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Coco Hempy style.


Just curious if anyone has tried to incorporate smart pots into the hempy bucket setup? Are they even needed?

When using different size grow containers how do you judge how far up to put the drain hole?

Carl Carlson

When using different size grow containers how do you judge how far up to put the drain hole?

well one thing you can do is pour water into the container and see how much it holds at different heights, but this doesn't take into account the grow medium. For example, the two gallon buckets sold in the paint section at Lowes and HD in the US hold 1000 ml of liquid at 2 inches...

I can't quite wrap my head around how to use the water holding capacity of the medium to figure out how much water is held in the Hempy rez. though, but I think this is the correct concept to use...

Maybe someone else can connect the dots.


Active member
Just curious if anyone has tried to incorporate smart pots into the hempy bucket setup? Are they even needed?

When using different size grow containers how do you judge how far up to put the drain hole?

Yeah, i have tried smart pots, blumats. waters pikes. You name it the water just runs out. it also majes the coco like mush so the blumats just fall over.

What i hav been doing lately and it seems to work well with hempy's is each pot has an overflow container thats 12" in diameter and about 6" deep. it holds roughly about 3 liters. i fill the hempy bucket till i get a little run off then fill the overflow container. the water will seep in through the 1/4" hole as the plant uses up the water/nutrient solution. Whats nice is it can go about 2 days in between fill ups and since the plant takes what it needs i dont have to worry about not feeding enough.


Has any one vegged out in a 3 or 5 gallon Coco and then transplanted it into a 15 gallons soil and flower it out in the Soil for added taste etc?

This is my first coco grow, running Canna COCO all the way and it is rocking! I read many people opinions that Soil produces the best flavor etc. I have seen some of PigFarmers grows and thats what he does but with smaller smart pots. Thank you inadvace for any help provided.
Has any one vegged out in a 3 or 5 gallon Coco and then transplanted it into a 15 gallons soil and flower it out in the Soil for added taste etc?

This is my first coco grow, running Canna COCO all the way and it is rocking! I read many people opinions that Soil produces the best flavor etc. I have seen some of PigFarmers grows and thats what he does but with smaller smart pots. Thank you inadvace for any help provided.

My :2cents:,

I have not done what you are describing, but I have given it some thought and research. Everything I have looked at leads me to believe that if you are only transplanting for taste, then you should do it right and make yourself a good organic soil mix that feeds the plants all the way through flower. EWC's, seaweed, and guano are essential to the mix, along with dolomite and other goodies. Do the research and experiment with the organic mixes till you find the taste you are looking for. If you just dump her into a generic 'potting soil' then you're just defeating the purpose, there will be no appreciable increase in flavor but you put the plant through a transplant shock anyway...

Good luck and please let us know what you find!



Hempy Can you tell me if you add any garden lime into the coir and do you use tap water at ph7?

thanks in advance,

*edit first post ever!



New member
if people would READ, these threads would be a lot shorter and less cluttered with crap
if youre not using coco/perlite get out of this thread
if you cant use this simple method and want to modify and ask dumb questions make youre own thread
too many people wanting the answers now and too damn lazy to read around, all the answers you could ever need are in this forum, and if you READ enough you will know whats true and whats BS

from a beginner with a budget this is the hot setup, still some work involved but easier than soil less complicated than hydro
i will be tryin hempy's in the future with great success im sure

Hash Hound

New member
MG moisture control mix

MG moisture control mix

Used Miracle Grow with moisture control for my last hempys that worked great. It is made with coir. No problems at all.
This next grow using perlite/magik-moss mix with Osmocote+ ferts. They are growing like crazy. Anyone try coco using OC+?


I don't understand why if you use perlite you would feed once a week but with coco you feed every watering using this system? What makes it different besides the fact that it's coco?
The concept remains the same with the reservoir at the bottom..
Seems like they're both drain to waste and perlite doesn't really have any nutrient retaining properties.


I don't understand why if you use perlite you would feed once a week but with coco you feed every watering using this system? What makes it different besides the fact that it's coco?
The concept remains the same with the reservoir at the bottom..
Seems like they're both drain to waste and perlite doesn't really have any nutrient retaining properties.

Who lied to you and said you feed 1 per week in perlite? This is false. You feed EVERY TIME in EVERY medium



Completely fill the Hempy Bucket with plain water, every two days.

Use water that has been open overnight to allow the chlorine to escape, unless you can afford to buy filtered or distilled water.. Do not adjust the plain water for ph.

Put 2gls of water in a 2.5gl bucket, and let stand overnight. Add the nutrient solution to this water bucket and then adjust the ph to 6.0 For best results use an accurate ph meter and follow the nutes mfg reccomended amounts very carefully. Use precise measuring devices to make your nute solution.

Fill the Hempy Bucket with 2 gls of nutes you mixed, once a week, unless the plant shows sign of needing more.




You're link didn't work but doesn't matter, go find DalaiHempy's lposts (I think that's his name here). There might be somebody who goes by what you posted but it's not necessary correct for everyone. I know I can get away with feeding about almost once a week but depends on the plant's stage. Veg - usually once a week, flower - several times a week. Occasionally I do plain water - maybe once a month but it's not really necessary. More for my own peace of mind I guess...


... I'll be feeding every watering anyway.

That's your best bet.

Hempy buckets are all about getting to know your plants, feeding them when they need it. It's such an easy way to grow, with very little if any problems. Some have modified the buckets to suit their needs (like myself), but it's still basically a hempy bucket.


New member
Hi guys
First post I'm about to start a coco hemp bucket grow and before I go to the hydro store and buy my nutrients I just wanted to check are you guys using coco specific nutrients or standard hydro


Hi guys
First post I'm about to start a coco hemp bucket grow and before I go to the hydro store and buy my nutrients I just wanted to check are you guys using coco specific nutrients or standard hydro

I am using Canna Coco with the Canna Coco nutes. I think that this is an ideal set up for someone new to the Coco scene IMO. Just follow the directions from Canna and easy as Pie. Good luck!


Im a recent hempy coco convert, Im currently on my second grow. I used the lucas formula on the first grow and noticed approx 20% improvement in yield. The present grow I went back to phostrogen (something Ive been using for years) and although Im only on week 5 Im noticing an improvement, buds seem more solid. I feed phostrogen daily at 3 grams per gallon. Phostrogen costs about £5-£6 1500 gram. Im suprised no one else uses it.


Im a recent hempy coco convert, Im currently on my second grow. I used the lucas formula on the first grow and noticed approx 20% improvement in yield. The present grow I went back to phostrogen (something Ive been using for years) and although Im only on week 5 Im noticing an improvement, buds seem more solid. I feed phostrogen daily at 3 grams per gallon. Phostrogen costs about £5-£6 1500 gram. Im suprised no one else uses it.

Bit late in asking, are you using all purpose phostrogen and for the whole grow?

I am thinking of using chempak 2 and 4 for my next grow, always open though to any cheap way to grow.....

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