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ICMag Donor
The Irony is we are all Cannabis users, and we know that Cannabis is good, but if you look at history, and how things are in the world, what we know is true, is not... And that is something we can all relate on.

Cannabis/hemp are good and positive alternatives for our future to be successful, but clearly during the 20th century it was completely relabeled and demonized for many reasons.

So if you don't want to believe in those government truths, remember that right now you are technically a conspiracy theorist because you believe in something the government does not believe in. And thats just with Cannabis.

Case Closed


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ICMag Donor


These guys are totally Conspiracy theorists


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that aint nothing but 10 cent lovin
The problem I see is that this weed issue is no conspiracy. America has woken up to the bullshit about Cannabis criminalization, polls suggest the public is in favor of legalization now. Sure the Nixon era folks wanted to beat down the Hippies and make them look like fools.

Sure Cannabis prohibition is stupid, wrong, ignorant, well yes, but some sort of hidden or obscured actions... hell No!

Plus that photo you posted looks to be photoshopped. Sorry, but using a photoshopped photo to prove a point that conspiracy theories really aren't whack is the wrong approach dude.

Weed was illegal because the Narcs hate Hippies. Or is that a secret only few know about?

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
I wouldn't say Alex Jones is a conspiracy theorist.
He's more of a paranoid, delusional ranting nutbag.


Active member
ICMag Donor
I wouldn't say Alex Jones is a conspiracy theorist.
He's more of a paranoid, delusional ranting nutbag.

are you one of those retards who doesn't even know WTC building 7 fell?

Because if you know that, wtf are you doing dismissing Alex Jones... a real patriot providing the truth.

I am assuming most of ya'll are mostly old timers.

I'm 24 and I want ot have kids, but this fucking world is fucked up on so many levels that its not fair for the kid. Maybe you don't care, but I fucking do, and dismissing people like me as Delusional ranting nutbags should be left to yourself since you don't want to see change.

How can you fucking say that with what is actually going on before our very eyes? Fuck this is going to be a lot harder than I thought.

America is turning into Nazi germany... DHS billions of bullets? 30k drones? NDAA? Monsanto Protection Act? Pull head out of ass and clean eyes please!

Vaccines are PROVEN by English, not even USA doctors, that they knew for 30 years vaccines were bullshit. look it up.


that aint nothing but 10 cent lovin
Dude, Im about 7 years older then you. I was in college when I saw the towers come down. Maybe I need to remind you young man... how painful 9/11 was. There are many of us who had our adult lives rocked by this event. It is painful to remember those events for me and many others. Some of us don't need to muddy that water any more. I myself have an open mind to what happened. I don't care, its over, it was a tragedy. The same way many many us of think the ensuing war in the Middle East was manufactured based on Lies. We KNow Man.

You're embarking on a long road, as the Dead say,

You who choose to lead must follow
But if you fall you fall alone,
If you should stand then whos to guide you?
If I knew the way I would take you home.

If you wanna deny vaccines go ahead. You might have to fucking jump through hoops at your kids school.. but no one will stop you. Go to a naturalpath doctor, and take no medicine but your own, no one else can tell you whats going to be your truth.

Also no one can tell you you are doing right. When you choose to leave the herd broJ, you best keep walking, not yelling back at the content herd.

"Can't you see your chains for the fleece in front of your face?"

Dude go listen to Pink Floyd's Animals ... thats your jam today

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
are you one of those retards who doesn't even know WTC building 7 fell?

Because if you know that, wtf are you doing dismissing Alex Jones... a real patriot providing the truth.

I am assuming most of ya'll are mostly old timers.

I'm 24 and I want ot have kids, but this fucking world is fucked up on so many levels that its not fair for the kid. Maybe you don't care, but I fucking do, and dismissing people like me as Delusional ranting nutbags should be left to yourself since you don't want to see change.

How can you fucking say that with what is actually going on before our very eyes? Fuck this is going to be a lot harder than I thought.

America is turning into Nazi germany... DHS billions of bullets? 30k drones? NDAA? Monsanto Protection Act? Pull head out of ass and clean eyes please!

Vaccines are PROVEN by English, not even USA doctors, that they knew for 30 years vaccines were bullshit. look it up.

