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Chemdawg 101

Dusty Bowls

yea you wouldnt need a refrence if people kept their words youd know it was real if you got it from a real source (a seed starter) in person...

Dusty Bowls

JDOG6000 said:
So how come Wonkanobes looks nothing like the VAskunk pic's. Does that mean it's a fake?
Nice orange hairs on Wonkanobes too.

Actually what LDT posted is Original Diesel and not 91 chem.


Active member
Well it's still relatively civil. Sometimes it's good to hash out all these various points, whether it hurts someone's feelings or not.

Genetic drift is real. I have two cuts of MSS, that produce the same look and smell buds, but one is a bit stretchier. I have found beans in the sister chem a year ago, and of course seeded plenty of crops by accidentally stressing my plants, but the end product can still be just as dank. Many great plants have come from S1s found in a bag of expensive top shelf nuggy. So, muddy waters, it's not the most interesting thing...actually very common and even trite in the grand scheme of this thread.


Dusty where do you get that from? It says Chem91 right on the original post from jb.... shit looks fiery tho.

Lime, nice!



Active member
Geez, Wonkanobes does look dank.
Looks way different then the other ones too.
But look at that plant!

Those are some crazy pants,Lime.


New member
jaydogg dont let it bother ya bro he is only trying to help! i know your chemdawg is real but i cant say for sure that its the #4,might be but might not be....NOW I DO KNOW your OG was 110% for sure not any bubba or bubba s1!! they taste nothing alike to a seasoned smoker! your OG tasted alot like the sfv but a lil different! yours had the lemony but not as much to me...AGAIN! theres no possible way that its bubba kush!! bubba tastes like coffee ,its like night & day to me at least,i could do blind taste tests & pick out the bubba or og right everytime,wouldnt matter which pheno etc.. ive grown out tons of bubba s1,s2 & og s1,s2,s3 as well as the bubba pre 2001 & my favorite thebest bubba= pre 98 bubba none of which tasted anything like your og, you shouldnt have used the purple maxx on her just so that we all coulda seen her in her natural look but next time bro! now if your og was not pure it would have had to been og x ? x og or worked on..bro i take that back theres just no way it could be fake i smoked a bunch of that og bud right along side the og sfv,og larry,pre 98 bubba & a few other kush's & diesels,but for a time i was only puffing the different og's & your's & sfv tasted soo close to the same, grew the same long branches with the typical og look but had the weird purple from that purple maxx shit... if thats not pure og it is 75% pure & the other 25% would have to be another kush..but its not..its just pure og that you played with with that p maxx! i enjoyed your og as well as any og ive smoked bro! it would never let that plant go! & dont waist your time trying to get other og's as i garantee ya you'll never find a og that is better then yours in taste,potency or yield..i garantee it! to me those chemdawg pix look very simular, if thats not chemdawg then what the fuck is it? its not og,its not bubba,its not sour d,its not nycd,its not mass superskunk..so its chemdawg for sure but what # is anyone's guess....it is chemdawg but it may be not the #4..my post is not intended to make anyone mad im just posting it the way i see it..

JDOG6000 said:

Chemdawg doesn't get orange hairs ,huh, well whats on that VAskunk and Rez's chem D then?
I don't need to prove anything to you, "Nspecta".
Why don't you bring some chem 91 pic's that don't look like mine.
Since the VAskunk chem 91 looks like the same cut in a different environment fed different food. I always said MY chem 91, not THE chem 91 to try and avoid your bullshit ,but leave it to you to say "no thats a fake" anyway...

By the way, how do you think you know what my OG is like. You never had it.
You think you can tell everything from pictures. But you can't.
As far as my OG goes.
I was just trying to figure out the OG's just like everyone else.
If you want to fault me for that, then go ahead. Be a dick.


