shed some light that this plant doesn't want to be regulated. It should be traded, bought, and sold like other benign plant matter like tea, coffee, or various spices. But we are certainly a LOOOONG way from that. We are still trying to reverse the policies put in place by Anslinger, we have a long way to go, sadly. But baby steps, baby steps.

The fact is that its still federally illegal everywhere, still illegal for recreation in 48 other states, and extremely illegal still on the east coast, where prices are still high. The smugglers are still making tons of cash as we speak. How long do you think it will seriously take places like Illinois, New York, Florida, Texas, Mississippi, Alabama to open up legal pot shops??? You got plenty of time. So as long as all this bullshit exists, you'll still have a job. Shit, like H&L said, go back to Texas or the east coast. That’s where your skills are needed the most. Its hypocritical to say you prefer prohibition when you are an immigrant to a med state. Why are you in a med state? Obviously you must have been seeking some kind of legal protection, right?

Most of you guys hollering about feds busting everyone and new rules that they will come knock down your door have never even really been through a bust themselves. Personally speaking, I've had my doors kicked, thrown on the ground, zip ties on my hands, a paramilitary guy's boot on my head, and an assault rifle pointed at my back, while my dogs got kicked around and house got rummaged through, ripping through and destroying tons of things. Anything that reduces or alleviates that, I'm for. It’s a step in the right direction, although just a step.

Now I'm one of the first people that’s all for tearing down the pillars of our so-called "free market capitalism", I've been against the government and the banks since I was old enough to talk and my parents taught me about the bullshit of the world. But this has become the modern American way. Of course things will be exploited, so long as they are exploitable. This is America after all. Same goes for energy, oil, cars, insurance, the food supply, healthcare, firearms, shit even the basic building block of life, water, is being bought, leased, licensed, taxed, exploited, and sold back to you at 19,000 times more. Its a trillion dollar scam. Uncle Sam and Wall Street want a piece of your soul. So do you buy into it or do you look for loopholes? Or do you just go off-grid and say fuck everyone? I think our mission in the 21st century is to begin the unraveling of these devious pillars of our society, the banking cartels, the military industrial complex, privatized prisons, etc. And attempting to regulate and control a plant, which may very well fail, may be a catalyst for a greater unraveling. Especially because cannabis is such a sacred and dear plant to humans. I think we have instincts to grow it.

They haven't been able to control it when it was illegal, admittedly busting less than 10% of the supply. How are they going to bust everyone when they are going to be devoting fewer resources towards it? And more importantly, when things like Prop 215 or Amendment 20 pass and people begin acting on it, it really does begin to shift the social norms, which is as important as changing the laws. The more people accept it and see it as normal, get away from the reefer madness mentality, the more progressive change can occur, and this begins a domino effect.

So yes, profiteers will be attracted to it, big business is already here. Most dispensaries in Colorado are beginning to consolidate, mergers and acquisitions left and right. You can see ads in the paper where dispensaries have 3, 4, 5, or even up to 8 locations across the state. However, anyone whose been in the game long enough in Colorado will tell you that most of it is crap, and it creates a gap in the market for top quality that once again has been and will continue to be filled. Yes, I do believe that in order to survive most will have to either carve niche markets for themselves, or go bigger, while still maintaining quality. I think there will always be a connoisseur market, even if things dip down and get crazy for a while…the cream always rises to the top….

And I think anyone who does care for this plant and doesn't want to see it whored out and feels that connection will continue to do the right thing, I just think that what the right thing is will change and evolve…. We had to take her under ground to the basements for many years to protect her, and this plant co-evolved with humans during this time period. So it will be hard to absorb the new paradigm, but lets try to keep positive and hope the best for the future. It’s that pessimistic and conservative attitude from growers that allows these laws to be written so badly. If growers would just try to embrace change, the laws would reflect that. But if the underground producers only hiss and backlash and contribute nothing positive, how can there be any positive change? Of course the douche bags are going to write the laws, and do so to benefit them, because who else is going to step up to the plate?



You guys are a little too paranoid and delusional....they put a splinter into the system by including the "everyone can grow 6 plants" in the amendment. Drinking alcohol or smoking tobacco is not a constitutional amendment in Colorado, but smoking pot now is, for every citizen! Its your fucking right to do so and grow 6! This will lead to such an unravelling and decentralization of the system, why do you think all the dispensaries are trying to consolidate, because they know they really won't be able to compete. 6 plants per person leaves us to the open farmers market model. And now to grow more than 6 plants, all you need is a signed sublet contract, instead of all this doctor/medical paperwork. So if you grow for your buddy, he can sublet a 4x4 space from you that just so happens to have a tray and a light over it for him to put is 6 plants, and there are no limits or controls in place to do so. I can get 3800 per P for my herb in Cali, and they have a booming population, more people coming to Colorado therefore can't hurt the market in the long run...

