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Coco Cola's...hopefully


Hello my fellow ic mag members, I am starting a new thread for my new garden. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated as this is my first grow.

I started out building about six months ago.....

in my disgusting attic.

Now I finally have it about half setup

I have one 4x4 table with 2 400's

A 4x4 veg area

a little cloning spot

I am still in the process of setting up another 4x4
and adding 3 more 400 watter's

I also plan on adding 2 2x3 with 2 more 400's

why so many 400's well they were FREE and you can't beat that when your'e on a tight budget, they also help because I have no vertical space,
I little crawl the fuck around up there....it's a funny sight to see:)

I got a ten pack of nirvana's misty and wound up with 2 females that I'm hoping to find a keeper out of I have clones from both on the table and I'm flowering both of the original females right now

the one the left hardly stretches at all. one the right stretches alot. Flower's are forming quicker on the more indica pheno. But I guess it all really comes down to the smoke report.

I'm using the GH cocotek bricks, floranova grow and bloom, floralicious, and hygrozyme. I'm also experimenting with the bushmaster on a couple of the plants.

I can't gaurentee a good show with the fact that I'm a total beginner
But hopefully we can pull this off as a team. :woohoo:


Beautiful trees man...Very cool setup..Wish you all the best and some beautiful Colas..You did a very nice job..By the way cool avatar..RoadHouse is a good movie..



Beautiful... I have grow room envy. Very nice start for a "beginner".

You should start a thread in the Diary section my man, and keep it updated...


Lotus- Thanks man....Swayze saving the world one day at a time is priceless

Stretch- Thanks and Big thank you for helping me out last trip to the infirmary and saving me from the BORAX :)

I guess this thread is in the wrong spot can the mods move it for me?


looking good... I use my attic for ventilation but thats about it...I want a nice base ment some day...with a setup like yours...immagine what a basement with a 30a 240v setup could do!!! ;) peace stay safe!
hey dalton looking good and the best of luck. One thing is when starting out in the beer cups i would use non-transparent cups as roots are light sensitive.


Voluptuous Trichomes
The setup is clean...good job...seems you did your research as opposed to precarious "on the job training". Great setup, medium (love the coco :yes:), and nute regimen....nice....

Good luck with your grow :wave:


Howdie yall,

Jessee, god I would have loved to of setup in the basement. I was almost passing out from the heat building this summer:) The attic is a bitch but if theres a will theres a way.

Stretch- I couldn't resist I was laughing hysterically reading that boron thread yesterday. In all seriousness I don't think he is a day over 15 years old, reminds of the kinda kid with a beautiful girlfriend who just happens to live in some far off land so no one can actually see her. I will give him this he has good intentions and lots of dedication.

powdergreen- why I did not know that.. good to know I will switch it up on the next batch :) thanks man

VT- good to see u pop in and I'm glad to see your back up and running. I will admit to some minor lurking on your threads. Best of luck as well and yes for anyone who doesn't know coco is awesome to grow in.

Insomniac- Thanks man I was gonna tell you to get some sleep but that would be just a little bit too f@#*ing corny.

So some questions, The trees seem to be dropping alot of leaves. I know some is normal but this seems excessive. I transferred them to those 5 gallon dishpans about 2 weeks ago when I started to flower them and the roots don't seem to be spreading out. They also have been under attack from fungus gnats for the past 3 weeks, I just recently got it under control with a no pest strip. They just kept making a come back when I was only using the mosquito dunks. So I don't know what the cause is.

As for the bushmaster 2 ml/gallon w/ floralicious @ 5ml/gallon for 3 days threw some wicked claws on the tree to right in pic. I think you just have to open the bottle near the plants and the vapor's would work :) It did stop the stretch but the increased bud production is yet to be seen.

Also with the trees the sides facing away from the light are lagging in bud production, would rotating every day help?



Voluptuous Trichomes


I grow with a vert hang barebulb, and rotate my plants...not daily cause I get lazy lol...but frequently...I also prune for canopy penetration and fewer budsites....



End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
i must admit for attic your down with it hope it dosent snow where your at :)

Also with the trees the sides facing away from the light are lagging in bud production, would rotating every day help?

honestly wouldnt hurt but you could place supliment lighting for the sides weather it be fluros or cfls [compact fluros} any of them with proper color spectrum would help also.