Yeah, a real oldtimer, 32, ooooh my aching bones.
I didn't call you a ranting nutbag, I called Alex Jones one. You would be one of his followers. The word I would use to describe people such as yourself is misguided...and also based on your post, fucking rude.
Re vaccines, look it up where, some looney pro homeopathy, crystal healing and mungbeans website. No thanks. The latest anti vaccine lunacy is that vaccines make people gay...really.
So vaccines have been proven to be bullshit huh... funny how anywhere vaccines are introduced, deaths from whatever the particular vaccine is for, go down.


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ICMag Donor

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
lol where do you get your information from the TV?

this link brings you to an article

this link brings you to a paper the article is about

And haven't you heard about autism?

Its like 1 out of 150 kids now, when it used to be like 1out of ever 5000 kids, like a decade ago or so.


And lmfao vaccines are a huge eugenics project out of hand, they have mercury and other harmful things in them like animal dna. Get yo facts str8 foo.

Vaccines do not cause Autism. Wakefield has been throroughly debunked, and is no longer allowed to call himself Dr after being struck off. The whole autism scare was this prick TRYING TO PIMP HIS OWN SINGLE VACCINES as alternative to the triple jab MMR. He was never anti vax. His study has been ripped apart by other Scientists. Since Wakefields ridiculous douchebaggery, measles has been on the rise in the UK, because where we previously had almost complete protection, now we have a large proportion of the population not vaccinating. Vaccines do not contain mercury. Some contain a mercury derivative, used as a preservative.
Where do I get my information from, well on topics like this, I read peer reviewed studies in REPUTABLE scientific journals, as opposed to websites (Natural News is the biggest quack site there is) belonging to people who are trying to sell me a colloidal silver generator and "medicine" that is actually nothing but water.

The claim about autism, was never that all vaccines cause autism. It was a specific claim regarding the MMR jab.
Here is a link to the British Medical Journal, explaining how Andrew Wakefield was full of shit, and out for £££$$$£££.

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Active member
ICMag Donor
I run into this all too often what we are debating

To me vaccines are not necessary if we understand the human body and food.

But I thought this was about Co2 :)

This shit just makes enemies and gives headaches.

The truth is out there and will surface past our life times, regardless what it maybe, big pharma and their vaccines are not what they are meant to be.


Active member
This thread is garbage. Throw it out. If icmag wants to start a nutcase\conspiracy subforum that's fine. But this kind of thread ruins the quality of this forum overall. This has nothing to do with marijuana or cannabis culture at all. Mods please throw away these kinds of threads

Don't like?
Don't look!
Why would you presume to censor what others want to discuss? Pretty arrogant on your part.
And your statement that "this kind of thread ruins the quality of this forum overall" is absurd.
No one who doesn't want to has to read this thread.
It has no effect whatsoever on the quality of the forum.
It's still a great forum. You don't have to like all of it, and you are not compelled to read it.


Active member
I agree. This is a political, not a scientific, debate. Same goes for creationism/evolution and a half dozen other topics. Pretend science doesn't turn a TOS prohibited topic into something else. I come here to learn or have a laugh. I can find fringe ravings anywhere.

Again, don't like?
Don't look!
Why do you feel compelled to rain on someone else's parade?
Some people consider freedom of speech important.
Who made you censor?
Why are you even reading the thread if you don't like it?
If I'm not interested in a thread, I don't read it.
I don't jump in to complain about it.
Are you the thread police?


The Tri Guy
sheesh, my views
CO2 is a real threat.
Pink Floyd are great
Vaccinations are important
WTC made me 9 months salary in a week. I was working and got the news from our receptionist, straight onto the broker to short the Dow. Clearly a dodgey situation when a bunch of saudi's hijack planes, crash a couple into one tower, and knock stuff down they didn't touch. And that gets used as justification to invade somewhere else. But that's not what the thread is about. Even the misinformation and corruption involved there is completely unimportant when it comes to the topic of the future of the worlds ecosystem.
Think thats everything covered.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
So I am a conspiracy theorist? Please, open your mind to view other perspectives, I never claimed ultimate truth with my posting, I just found it interesting and I truly believe if we were to commit full time to resolving this issue, that a large portion of Global Warming will be debunked especially when revolving around the fact that Co2 is the doing the most damage.

I've done my research and starting this thread was once again, another perspective for others to enjoy. It may not be the key to the puzzle, but it is a big piece when you look at everything taking place on earth today. Co2 is the last of our worries for things entering the atmosphere.