I posted this on another forum regarding 64:

Exactly thank you and damn 3800 must be LA! Just like in Cali people will realize its easier to go buy than to grow, sure there will be an influx of new growers but the majority will also be gone as quickly as they start up. It takes time & dedication to grow some really good cannabis. I'm always disappointed with buds I get from a dispensary even if its top shelf. I just got SFV OG buds from Pinkhouse the same one that won the cannabis cup, its good but not nearly as good as my homegrown Tahoe OG and I know SFV can be just as good as Tahoe.


High country cat herder
1284 ruined the cannabis scene here,...

64 throws 1284 to the curb! :tiphat:

IMHO there is FINALLY a way for the small growers of superb quality herb to get it to the consumers legally!!!!!!! :D


Now just the waiting game for everything to come to full legality,.... Has Hickenlooper signed off?

What's the Feds "Official" statement on the way they plan on treating the 2 states that have overturned prohibition?

My lights remain OFF for the moment,.... tho I've got some lettuce, tomato, and bean seeds that are begging for a 15 gallon smart pot right now!!!!!!:plant grow:

Space Case

Well-known member
1284 ruined the cannabis scene here,...

64 throws 1284 to the curb! :tiphat:

IMHO there is FINALLY a way for the small growers of superb quality herb to get it to the consumers legally!!!!!!! :D


Now just the waiting game for everything to come to full legality,.... Has Hickenlooper signed off?

What's the Feds "Official" statement on the way they plan on treating the 2 states that have overturned prohibition?

My lights remain OFF for the moment,.... tho I've got some lettuce, tomato, and bean seeds that are begging for a 15 gallon smart pot right now!!!!!!:plant grow:

1284 did fuck everything up. It was cool for a minute when you could "vend". I lost a big grow partially due to 1284 and the fear it spread. I know a few guys here feel my pain. And now with 64, it seems like it was all for nothing. Back to square one. Fuck em, go big and go alone.
FYI members of congress just sent this letter to the Department of Justice & DEA

recent guest

Hello friends

Just adding my name to the list as our ranks swell. Congratulations everyone. This is a massive step forward in the development of American freedom. I am very interested in the effect this will have on the relationship between state and federal governments. Has anyone heard any word from the DEA or DOJ? Please inform!
Hello friends

Just adding my name to the list as our ranks swell. Congratulations everyone. This is a massive step forward in the development of American freedom. I am very interested in the effect this will have on the relationship between state and federal governments. Has anyone heard any word from the DEA or DOJ? Please inform!

No response has even made public yet if there's been one. I'll post in this thread as soon as I hear anything.

recent guest

FYI: Game wardens are federal agents and have jurisdiction to make drug related arrests. This is pertinent to anyone looking to grow outdoors in a place where hunting might be going on. Not that we'd have to be running guerrilla grows at this stage of the game though.

I worry most about growing on private land and somehow having it create a legal issue that results in the land being confiscated. I dont think this is much of a concern if the grow operation in question is limited to the six plants allowed, or to a reasonably scaled grow, but it is a lot to risk.

Does anyone know what types of federal agents a small scale grower might reasonably run into or why one might have to interact with such pricks?
FYI: Game wardens are federal agents and have jurisdiction to make drug related arrests. This is pertinent to anyone looking to grow outdoors in a place where hunting might be going on. Not that we'd have to be running guerrilla grows at this stage of the game though.

I worry most about growing on private land and somehow having it create a legal issue that results in the land being confiscated. I dont think this is much of a concern if the grow operation in question is limited to the six plants allowed, or to a reasonably scaled grow, but it is a lot to risk.

Does anyone know what types of federal agents a small scale grower might reasonably run into or why one might have to interact with such pricks?

6 for me, 6 for my wife, a raised bed apiece and a greenhouse on private land doesn't sound like a bad way to spend a little time.


One day you will have to answer to the children of
Does anyone know what types of federal agents a small scale grower might reasonably run into or why one might have to interact with such pricks?


Unless you're doing something you shouldn't (growing 100+ OD, mailing using USPS, growing on federal land, trading weed for blow, running guns, ect...)


One day you will have to answer to the children of
You mean the extra pages that aren't. Never figured that one out myself, either. Happens on a few threads.
You mean the extra pages that aren't. Never figured that one out myself, either. Happens on a few threads.

Yah - blank pages seem to appear when threads get big enough.

Amendment 64 updates:
1. Alamosa DA will drop all possession charges up to 1 oz on a case-to-case basis

2. Gov. Hickenlooper is reportedly 'still not happy' about the vote but is 'committed to implement the will of the voters'

3. At the same time, Hickenlooper cautions that unless a bill in Congress exempts states from federal drug law if voters legalize (currently introduced to congress), the business side of legalization will 'likely' be targeted by Feds far more heavily than MMJ was. I presume we can read between the lines here. Write your congress-people!
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