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CO Asks US To Halt Medical Marijuana Raids


Active member
URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v10/n165/a08.html
Source: Summit Daily News (CO)


DENVER ( AP ) - Colorado lawmakers trying to regulate marijuana dispensaries are asking the U.S. attorney general to stop raids of medical marijuana operations.

The group e-mailed the request to Eric Holder on Monday, following up on a letter sent last week.

The lawmakers say the raids are discouraging dispensary operators and medical marijuana patients and growers from working with them on the proposed regulations.

The letter was sent by Sens. Chris Romer and Nancy Spence and Reps. Tom Massey and Beth McCann.

A suburban Denver man has been charged with possession in federal court after agents raided his home and found 224 pot plants. Agents have also raided two laboratories that test medical marijuana after their owners applied for drug licenses.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
I'm going to go out on a limb here and take a guess at what the Federal response will be to a state's right issue.


I'm glad they are standing up for themselves. Take the power back for the states and we won't have this problem.


I'm going to go out on a limb here and take a guess at what the Federal response will be to a state's right issue.


I'm glad they are standing up for themselves. Take the power back for the states and we won't have this problem.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Im with ya, the feds dont give a fuck. The taxpayers spend billions on the dea and fbi and for that money they want "results". Rescheduling cannabis will probably be whats done, because it will increase penalties for growers and brokers as well as put the money in the hands of billion dollar pharmaceutical companies.
And if its about putting money in the hands of the already rich and taking it away from the people... then they'll get that done asap.

Blue Dot

The lawmakers say the raids are discouraging dispensary operators ..

Since when did the lawmakers become the D's bitch?

Damn, that musta been one helluva payoff but it's not like the greedy D consortium can't afford it.

in other words, the patients pay high prices so the D's will have enough money to pay off the lawmakers to keep the D's running.

How do you as a patient feel about this now that I have ILLUMINATED the situation for you?
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Since when did the lawmakers become the D's bitch?

Damn, that musta been one helluva payoff but it's not like the greedy D consortium can't afford it.

in other words, the patients pay high prices so the D's will have enough money to pay off the lawmakers to keep the D's running.

How do you as a patient feel about this now that I have ILLUMINATED the situation for you?
If it gets the job done without someone going to jail ..


Active member
URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v10/n166/a02.html
Source: Daily Sentinel, The (Grand Junction, CO)


Some people in Colorado, including Colorado Attorney General John Suthers, want the state Legislature to stuff the medical marijuana genie back in the hookah.

Yes, Colorado voters approved Amendment 20 a decade ago to legalize medical marijuana, they say. But voters never envisioned the system that has sprung up, with medical marijuana dispensaries on seemingly every corner in many municipalities.

True enough. But the measure adopted by voters in 2000 also didn't clearly identify how those with a right to medical marijuana were to legally obtain it. The dispensaries, which have developed in the past year in the wake of a decision from the Obama administration to make enforcement of federal marijuana laws a low priority, provide that needed legal resource.

Legislation being contemplated in the state Capitol would codify those dispensaries under state law and provide rules for regulating them.

We don't agree with portions of the bill. Is it really necessary to try to turn all of the dispensaries into nonprofits -- or force them to serve no more than five clients? The dispensaries sprang up very rapidly as a free-market response to what was clearly a significant public demand. Why try to penalize those free-market tendencies? Better to establish regulations that make it clear how for-profit businesses can operate to protect their clients and communities.

But even if the nonprofit requirement remains, the bill moving forward in the Legislature -- that will recognize a legal right for some form of dispensaries to exist -- is much better than trying to return to the old model, under which people were authorized to use medical marijuana but, in most cases, had to break the law to obtain it.


Since when did the lawmakers become the D's bitch?

Damn, that musta been one helluva payoff but it's not like the greedy D consortium can't afford it.

in other words, the patients pay high prices so the D's will have enough money to pay off the lawmakers to keep the D's running.

How do you as a patient feel about this now that I have ILLUMINATED the situation for you?

Great. Bout time that money goes toward the people.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v10/n165/a08.html
Source: Summit Daily News (CO)


DENVER ( AP ) - Colorado lawmakers trying to regulate marijuana dispensaries are asking the U.S. attorney general to stop raids of medical marijuana operations.

