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Chemdawg 101



thanks for the tk pics lime! :D i cant wait to get a date with her. i dont like strains that yield, so she looks right up my alley, lol.

i dont have the '91 chemdawg, but i know for a fact that skunkva had the original '91 cut so take that for what its worth. keep it civil, its a plant.


Active member
Thats a good point H&L.
Also, if mine is the real chem 91,then your in for the smallest yield of your life.

No hard feeling here bro.
Nspecta is crazy but he's cool. HeHeHe ,Just kidding bro.
I didn't get it were you think I got it,Nspecta.
To me mine looks exactly like skunk Va's chemdawg 91.
But that last pic doesn't look like chemdawg at all to me.


Active member
Thats a good point H&L.
Your in for the smallest yield of your life with this clone.

No hard feeling here bro.
Nspecta is crazy but he's cool. HeHeHe ,Just kidding bro.
I didn't get it were you think I got it,Nspecta.
To me ,mine looks exactly like skunk Va's chemdawg 91.
But that last pic doesn't look like chemdawg at all to me.


Wow!!!! Who fukn cares if it's fake or real...or whatever, the name seems to mean more to all you people than the fruit of the plant. If you like the bud, grow with it! Everyone comes on here and just looks at a pic and says...it's afake! The same plant or cut can look diff depending on it's environment and methods of cultivation..i'm a botany major from Humboldt State U, and it sad to see the name game be what's hott!!! You know if it's the real chemdog if you got it from the guy who started it, other than that it's strictly hearsay...if you like it, grow it.


Man this pic always gets me drooling :canabis: looking good fam

great thread H&L although I was hoping for a little more drama when I saw chemdawg in the title :wink: great info though, I guess that counts for something :D

Take care and stay safe



Active member
Dusty Bowls said:
nspecta the day youre wrong about these plants is the day hell freezes. peace. great pics everyone.

Too bad he was wrong.
Way to ruin the best thread on this site, Dustin Bowls.
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/me shrugs ....

i dont think it's ruined by any means, what better thread to discuss sources of Chemdawg and their legitimacy than THE chemdawg thread?

good read imo.



thanks red for the pics of the tk it does look very kush . I love them girls dearly . HL thanks for educating me on tk. Bowles please go some where else and dont start shit on HL s thread


Well-known member


Chemdawg eh? its all OG or sour D anyway. all your guys pics look practically the same. as a headband and Chemdawg D holder, I pretty much call it all og... no reason to be snotty about it. I got em. and i prefer to grow out the "pre '98 Bubba, and the SFV_OG phenos. unless you are a good friend of chemdawgs, and he gave you 1 pheno of the 4 he germinated, than I'd say you have the real deal, but then again, who cares??? I bet it tastes great and has great medicinal properties, whether or not its the real deal.. smoke 1 and chill!


Damn, dusty bowls...sounds like you are chemdawg himself, your knowledge is on point..lol
U can spot the fakes a mile away!
You know they sell shit at the tack n feed store to stop dust from accumulating...you might have been breathing too much of that stuff...
You sound like Jason King, it's sad.
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last time I saw a lanky, not leafy, sativa based plant called kush, i woke up...cause Kush comes from Nepal, or the Himalayan mountains or hindu kush regions....and if you go there, those plants are stubby, clumpy little plants, that harvest early and don't get tall...the bubba kush and master kush and hindu kush seem to be kush plants. But the og kush or sour diesel are obviously sativasized. Again, i'm no jason king and I can't scan in the sku on these cuts to see if they are originals or copies or plain fakes. But i do know, whatever the og or diesel are as far as land race history, it's good shit, tastes great, awesome high and is beyond popular. Real Kush strains tend to be really leafy...I've been around a purple kush for a decade now and if you've grown the purple urk or whatever; you know it to be a slow grower, clumpy, that is how kush grows in my experience.

The bubba n other kushes seem to have a dark, emerald green color up to harvest, due to their large amounts of chlorophyll present, since they reside further from the equator where the sun isn't as intense. Sativas and the sour d or whatever tend to have a lighter color, due to a lower count of chlorophyll a and b pigments since they are close to the equator(sun) and need less to be just as successful with their life processes.

But, whatever is clever and sells for the most in a socal club, right? LIve large and prosper, just give people good prices on meds in the process...

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Would love to hear more about this TK, is it by chance any part of the parentage of the Chemdawg??


Kinderfeld , looks like thats tha direction of tha thread , unfortunatlly people get off topic by throwin' up pics of plants that arent in question , or are so unsure of what they DO have (due to tha source) that they are constantly typing what they are thinking instead of taking a minute or two , to think about what they are gonna post .

IGT's just keepin' it real , that's why they call him tha inspector . 'Cause he's always inspectin' shit . Sup bro ...

Obviously we need a pic of tha '91 Chemdog , it sounds like hella people are throwin clones around that are in question . Hopefully that would clear up any confusion .


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