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Cloning with JJScorpio



hmmm.. can this be done by just cutting a branch off and planting it in the ground?


Well-known member
Great thread JJ. There were some good cloning threads on OG and I haven't seen many here. Thanks for taking the time to share with others.
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ICMag Donor
Montreal Jazz said:
hmmm.. can this be done by just cutting a branch off and planting it in the ground?

If the humidity, temps and moisture were right it could be done. I think if it were in the hot sun it would probably burn up though......

Trouble, good to hear things worked out for you.......
"if it were in the hot sun it would probably burn up though......"

Damn read too late. but my clones are coming along its been 13 days. Thanks!


Too much humidity!

I heavily misted these clones & ended up with a few with rot around the meristem. They will have to be tossed!


ICMag Donor
If the stems arent real soft, and they have rooted, try letting them dry out and see if they respond. I have had them pretty soft and harden back up again.........


JJscorpio, I have rooted 4 clones so far using your method with rockwool mediums. Is it always best to feed nitrogen nutrients before taking cuttings a day after or a few days?


ICMag Donor
I don't understand your question. I feed with a flowering fert a few days before taking the cuts.....


JJScorpio said:
If the stems arent real soft, and they have rooted, try letting them dry out and see if they respond. I have had them pretty soft and harden back up again.........
Thanks JJ, The process started when I left them uncovered too long . I had serious droop. I heavily misted & they all responded well but the leaves on a few blackened & turned to mush. My concern is these dead leaves will rot in the humid conditions & spread to the rest. The low down is, I left the top off too long early on. It was a simple step left unattended.
On a side note I prefer the rapid rooters. I was unable to find any locally & had to use peat plugs this round.


Active member
JJ just wanted to throw a quick thanks for all this good info. I've been using a bubblecloner for a while now, with varying degrees of success. I'm gunning for 99% though and will try this method in the future. I'm sure it will work better...


ICMag Donor
EZB581 said:
Thanks JJ, The process started when I left them uncovered too long . I had serious droop. I heavily misted & they all responded well but the leaves on a few blackened & turned to mush. My concern is these dead leaves will rot in the humid conditions & spread to the rest. The low down is, I left the top off too long early on. It was a simple step left unattended.
On a side note I prefer the rapid rooters. I was unable to find any locally & had to use peat plugs this round.

If you google Rapid Rooters or Hydroponic Shops of America it will tell you an area near you to purchase them. I hope things keep working out for you.

Cannigrow, thx for stopping by and for the compliment......


Ya, I'm afraid I'm about to lose my closeby LHS. On a later visit, their shelves were looking pretty bare. They do produce hydro related tables & such hope that's enough to keep the doors open. I do seem to have better success with the RR's over the peat plugs.


JJScorpio said:
If you google Rapid Rooters or Hydroponic Shops of America it will tell you an area near you to purchase them. I hope things keep working out for you.

Cannigrow, thx for stopping by and for the compliment......

Great discussion on cloning! Cloning has always been a huge pain in my ass until a person from another forumn said this to me..."roots appear as the medium dries out". To me that and the fact that I started using rapid rooters has helped my success more than anything...JJS excellent post and discussion. :joint:


ICMag Donor
To much lighting is going to dry them out and kill them. There's really no need to have over 40 watts of light for cloning. I have never used much more than that because it would only speed up the loss of moisture through the leaves....


New member
hi jjscorpio, great thread on cloning. i have jus recently been given some cuttings from a freind 10 big bud and 1 chronic they are in jiffy pellets and are about 5 days old now, under a 36w fluro no sign of roots yet tho. they are been kept in a dome that i mist once a day, my room temps are between 70 - 78 degrees but when i lift the lid off my dome and hav a feel of the jiffys they feel really cold and not warm. i kno a heating mat would probably solve the problem but im really strapped for cash at the moment. any suggestions?
i really want these clones to root man! cheers


ICMag Donor
If you can get them up to 80 degrees, that would be better. But they will root in those temps, it will just take a couple extra days. I have a small cabinet that I put them in so if they get cooler, I just close the door, and the opposite if it gets to warm.......


Get two birds stoned at once
I managed to clone two tiny apical tips that were 1cm long each, you can clone wicked small cuttings!