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Chemdawg D (??) vs Pacific's G13...

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People here are generally interested in two things, information and drama. While you have provided the latter, we have enough of that around here so I think you can just quit while your ahead.

And when anyone tries to give some information people like you, rezdog and other "IC BIG GUNS" come in an create some drama. Just like this thread.

Posted by guerilla.... so I think you can just quit while your ahead.

I know I am ahead but I ain't quitting.
damakkus said:
Tarzan Man must be trollin the net for some pics LOL

Dude since you talked so much shit and bragged so much I dont think it would be difficult to get a pic with todays paper with your collection of bean packs. And while your at it how about some bud shots?

Since you have so much money I know you have a cam so no excusses. If you can not produce this please close your trap.

LOL! I am breathing air. Do I need to take a picture of that?

Here is pictures of my seed collection you so desperately wanted....


I know my cabinet kicks your cabinets ass up and down the marijuanna cabinet highway. Those pics are on this site already. Lets see if you are smart enough to find them.

When you get them just come back and admit that my cabinet is way better than the hack job you put together.


tarzan of thc said:
I know my cabinet kicks your cabinets ass up and down the marijuanna cabinet highway. Those pics are on this site already. Lets see if you are smart enough to find them.

When you get them just come back and admit that my cabinet is way better than the hack job you put together.
this user will be banned in 5, 4, 3, 2, . . .


Active member
tarzan of thc said:
You challenged me Mt John. You did.

And so I used Grow Cabinets as the weapon of choice for this duel.


really? youre barkin' up the wrong tree on this one Bozo

so...lets see em...lets see the pic's
heheheh..this should be a real treat

this user will be banned in 5, 4, 3, 2, . . .

Why would that happen? Because I won't back down to these chumps?

If that gets you banned on IC so be it.

I guess when I was helping others design grow boxes and made all the nice comments about people grows (my only posts before this chemdog thread) those didn't count.

Some of them were even in Mt Johns threads. You were liking me then Mt John. What happened. OH I disagreed with you. I forgot you can't argue or disagree with any of the "IC BIG GUNS".


Active member
Tarman said:
Some of them were even in Mt Johns threads. You were liking me then Mt John. What happened. OH I disagreed with you. I forgot you can't argue or disagree with any of the "IC BIG GUNS".

i dont care if you disagree with me or anyone else..it's all good
i dont dislike you , i am indifferent to your kind...more like feeling sorry for you

but , you my friend...talk way too much shit , for someone that has nothing to back it up with

and your only purpose here seems to be to stir the pot
so....again , lets see some pics

I had like 100 posts on the other Tarzan of THC name. They were all helpful, friendly posts. Then I came to this thread to encourage a few people who were lamenting the fact that they couldn't get any elites. And presto chango the "IC BIG GUNS" tried to make me into something I wasn't.

This is a very sad state of affairs on IC Mag. Very sad indeed.


Active member
ok jane or tarzan or whoever(troll) u are. you are acting as if you were a young child. you are making friends fast!! lol!! i cant sit back any more you are absolutely killing me. can u not just get along? they say that prozac works wonders for peeps like you. grow up teenage mutant troll !!!!
my 2 cents, bsb :fsu:


West Coast ICer
tarzan man, words are very important how you lay them down

You came across bragging my friend

I agree everyone is entitled to the best meds.
Mt John I do have pics on the net. YOU ARE JUST TOO STUPID TO REMEMBER WHO I AM ON OTHER SITES. I was an outdoor grower before this year. I have a whole thread documenting part of last years outdoor grow. A small part that netted 17 pounds dry. WITH PICS. You know one of those sites you recently joined made 1 post and then realized you weren't a "Big Gun" there and never came back.

I don't have to prove anything to anybody. But the proof is out there already.


West Coast ICer
The Truth is Out There LOL X Files music

Dude then go back to that site. Why come here and cause trouble?

And you do have to prove yourself my friend cause you talked a ton of shit and your name is shit here

tarzan of thc = shit a low life troll unless you can produce your pics.

I think you are all talk so far.


Active member

i'm sure it's either that...or it could be that i just dont care
if you have pic's ......well then by all means post em up

i guess if you dont have pics ...well then you can say anything , but it dosent amt. to a hill of beans unless you can back it up


btw...i would never want you banned...you are just too important to this site
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