Thanks guys I'm gonna be spinning until I can get so more light in there. Any thoughts on the roots. Is it possible I waited too long to transplant. Oh and yeah it snows here ocasionally major. I usually keep the room temps @68 degrees and the roof has multiple layers from being redone over and over w/o pulling the old layers, So hopefully Ice won't be a problem. Now I'm nervous....damn


Active member
Get the Bayer Mosquito Preventor stuff. It's like the dunks, but it's granulated and it works a lot better. You just sprinkle on top of your soil before you water and the fungus gnats should be reduced to almost nothing within a week or two.

If you transplanted at flower they should be good. They look like they could use bigger containers still though for the size of those trunks.

Nice room for your first time BTW!

I grow trees with vertical bulbs and I don't rotate them. Yes the buds that are on the backside are smaller, but they're still nice. I've found it's too much work for me to have to rotate them as much as would be necessary for it to make a significant difference. So I just let the side facing the light get bigger. It seems to make up for the backside.
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Damn it!! I just lost a pretty descent sized post and I'm too pissed to re-type it all so Happy holidays.....yada yada yada. Having some problems...yada yada yada.
Heres some pics

Day 31

Day 27


Voluptuous Trichomes
I add Liquid Karma and sometimes mix in veg nutes with bloom nutes....
I mostly pump em heavy with N the first few weeks....especially during stretch...Liquid Karma is a must in bloom for me...
I like to keep em green down to the last week or so....

Very nice update....yep...you got some coco colas goin' on.....nice work brotha



great work Dalton,

your trees are yellowing up at the bottom because the 400 watt lamps are not strong enough to reach down there and keep them healthy. in the end you should still get some good buds down there., maybe take out some of the fan leaves to let the light reach the lower buds? or use string to pull the plants open a bit. it doesn't look like it's a nute problem as the top of the plants are looking good.

also it might be a good idea to give your pots a real good flush once, as salt build up can with time cause lock out, which will cause the plant to take it's energy where it can, i.e. from the older fan leaves.

as you are growing in coco, this is exactly the right place for your thread


Wassup Everybody

a propper update this time :)

Here's 20 girls ready for the new table that I can't afford right now.
Anyone care to donate a table :)
I think it's gonna be like another week until I can get my paws on one. So I think this crop is gonna get the bushmaster this time. Does anyone know if it's true that this stuff doesn't rinse out of the coco?

I cant' wait to have all of this automated 50 or so plants by hand once a day is a bitch. I'm using a little 2 gallon pump sprayer I found in the basement But it's still too much work.

I have been struggling with my nutes for the past 2 weeks. Not using coco nutes sucks. Maybe it would be easier if I had previous experience.
For the yellowing I tried half veg and half bloom for 4 days and no turn around. Then bloom with calmag for 4 days and still nothing. I tried upping to 1200 @.5 thinking maybe they were under fed and that didn't last long because they didn't seem to like it. Then I did one watering with no food and made the switch to PBpro bloom. Now I'm trying 15ml pbpro w/ 5 ml cal mag plus. Hopefully this will work out better.

The sativa pheno on the edges of the table are the ones Giving me trouble.
Maybe it just needs a different feed. Next time i'm just running one or the other. Probably the indica pheno. I have done all of this work to set up a prepetual garden as soon as possible and I don't even know If either of these plants are gonna be good. I found the strain guide recently and Misty didn't do so hot. I should have gotten the HGF version. I think I'm gonna get some Joey Weed crosses to phase in. Nl X C99 sounds awesome.

More pics Day 36

Fattening up

VT- Thanks man. Hopefully I get the whole feeding thing worked out soon :)

Fire on High- Thanks for popping in :)

Gaius- I think your'e right about the 400 watters. I just needed them cause I have no head room. I think I'll eventually throw some t5 floluros on the edges of the tables. They definately are lagging.

It makes sense though the bottom leaves are real weak the just fall off if I bumb into them and they start yellowing out then they go white. I gonna try flushing a couple of them and if that helps I'll do aLL of them.

I'm trying to keep my plant count down, but I want the yeild obviously. So I wanted to try small bushes But If this doesn't I'll go single cola.

Any good secrets for low density sogs everyone?


Voluptuous Trichomes
Yea I think coco specific nutrient would be easier to get started with this stuff the more I've thought about this. To start out with other nutes would require some experience with said nutes (IMO). I was pretty dialed in with the PBP Pro hydro line...and it took a lot of various combinations and tweeking for me....(more hassle)

Hey those buds look real good bro :yes:

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