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Close friend popped :(


Active member
if you grow and steal power you only use that spot for one run end of story; get out while u can... at least that is how everyone does it round here

also if you are poor and can get your power subsidized than you really don't have to steal it although once you see the discount you might as well be ;)



Active member
and here is another story; quite different than the original...

"KINSTON, N.C. -- An undercover drug buy led North Carolina detectives to an underground marijuana garden in a buried school bus.
Multiple media outlets reported Thursday the Lenoir County Sheriff's Office had been looking for the source of the marijuana for three years and had been flying over the area with a helicopter.
Then sheriff's narcotics officers bought several pounds of pot in a recent undercover buy. Sgt. Eddie Eubanks says officers traced the pot to a rural residence.
A search dog fell through a camouflaged trap door leading down to a full-length school bus buried 8 feet under a backyard tool shed.
Deputies seized 68 plants, each 4 feet tall and weighing about 35 pounds. Eubanks says the plants were worth about $40,000.

Three people have been arrested"

how many different ways can they tell a tale?
So it WASN'T the electricity at all that gave away the grow, but a sale to undercover cops. I guess they've been trying to keep that secret. No doubt to protect their undercover sources...

I wonder how many other busts are due to things other than stealing electricity, yet that is used as the cover to protect their CIs and undercover ops...

BTW, some ppl like to OUT these CIs publicly after they appear in court for cases like this, so they can do no further harm.


Cannabis 101
well most bust don't happen because "someone stole electric" is because their phone been tapped, snitched on,neighbors smelled it, suspicious activity, or sales to undercover, they always say they got em because of stealing power to scare the ones that are willing to risk all their lives to doing so, it makes cense right?
I seen grows go under radar for many many years till someone snitch or cops searched their garbage (meaning someone snitch)


Cannabis 101
when the cops search the garbage there was nothing they made it up, is a reason to get in ur home, cops will do whatever it takes to get you to talk or to prosecute you they are not your friends.
if he couldn't just sell to friends and family and peeps out of town, he must have been growing a decent amount of herb . . . .

stealing power, anything in the trash, and financials are the three big giveaways. if you must deposit your loot, keep it well under $3k and vary the branches you make your deposits at . . . .

i also wonder if anyone here is using led's to keep the heat signature lower. not to mention the power bill.

is it even possible?

i have a friend in that industry (green energy, using waste heat to produce organic hydroponic/aquaponic food, using led lights made in the usa, etc.). I am thinking that would be the next big cool thing . . . .



Active member
Growing weed is one thing, but stealing is
stealing no matter how you cut the cloth...

May not deserve to get busted for weed
but he sure as hell deserved to be busted
for stealing...

people like you crack me up...
preach the weed card...well dude
I am a grower and pay a hefty monthly bill
to enjoy my herb and yes I am in a med state
and I am fully legal!!!

So I will say it once again, a thief is a thief, period!

You are a boy scout.
Not everyone has the luxury of growing legally, so we are forced to be criminals.
It really kills me when we have "holier than thou" types on a weed board. The vast majority of us are doing something illegal.
Some guys feel they need to steal electricity to be "safe". I don't agree with it, but unlike you, I don't think he got what he deserved, and I don't think anyone should ever go to prison for weed.


Cannabis 101
You are a boy scout.
Not everyone has the luxury of growing legally, so we are forced to be criminals.
It really kills me when we have "holier than thou" types on a weed board. The vast majority of us are doing something illegal.
Some guys feel they need to steal electricity to be "safe". I don't agree with it, but unlike you, I don't think he got what he deserved, and I don't think anyone should ever go to prison for weed.

well said just do the right thing

Grass Lands

Nope, no boyscout here...

but lets get this clear


Now let me go and toke some of my herb that I grew with the electricity I paid for... Oh, did I just say that out loud hahahaha...

And why can't everyone grow legally, no one tied his ass to the land and said you can't move to a med state...Hell I've moved back to cali from TX to be legal...

You are a boy scout.
Not everyone has the luxury of growing legally, so we are forced to be criminals.
It really kills me when we have "holier than thou" types on a weed board. The vast majority of us are doing something illegal.
Some guys feel they need to steal electricity to be "safe". I don't agree with it, but unlike you, I don't think he got what he deserved, and I don't think anyone should ever go to prison for weed.


Active member
And why can't everyone grow legally, no one tied his ass to the land and said you can't move to a med state...Hell I've moved back to cali from TX to be legal...
Good point!