I dare you to use the words Conspiracy Theorists after watching what Alex Jones has to say. I find it quite rude that you come off as intellectual but you still use propaganda to pass off others, just like the Government wants you to. This is no conspiracy and even suggesting that, shows that you forgot your critical thinking skills.


I just referenced conspiracy theories as an example of topics that people stereotypically avoid. Where you get out of that, I'm calling you a conspiracy theorist is beyond me, I think you should let your bud go another week or two before harvesting, it might help reduce that paranoia you seem to be working with.

As for Alex Jones why should I be afraid to call him a conspiracy theorist when it says right on his Wikipedia page "Known for
Various conspiracy theories such as 9/11 Truth and New World Order theories".

The dude is virtually a poster child for Conspiracy Theorists maybe even a centerfold for the hardcore conspiracy theorists.


Active member
I don't say people are conspiracy theorists.. I just say on Wikipedia this person hold traits that are apparent by knowing they are known for their theories and conspiracies.
Or in other words, I can slink myself around the technical definition of calling someone's character in question by not labeling them as conspiracy theorists, yet to find them and their character as having those same traits that I wasn't trying to define and label them as being.

Really. So if there right they would be called..what?

If you disagree with a conspiracy theory is based solely on your view of them being crazy, without you not knowing the actual reality, you are merely conjecturing that you know reality based off a conspiracy theories' opposite.

that being said when, when a crazy says that they're hungry, are they really crazy and you should believe them or are they actually hungry and reality not based off your view that they are crazy .

this is like frued and Jung. Freud was afraid of Jungs theories therefore clinicized and pathologised all Jungs ideas as him being the Son and Freud the father, Jung didn't have theories or.facts. simply the byproduct of a young boy trying to rebel and outdo his father.

most Americans do believe conspiracy but I don't believe in calling them a conspiracy wingnut.

conspiracy theories may just be true some of them. therefore in hindsight a small number must be the truth, but at one point they were conspiracy theories.

what testing LSD on 10000 citizens or the FBI's program to basically ruin someone's life in change what people think about them ...that program has stopped has MK ULTRA.

we can kill ur own citizens under the guise of national security you don't think they can experiment with a few people based on black status which can never be proven beyond a doubt that they did do it.

also home cat as I believe before, when I told you I know there's a video game call black ops but in real life there actually is a black ops then you said old video games video games video games no I was simply stating I'm not just a gamer I know these things first.

of course you could try to deny black ops simply because there's conspiracy theorist and the game black ops exist or maybe you'd wanna look up the Freedom of Information Act and on Wikipedia and ask your government and they will tell you they have a program specifically designed to reduce the evidence in to make things black so that they are not tried by Congress in the court of law...because there has to be a reasonable amount of evidence.

we are releasing co2.
co2 increase is refracted capability of light and directed back toward the earth creating a greenhouse effect do you know what a green house is?
earth climate changes I know that but we are accelerating it by trapping heat. See fact #2.
apparently you need a thousand years of Proof.

Stick a lighter flame to your hand. Hot?
Ok so even if your hand isn't burnt yet you would know that if you put a lighter to your hand that it would burn .

and the three fact that I listed above are proofs that prove something and it leads to a conclusion could you tell me what the conclusion is based off the facts?
I would say " the temperature rising" but that's just me that's my personal belief based on facts.

sorry for the grammar or lackthereof, I've just been speaking all of this into my phone


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I don't say people are conspiracy theorists.. I just say on Wikipedia this person hold traits that are apparent by knowing they are known for their theories and conspiracies.
Or in other words, I can slink myself around the technical definition of calling someone's character in question by not labeling them as conspiracy theorists, yet to find them and their character as having those same traits that I wasn't trying to define and label them as being.

Really. So if there right they would be called..what?