The group e-mailed the request to Eric Holder on Monday, following up on a letter sent last week.

The lawmakers say the raids are discouraging dispensary operators and medical marijuana patients and growers from working with them on the proposed regulations.

The letter was sent by Sens. Chris Romer and Nancy Spence and Reps. Tom Massey and Beth McCann.

A suburban Denver man has been charged with possession in federal court after agents raided his home and found 224 pot plants. Agents have also raided two laboratories that test medical marijuana after their owners applied for drug licenses.

Well at least they aren't hiding the fact that their motives are profit-driven rather than for the good of the patients or care-givers....

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Since when did the lawmakers become the D's bitch?

Damn, that musta been one helluva payoff but it's not like the greedy D consortium can't afford it.

in other words, the patients pay high prices so the D's will have enough money to pay off the lawmakers to keep the D's running.

How do you as a patient feel about this now that I have ILLUMINATED the situation for you?

I think your nothing but a lonely troll who enjoys nothing more than coming into the medical forums and angering medical patients. You have a serious problem blue dot and you need help. Medical marijuana hurts absoultely no one and causes no harm. It is a shame that you have such a problem with such a wonderful thing that helps so many people. Maybe one day you can find a cause that is worth figthing against, like cancer or hunger.....


One day you will have to answer to the children of
I think your nothing but a lonely troll who enjoys nothing more than coming into the medical forums and angering medical patients. You have a serious problem blue dot and you need help. Medical marijuana hurts absoultely no one and causes no harm. It is a shame that you have such a problem with such a wonderful thing that helps so many people. Maybe one day you can find a cause that is worth figthing against, like cancer or hunger.....

All those in favor of banning the Troll (Blue Dot and all his 400w greatness) in Colorado forums say 'I'.

Damn, it looks like someone beat me to it.


Active member
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to BiG H3rB Tr3E again:biggrin:


I ..think that this is great news and thatnks to vta for posting. What a relief to hear states stand up for themselves instead of quevering at the knees before washington.

And to answer Blue Dot ...if you are a non profit collective and not a "D" as you put it, you dont have to pay off anybody, you just have to follow the law. Payoffs are for people who use back alley deals to get things done.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Hey now.....where did Blue Dot's posts go??? lol

did he get the boot?

Even if he was banned, he will just resurface again. This is either his second or third account. But hes really not hard to spot....

Cycle of life.....


One day you will have to answer to the children of
Yeah, a non-profit looks better to the public...
But then, who does the state collect taxes from?

If the state wants tax revenue, they should allow Ds to operate as 'for-profit' entities...much like you would a brew-pub or liquor store.

I wonder how much money the state would lose is they organized Coors as a non-profit.

Of course, the state is having trouble accepting the $4 million the registry has generated in the last 12 months.
So how can the DEA legally raid people still? I thought multiple edicts have been handed down from above commanding the DEA to respect state-laws and allow medical marijuana to exists. Federal Law might be against it, but I thought a presidential order would supersede that, no?

Blue Dot

So how can the DEA legally raid people still? I thought multiple edicts have been handed down from above commanding the DEA to respect state-laws and allow medical marijuana to exists. Federal Law might be against it, but I thought a presidential order would supersede that, no?

1. Obama told the DEA just to make it their lowest priority, Not ZERO priority.

2. Obama said only if the people were abiding by state law also.

Well, at least in cali, there is NO provision in the LAW for D's so technically D's AREN't abiding by state law so no protection there.
D's are just something the D consortium made up.

vta, did you get all that? lol
I dunno. I wanna believe the patients have a real advocate but I don't trust anything with the name(s) Romer, Massey, or Matt Brown on it. Those fuckers DO NOT have the best interest of the patient in mind. They are wolves in sheep's clothing trying to lay the infrastructure for a profit driven program modeled after our current health care system where only the dispensaries and big business types will benefit.


One day you will have to answer to the children of
The DEA can do whatever it wants.
Unless, reigned in by their President. Othewise it is a world of 'Tacit' approval. Obama cannot come out and say 'We're gonna legalize it, the sticky icky, miss Mary Jane...my good friend...the Chronic".

I was surprised to see THOSE NAMES sponsoring the bill. I don't know what to make of that?
But I support the bill. I may just be a pawn in their 'Master Plan', though.

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