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Coco+perlite+chemical nutrients=microorganisms?


how do gardeners evaluate the effectiveness of adding micro-organisms?

is 1/2 tsp enough? weekly? even w/ media drenching?

how much is too much?

all that add microbes have micro-scopes as well, right? to check for microbial life...

same as getting ph meter, ec meter, etc... if adding microbes as 1 of main influence, maybe get loupe/microscope 1st... & be able to identify microbes... to can keep count on whos eating whom:D...

please provide degrees of effectiveness... & exactly how effectiveness is measured...

if feed 1 tablespoon of flora nova bloom, per gallon, will get relatively hot solution (depending on growth), that may/may not 'burn' leaf tips... insuring plant received nutes..

how does gardner measure if microbes are actually giving plant something 'beneficial'?

& not just eating well in media, by eating media, eating each other & molasses (sugar) that is fed?

btw, there are many, many different types of micro-organisms... including worms (tiny), slugs (tiny), nematodes, amoebas, etc... which need to be @ which #'s in media to work?

if dont know these variables, puttin microbes in media/solution only seems hope they benefit plant, w/ no way to verify... maybe entirely incorrect though:chin:...

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Active member
I have a problem with statements like this... organic is the best? At what? What can organic do that "chem" cant? The plants are using the same elements to grow, just provided in slightly different ways.

What I did like about "quasi-organic" nutrients (PBP, GH FloraNova, Metanaturals) its a bit harder to burn plants with them. Not saying organics are burn proof, just there's more safety margin with them.

I've gone through my phase of buying every nutrient under the sun, and I do admit, there is something about those organic tea's or so called "enhancers" using fermented seaweed and other odd things.
like liquid karma or GH's Floralicious. when used with a chemical feeding schedule these "adjuncts" do make a difference.


Active member
What I did like about "quasi-organic" nutrients (PBP, GH FloraNova, Metanaturals) its a bit harder to burn plants with them. Not saying organics are burn proof, just there's more safety margin with them.

I've gone through my phase of buying every nutrient under the sun, and I do admit, there is something about those organic tea's or so called "enhancers" using fermented seaweed and other odd things.
like liquid karma or GH's Floralicious. when used with a chemical feeding schedule these "adjuncts" do make a difference.

I've talked with several very experienced growers who say that exact same thing.


Active member
how do gardeners evaluate the effectiveness of adding micro-organisms?

how does gardner measure if microbes are actually giving plant something 'beneficial'?

if dont know these variables, puttin microbes in media/solution only seems hope they benefit plant, w/ no way to verify... maybe entirely incorrect though:chin:...


enjoy your garden!

Good question.

In theory, I or anybody should test the product to in fact prove efficacy. Doing side by side comparisons with clones..

However, I'm not one willing to use up my time or space for testing theories. I'm a bit more practical than that.

Looking at my notes in the past grows and past formulas. I know that I max out a little over 1GPW.

I at least keep detailed notes and _if_ I find microlife in fact beneficial in a grow, my numbers should show some kind of gain.


Active member
I've talked with several very experienced growers who say that exact same thing.

"Chem-ganic" Or so I call it.

The drawback is the expense.. And a shelf full of bottles.

But I dont mind.. Unless its a large scale grow, I'm speculating that large scale growers, keep it simple. (like rez) mainly because of cost and complexity.

Ugh.. I'm planning a 4KW grow later this year and I have to have enough of that stuff to dose 100+ gallons of water.. in a Drain to Waste method..


organics is healthier all around, from the factory (chemical waste pollution) that makes the chemicals that sell those to the hydro chemical company(more waste and pollution , and when you get them to youre house, youre run off, all goes to the water or pollutes the ground and effects your health


Active member
organics is healthier all around, from the factory (chemical waste pollution) that makes the chemicals that sell those to the hydro chemical company(more waste and pollution , and when you get them to youre house, youre run off, all goes to the water or pollutes the ground and effects your health

Kinda off topic dont you think?

I'm not convinced that organic methods are that much safer. Some organics are contaminated with heavy metals that use waste fish product. I do believe the EPA sets limits on what is allowable for heavy metals in organic ferts.

Some organic ferts use waste products and we all know that those wastes tend to concentrate the bad stuff.

Even I try to reduce-reuse-recycle when I can, I do pour used hydro solution onto other plants when I can. I am mainly concerned with performance.



The lure of the unknown ;) I never been to a hydro store, and yeah molasses serves more than a dish for micro organisms, thats why I use it for foliar feeding, but the whole point of this thread is IF it would give me any benefit to use it with watering, I'm no expert when it comes to microorganisms at all that's why I'm seeking more knowledge.

The stuff that I use to feed the plants are: Miracle gro, carob molasses, epsom salt, and superthrive, which contains vitamin B1.


Active member
So hisser I'm just curious... do you have any intention to back up your statement with proof or are you just going to blow it off?


So hisser I'm just curious... do you have any intention to back up your statement with proof or are you just going to blow it off?

You're beginning to sound like a lawyer, and no I'm too high to give you any proof, just ask any medical patient why they prefer organically grown cannabis instead of chemically grown ones, they have their reasons and if they were kind enough to you they will give you piles of proofs. Good luck :violin:


Active member
The only reason I'm sounding like a lawyer to you is because I'm using logic.

Medical patients aren't the ones that made the statement that organic grown bud is healthier, at least not during this discussion.

If you're going to make a statement like that, be prepared to provide proof when you're called on it. If that's too much to ask, then maybe you shouldn't speak about it.


Active member
relaxxxxxxxxx organic vs chem is more personal preference than anything.

why do people consume organic foods over non-organic? maybe its healthier, maybe it just makes them feel better, maybe its taste/flavor, etc, the list goes on. Kind of a gray area if you ask me, nothing worth getting heated over.

id personally rather consume products that are completely natural, meaning not altered by man, processed, and come directly from the earth without alteration the way "god," "nature" intended. cannabis is no exception.

also, organically grown products are more eco-friendly and fall into the natural processes of bio-degradation faster/easier thereby eliminating waste and possible pollution (for the most part)

thats just me though :)
organic isnt cleaner thats already been shown by experienced growers, no reason to think salts in dirt that came from poop are easier to remove then refined salts from real minerals in say coco or rockwool, just isnt the case. and when u look at yeild ratios of chems vers poops you realize that poops probally pollute more in the long run, its kind of a religion for some people, but organics aint really any cleaner just dirtier to grow with.



I can say whatever I want, to my logic, choosing organically grown buds would be more perfect to me than choosing chemically grown ones, I don't have to back up my decision, it's a personal choice and view, you might think I'm a fanatic when it comes to organics but I myself is growing using chemical ferts, also why are you talking about what's better over and over again in a thread not related to this? if you're not comfortable with people's opinions just walk away.


Active member
I have no problem with people having opinions, but that is not what your post inferred. Your post made a definitive statement, and that is what I questioned.


How should I say my opinion? "OH ORGANICS IS *I THINK* THE BEST FOR ME!" ? in my mind its definitive, That's how I like it to be, I'm not wearing an organics tag on my shoulders and yelling this is the truth. Get over it.


Active member
Don't make claims about health effects unless you can back them up with fact. That is all I'm saying, and I'm well aware of your right to an opinion.