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right on Gobwats thanks for the info. Now it makes sense to me why you would cut down when the light is off. I just got done vaping some bubblisious and i am really high....i havent used my vaporizer in awhile so i had to give it a shot. I am glad that i did because you can only get so much off of a pipe. and i have to say much cleaner and smoother vaping.


right on Gobwats thanks for the info. Now it makes sense to me why you would cut down when the light is off. I just got done vaping some bubblisious and i am really high....i havent used my vaporizer in awhile so i had to give it a shot. I am glad that i did because you can only get so much off of a pipe. and i have to say much cleaner and smoother vaping.

I love my vape's, just wish my harvest would cure enough to where it will work in one (still just a tad moist, but definitely getting there.) Been mixing it with some dried out swag (whoever harvested that crop fucked up big time as it is nothing but stem, seed, and leaf) or just smoking it in my pipe for now.

Did a bowl earlier so wasn't sure if I was explaining what I meant or not, lol. Kind of like transplanting trees during the winter while their dormant, same thought processes with the sap rising in response to light/heat.

May Karma bless your harvest and make it bountiful and killer.


Thanks loco81 for stopping in. I am out of town and i dont get to check up on my babies. but they are doing good i know. I am on a phd water flush so the days are going to go by faster with me now being there. I at least have ICMAG.........I dont know what else i would do. lol


I got back from out of town and i went to check on my girls and they are starting to lean on each other from the weight they are packing on. I will have to take some more photos before i do the chop so everyone can see the final out come. and i will update with how much i ended up with. I am not sure what to expect off of two 400w lights. If there anyone who has used this amount of light what did you pull.






ok i took a couple of photos with the lights off. I think you can see a little better with the lights off then on. i have to figure out the yellow lighting on my camera. but the only thing that i dont like is that you have to buy a macro lens for a slr camera. i cant get that close of a shot with the lens that i am using. kinda pisses me off that you spend so much money on a camera and you can even get close ups. I will invest in a macro lens sooner or later.


ok i took a couple of photos with the lights off. I think you can see a little better with the lights off then on. i have to figure out the yellow lighting on my camera. but the only thing that i dont like is that you have to buy a macro lens for a slr camera. i cant get that close of a shot with the lens that i am using. kinda pisses me off that you spend so much money on a camera and you can even get close ups. I will invest in a macro lens sooner or later.

Absolutely beautiful my friend, wish my photo's would come out as nice (I've been using a point and shoot digital, wish my SLR was digital rather than film.)


I hear you there gobwats but that is as close of a photo i can get with my cam. it will not shot any closer then that. i have to get a macro lens. and i dont like to go cheap so it is going to run me around 500 dollars. I think it will be worth the money in the long run.




the two on the far left are alpha diesels and they have stretched a little more then my bubblicious. everything else is the same height.



I hear you there gobwats but that is as close of a photo i can get with my cam. it will not shot any closer then that. i have to get a macro lens. and i dont like to go cheap so it is going to run me around 500 dollars. I think it will be worth the money in the long run.

I have really sweet Canon SLR, but it's film based. Wish I could sell or trade it for a digital model. I hear you on the macro lens, but man they are sweet in the hands of a good photographer. I've been playing around recently with the white balance function in my editing sw and getting the yellow out (seems to add some blue to it though.) Now if I could just get them to stop being so blurry...that's what I love about digital, just keep taking pictures at different settings and eventually get something that looks halfway decent, lol.


yeah i understand you can change the balance on the cam but i still cant get those nice macro pics with my cam.

I'm using my editing sw to do most everything. Our little point and shoot digital has a macro function, but it really sucks big time, so I crop and keep adjusting the balance. If I follow directions for the macro feature all it really does on mine is sharpen a few points of focus. One of these days I might finally afford a decent digital SLR, or someone will develop a CMOS film card to turn old film cameras like mine into digital (I keep telling myself that it will happen since there is no market for mid-line film SLR's anymore, lol.)


whats up gobwats..... i had to go out of town to work again so i didnt get a chance to read up on my cam to see how to change the white in the cam. i am sure there is alot of setting on the cam that i am going to have to figure out. I think by the time i get home this weekend i am going to harvest.


i have to say co2 is the way to go norcal woodsman. I have not seen my plants now for over 3 days i had have a partner go and check on them for me while i am gone. I wont be back until friday night. Then i think i am going to harvest this weekend. That should give me almost about a 2 week flush. Give or take a couple of days. i am not going to have time to do it on the day that i am suppose to i have to work out of town again next week.


my bubblicious are a 60 to 65 day strain. so that is why i am going my two week flush. I want to flush out all the nutes that way i have a clean tasting smoke.
okay i was just wondering, second time growing. do you flush around day
50 so when the two weeks are up then you would be around day 65 or so

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