If you disagree with a conspiracy theory is based solely on your view of them being crazy, without you not knowing the actual reality, you are merely conjecturing that you know reality based off a conspiracy theories' opposite.

that being said when, when a crazy says that they're hungry, are they really crazy and you should believe them or are they actually hungry and reality not based off your view that they are crazy .

this is like frued and Jung. Freud was afraid of Jungs theories therefore clinicized and pathologised all Jungs ideas as him being the Son and Freud the father, Jung didn't have theories or.facts. simply the byproduct of a young boy trying to rebel and outdo his father.

most Americans do believe conspiracy but I don't believe in calling them a conspiracy wingnut.

conspiracy theories may just be true some of them. therefore in hindsight a small number must be the truth, but at one point they were conspiracy theories.

what testing LSD on 10000 citizens or the FBI's program to basically ruin someone's life in change what people think about them ...that program has stopped has MK ULTRA.

we can kill ur own citizens under the guise of national security you don't think they can experiment with a few people based on black status which can never be proven beyond a doubt that they did do it.

also home cat as I believe before, when I told you I know there's a video game call black ops but in real life there actually is a black ops then you said old video games video games video games no I was simply stating I'm not just a gamer I know these things first.

of course you could try to deny black ops simply because there's conspiracy theorist and the game black ops exist or maybe you'd wanna look up the Freedom of Information Act and on Wikipedia and ask your government and they will tell you they have a program specifically designed to reduce the evidence in to make things black so that they are not tried by Congress in the court of law...because there has to be a reasonable amount of evidence.

we are releasing co2.
co2 increase is refracted capability of light and directed back toward the earth creating a greenhouse effect do you know what a green house is?
earth climate changes I know that but we are accelerating it by trapping heat. See fact #2.
apparently you need a thousand years of Proof.

Stick a lighter flame to your hand. Hot?
Ok so even if your hand isn't burnt yet you would know that if you put a lighter to your hand that it would burn .

and the three fact that I listed above are proofs that prove something and it leads to a conclusion could you tell me what the conclusion is based off the facts?
I would say " the temperature rising" but that's just me that's my personal belief based on facts.

sorry for the grammar or lackthereof, I've just been speaking all of this into my phone

Calling something a conspiracy theory or someone a conspiracy theorist is not an insult, it's a descriptive term. A conspiracy is when one group plots against another, often in secret and equally often the one group is a smaller group within a larger group. Now since conspiracies are usually secret there is usually little if any hard evidence so for someone outside the conspiring group to state what the secret group is doing that person is using deductive reasoning which leads to a theory of what is going on.

So to say such a person reporting such a thing based on deductive reasoning is a conspiracy theorist is not an insult, it's an accurate descriptive term. If what he says turns out to be true he's still a conspiracy theorist but he can now claim he's one that was proven right. Why it is an insult now and especially with people who favor conspiracy theories or could be called a conspiracy theorist themselves, is kind of amusing. It means they have it firmly engrained subconsciously that conspiracy theories and the people that promote them, are in some way bad, otherwise they would not automatically take the term "conspiracy theorist" as an insult. It also means that they probably recognize how many conspiracy theories and theorists are crazy and don't want to be associated with them.

It really has no place in this discussion though because there is no conspiracy with CO2 neither is there a shortage or an excess. What there is, is a balance as is the nature of nature. Everything interacts with everything else. Plants breath CO2 and exhale oxygen, animals breath oxygen and exhale CO2. If something unbalances that whether it be man made or naturally caused then it will be plants that will eventually restore the world since plants are part of the world's filtration system. There were times in the past where CO2 levels were too high for animal life and plants grew to monstrous proportions because of all the CO2.

Like it or not man is changing that balance, if by virtue of no other fact then that in the last century the world population has tripled. So there are 3 times as many people breathing out CO2. Then there is the fact that all these people need food, furniture made from exotic woods, places to live and to meet that need we have steadily shrunk the worlds rain forests which in turn changes weather patterns that in turn further eats away at the rain forests due to lack of rain. In time a rain forest can become a desert if the cycle isn't interrupted. Then on top of that there is all the things you hear about, cars, factories, power plants, refineries, etc.

Ultimately both sides of the global warming debate are missing out on a key point. For those that believe in global warming they're missing out on the fact that you could do away with all exhaust and CO2 from man made sources and still not stop global warming only slow it down because man himself is a source.

What the other side is missing is that just because you can't stop it doesn't mean you shouldn't try. There is far more harm then just global warming we do to ourselves and the world around us. The illnesses and diseases that plague us most are likely caused by the toxins we continually introduce into the food and water supply.

You seem to think I'm denying global warming which clearly I'm not. Then again neither am I the person who tried to make the claim that CO2 causing Global warming is a myth and that this is proved by the fact that plants get bigger then normal when given CO2 and so obviously there must in reality be a shortage of CO2 :rolleyes: Maybe next time you could do me the courtesy of actually understanding what my position is on something before you attempt to attack it?