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Colorado Edibles


Active member
I'll tell you why it makes you poo, gives you bubblegut, etc.....

Actually, I'd attribute the digestive issues to the ingredients besides cannabis, excepting the really leafy-stemmy tasting stuff that's mostly vegetative material.

Eating edibles made with quality green-butter, oil, hash or other extractions won't give you stomach issues, unless you're ingesting a LOT of oils.

Yes, eating a lot of raw cannabis can cause you issues.... dried and ground, it doesn't pose as much of a problem and can be used as is in many recipes. I make my canna-caps using ground up cannabis that is left over from the extraction process. It makes a wonderful filler without resorting to corn starch or other powders my body doesn't like. :D

Eat Responsibly. :D

Stay Safe! :tree:


Why the hospital? The symptoms of overdose are not that distressing in my experience. Sure the patient will blackout and be difficult if not impossible to wake up, but to think that should result in multiple other drugs being given intravenously to a person is just beyond bizarre. :tiphat:

the symptoms to an experienced MJ user & a "beginner" are TOTALLY different. Everyone that has gone to hospital for our edibles compare it to a acid/mushroom trip that is overwhelming....you can not go to sleep on our edibles if youve had to many.....ive been there, and it is very hard to go to sleep. your mind is going a million miles per hour.


Active member
Worst experience ive ever had on ANY drug was 2 freaking pot cookies...Got stuck at the beach in full clothes during august in florida. Too messed up to drive home, all i could do is lay there in the sand trying not to throw up, sweating my ass off. It was over 2 hours before i got up enough courage to drive home.

My wife makes perfect ones now with infused veg oil. Still a bit strong at times but nothing like those 2 cookies...jesus


for me, problem is tolerance. it seems as though most edibles are made for occasional users.

if using bud, ingesting the vegetable matter isn't a problem for me.

Edibles, while a 'fun' way to ingest cannabis... are so unmeasurable. caps would be ideal for folks really using for pain, etc. then, we could gradually adjust as needed. It's so much guessing dealing with commercial edibles. I would like to hear more from long term, heavy pain reliever users. how do you really do it? making caps is such a pain in the ass. I don't want to have to eat 2 or 5 brownies a day, depending on the batch of brownies...

but yea, beginner edibles mistakes are big. it takes quite awhile for that shit to wear off when you aren't eating daily!