I wonder how many ppl have actually moved to take advantage of more liberal cannabis laws elsewhere.

That would make an interesting poll if anyone wants to start one.

NM. I started one here:


Active member
i'm sorry stealing power is fuckin stupid...

true that, only a matter of time...good that he accepted the risk and didn't dime you out though I guess, although your making this thread seems a little stupid to be honest


Active member
Nope, no boyscout here...

but lets get this clear


Now let me go and toke some of my herb that I grew with the electricity I paid for... Oh, did I just say that out loud hahahaha...

And why can't everyone grow legally, no one tied his ass to the land and said you can't move to a med state...Hell I've moved back to cali from TX to be legal...

if you had a bus full of weed buried on your land would you move?

i don't even want to know what happens to people you find downloading mp3s :booked:


when the cops search the garbage there was nothing they made it up, is a reason to get in ur home, cops will do whatever it takes to get you to talk or to prosecute you they are not your friends.

I leant this the hard way.There are no Bigger Crims then the victorian Police.


Cannabis 101
Because of people flaming the ones that take cannabis to the next level "commercial" we don't get to see half of the grows that should be posted on here lol it really sucks id love to see some big grows posting up their big girls ;)


dude, unless you grew your first herb when you started puffing ... you have smoked tons of herb produced with "stolen" electricity .. .. so what ?

Nope, no boyscout here...

but lets get this clear


Now let me go and toke some of my herb that I grew with the electricity I paid for... Oh, did I just say that out loud hahahaha...

And why can't everyone grow legally, no one tied his ass to the land and said you can't move to a med state...Hell I've moved back to cali from TX to be legal...


Active member
Because of people flaming the ones that take cannabis to the next level "commercial" we don't get to see half of the grows that should be posted on here lol it really sucks id love to see some big grows posting up their big girls ;)

Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't see anybody flaming people for growing commercially. I'm sure many of us have done it ourselves, some choose not to anymore, some continue to grow. I think the issue lies in the fact that stealing really is stealing -- doesn't matter what it is or who you're stealing from, ripping off an old lady for her purse or snatching a DVD from walmart are both ethically the same exact thing. (in my opinion at least, and obviously the opinions of others here)

it's very cool to see some of the big time commercial ops that put our old 10kw's to shame but that doesn't mean that those people posting their work should be surprised or offended by the thoughts and opinions of the other members of this forum...

and believe me, if I was going to "flame" the "Big-Time" (i.e. 20kw+, IMO at least) commercial growers I've seen on here, I would pick the ones who very clearly are in it entirely for the money and keep pumping out crap Dutch Special genetics so that they can pay for their Audi and their condo :dance013:


Active member
Stealing is stealing and he got what he deserved? What if you were starving to death and stole some bread, the real criminal is the baker that couldn't help a fellow human being out.

What I am trying to say is that there are exceptions, this guy was stealing cause it made him feel safe, not because he was trying to screw the power company. If the plant was legal, i am sure he would be paying for the power. So the power company should be lobbying to legalize, if they really want to prevent theft.

I do agree that stealing is wrong, but you have to look at the whole situation. I wish this guy, and anybody else caught up in this war, the very best.


Stealing is stealing and he got what he deserved? What if you were starving to death and stole some bread, the real criminal is the baker that couldn't help a fellow human being out.

What I am trying to say is that there are exceptions, this guy was stealing cause it made him feel safe, not because he was trying to screw the power company. If the plant was legal, i am sure he would be paying for the power. So the power company should be lobbying to legalize, if they really want to prevent theft.

I do agree that stealing is wrong, but you have to look at the whole situation. I wish this guy, and anybody else caught up in this war, the very best.
Very good point i must say. For the most part people steal power for small grows because they know how and think they can get away with it. Larger grows steal because of the cost of power. The person arrested in this thread was stealing because he knew how and got away with it for many years. He didnt use that much power, trust me that this grow was not very big like the media made it out to be. I cant say anything else for obvious reasons or i would elaborate in detail.

He should not have stolen the power period. He knows that the crime of stealing power will be worse than the grow here in NC. But his prior arrests for MJ will not make it easy for him to get a lighter sentance. NC is getting better at MJ acceptance in my opinion.

captain kirk

sorry to see your friend got popped ..i know someone that got caught growing and stealing from the power company and he got 5 years for the theft of electric and nada on the grow...

i don't mind paying my bill at all :whistling:

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