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Coco Hempy style.



hi all heres an up date think these are around 2 weeks now the thing i like about useing coco peat like this is its less effert and by just adding something other than coco peat in the rez to allow the coco to drain into the rez it works so much better now yes coco peat holds a lot of water or nutrient rich water but it also holds lots of air and in short it is for me being the medium of choice.

I dont claim to be an expert on the topic far from it infact but from all i have read so far on coco it basicly acts a lot like soil yet unlike soil works and works very well in hydro the only thing it realy needs to have done before its used is for it to be well flushed with tap water only to remove any salt.

Coco wicks in short draws moisture up if its allowed to sit in water so by simply just placeing some other medium in the rez and in all honesty i think coco chips will work and plan on useing it next you can use more coco peat and still have an enternal rez but in all honesty the proof is in the plants that are growing in it if there happy then you must be doing it right.

Group shot first there all MangoHaze but 1 wich is a line i call hype (Mauie 75% Thia 25%)


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1st... :respect: to member Dalaihempy for sharing method. no attempt to hijack thread... just sharing...

yes, coco holds lots of water...

read post 13


for an alternative to 75+% coco...

to make it very simple, mix @ 50%/50% coco/perlite (chunky, but any grade will do). or coco & hydroton/pumice/marble chips/orchid bark (large)/lava rock... ........

hope this helps. enjoy your garden!

Thank you *mistress* for taking time to respond.

In a nutshell, I do think my trouble stems from not watering properly, too much. I don't want to ammend the coco for disposal reasons and just personal preference.

I'm learning that I need to be very careful not to overwater the plants until the root system is developed. That is as easy to master as is learning to clone LOL.


Thank you *mistress* for taking time to respond.

In a nutshell, I do think my trouble stems from not watering properly, too much. I don't want to ammend the coco for disposal reasons and just personal preference.

I'm learning that I need to be very careful not to overwater the plants until the root system is developed. That is as easy to master as is learning to clone LOL.

this cheapo, simple device can be very effective @ determining when to water...

soil moisture meter... applicable in coco...

~1-10 coins... depending on quality. cheapos work well. available everywhere...

measures from dry to moist to wet... should be relatively easy to insert into media & find moisture level... prongs are usually 12" long, so should be able to get good depth measurement - especially @ root ball depth - even in a 5 gal bucket...

maintaining a moist:yes: root environment seems advantageous, as opposed to :no: dry or wet...;)

hope this helps.


Enjoying the ride
ICMag Donor
thanks for the info, Dalaihempy and others, you got me trying out a few coco hempys.


New member
I'd like to try this. My buckets are ready. But what about the issue of "drain to waste" that most say is requiered using coco, so the excess ferts and salts get flushed out each watering. With the resevoir, it will all end up being used up by the roots. Any thoughts?
I'd like to try this. My buckets are ready. But what about the issue of "drain to waste" that most say is requiered using coco, so the excess ferts and salts get flushed out each watering. With the resevoir, it will all end up being used up by the roots. Any thoughts?

Good question. I'd also like to find out how much run-off your going for Hempy, if any at all.

this cheapo, simple device can be very effective @ determining when to water...

soil moisture meter... applicable in coco...

~1-10 coins... depending on quality. cheapos work well. available everywhere...

measures from dry to moist to wet... should be relatively easy to insert into media & find moisture level... prongs are usually 12" long, so should be able to get good depth measurement - especially @ root ball depth - even in a 5 gal bucket...

maintaining a moist:yes: root environment seems advantageous, as opposed to :no: dry or wet...;)

hope this helps. enjoy your garden!

Thanks again *mistress*,

Yeah, I have one of those meters from my soil days. I prefer to go by weight these days.

I enjoy your posts. Cheers.


New member
We'll I won't worry too much about run-off then. Just add till I see some water come out of the hole. I suppose the plants will tell me if they don't like it.


hi all i will update in the next few days will take pics show you how there doing.

Happy new years.

Graham Purwatt

thanks for the how to hempy.i'm at day 25 of flower and everything i put in coco is exploding well beyond anything i've ever got from just perlite.the perlite filled res is working great.these are by far the healthiest in the coco coir.thank you sir for sharing your exp


New member
Big fan of the hempy bucket, haven't had many opportunities to use them so I have a few questions...

the inert medium in the bottom of the bucket acts as a reservoir so the roots can suck up all the nutrients?

should i put rocks over the rez hole in the side so the coco can't fall out?

and if there is a reservoir in the bottom would a drip system be defeated?

also whats your idea of the nutrient levels that should be ran?


Hempy Buckets looks nice and simple.

Beautiful Mangos Hempy! Clean setup too... thanks for sharing.



hi all took a few pics not the best but ha they will do there just starting to sex and so far lots of males wich im happy about looks like 4 nice mh f2s fems and 1 female hype (mauie/thia) added 2 more and got 2 hype males and the mh will grow huge im pleased mite throw more hype in.

Hype first


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