New member
besides jay if it is a different pheno it could be better, chem picked the #4 as the best repersentation to the original mom he had..some people may like #1,2 or 3 better if they had the chance to grow all of them..ive had people that love a bunch of different kinds & then some other people that hate it..seems everyone loves sour diesel to death & rightfully..its one of the best tasting plants on earth without a doubt & it is potent, i love smoking it myself but i could smoke it all day & night to..meaning it tastes so good that i would smoke 5-7 grams of it a day by myself,now theres no way i could smoke up 5-7 grams of og kush sfv in one day without being just retarded all day! sour d only keeps me high for 15-20 min then i find myself reaching for another spliff & it tastes soo damn good i could smoke it like ciggs! the og tastes so good to but is way more potent... your og is og..its possible it could be og x pure kush x og or some shit but whatever it is it tastes 95% the same as sfv og & is as potent so id be happy to keep that clone around forever as your just not gonna find a better example of og,maybe a tie but not better! i guess the only thing that really matters is that you like the plant,its super potent(which they are),& they each have a crazy great taste that some would pay 2k to get at! these are the best names genetics on the planet..the only thing that can beat it is some buds i used to get way back in the day..it made us all sick high & we all smoked weed from the min we woke up til the sec we went to bed EVERYDAY! b4 we were med patients & were just huge stoners! my best bro had a problem,he would always try to smoke more then anymore would dream of smoking..i mean this fool would get a $100 1/4oz of the best buds & smoke the whole shit up in 1 day,the buds were white, i got some seeds from buying about 20 bags of this crazy scarry buds back in the day,it was $50 a 1/8th & this was 1995,the bud was pure limer & just completly white,it kills og kush in potency or anything for that matter,i remember we would take 1 toke & cough so hard,it was pure expando & you were instantly high,2 hits was enough or 1 huge hit,no name brand weed compare at all! its all in what ya like,nothing else really matters!
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Active member
kushhead said:
chem picked the #4 as the best repersentation to the original mom he had..

It was JB, that stated that the #4 was the closest of the four seeds that he grew last year, to the '91 cut.


i think joe's comparison was to the ORIGINAL buds from CO smokey. :wink: i do wonder how the #4 stands up to the '91 cut though. :chin:


Well-known member
kushhead said:
chem picked the #4 as the best repersentation to the original nugs he had..some people may like #1,2 or 3 better if they had the chance to grow all of them.

bro...your not even on the same page as everybody else

the chem's numbered 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 were the 06' chemdogs , grown out by JB and not even what we're talking about

we are talking about the 91' chem......AKA 91 chem , chemdog

you get an A for effort tho



New member
sorry i didnt read the whole thread,my mistake for read the 1st & last pages.lol..what a awesome thread though h&l great job getting all this into 1 thread..man you have saved a ton of people a ton of time bro!


how about stressing a chem 4 and growing out all the S1s it makes...?
there would be potential there, no?

- SubN


New member
exactly! thats all one would need to do! grow a few clones,keep a few female(or at least 1) & use a product called AxE on the other clone to make it revert to produce 99.9% female pollen..would be bomb s1's! the only problem would be that some may hermi under ANY STESS,so would need to grow them perfect! i.e no light leaks,no stress of any kind what so ever!
SubnoizeKid said:
how about stressing a chem 4 and growing out all the S1s it makes...?
there would be potential there, no?

- SubN
toohighmf said:
without smelling it, tasting it, holding it or even masturbating to these elite cuts, I can say that if you gave 10 growers the same cut from the same mom, gave them the same ferts and made them all grow the same method, your going to get 10 different looks, flavors and scents.. all similar to the point where you might be able to distinguish the lineage, but they will all have different traits as Everyone does things just a little different from one another. thats what I think anyway. Sure, genetics play a huge role in this, but I seriously have problems distinguishing one friends OG to another friends Sour D.. its the grower and differing methods as well as the environment. a few degrees warmer in one room will darken hairs and stretch nodes. more frequent waterings/ feedings may give a plant a darker Leafier plant. cooler temps in the dark periods may increase trichrome production and purple some of these strains.. I can go on and on.. you could be the best grower out there and have a superior crop to others, but hairs? thats fully environmental.. color hues? chloroplasts work differently in different climates... whats in your feed regiment? there are so many factors involved. you cant judge a pic of the chems or the deisels from a pic.. they all look OG or derivitives of it.. lanky plants with small buds between the 1+' internodes. call it chemdawg '91 if you want. I grew up in the SFV and we got the tahoe cut, daywrecker, ECSD, obviously the SFV cut, bubba, ngkb, kabers, hb, too many to list.. my personal favorite is headBand (if thats what it really is)

it took this cat to bring you nuts back from fantasy land now dont you feel stoooooopid. When you start with suspect genetics with probably 12 different daddies lmfao


blowfishdirect said:
it took this cat to bring you nuts back from fantasy land now dont you feel stoooooopid. When you start with suspect genetics with probably 12 different daddies lmfao

Hey blow, where are those f2's you promised everyone, you know the ones from Rez, and OG Bub, and all the others, they should be done bout now right..?! :laughing:

Keep em coming, donvito, goat, .......


Thanks to H&L and all of the other folks who kept this thread cruisin. The Chemdawg 101 thread has been most solid with all the info Ive heard about these strains prior to reading online about them. :smile:
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Well-known member
oh no!

oh no!

Kinderfeld said:

that book was givin to me by my father a while back when I took up care providing instead of selling instruments of war... glad I stayed the path..
a lot of interesting knowledge and controversy in this "101". everything a Chemdawg story deserves.

what strain is this?

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