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Chem D day 60.



Wierd you were a bigger piece of the solving of the puzzle than you know, and thanks.Chaco.:)



i still find it funny that i had to be "corrected" by a number of people when I said great plants but i that is not chem d and i am the lowest mother fucker on any totem pole

just my opinion but a little humility goes a long way


the reason lineage should be so important to everyone is that the elites (closely and long held gear) all represent specific spectrum of med quality herbs and many have been experienced on the street and the person seeks the SAME qualities for relief that they don't get form other herbs

from a growers standpoint chem d is a mess to grow and has far less visual appeal and is while it smells pungent its a rank odor, its shines in potency and density of resin so its favored by old heads that need a solid punch in there smoke

the desire for accuracy in lineage has no reflection on your grow skills in fact if i had to guess you were given privileged cuts cause of your grow skills
Hey man, you sparked some research that straightened it out for god knows how many people. Thanks for your input! And with respect to your input vs. anyone who doubted you, this cut had made its way around to quite a few people labeled as the "D", so some of the ChemD's we were comparing it to were in fact the same mislabeled cut! After much CSI research from reputable strain detectives it has since been sorted out as Chem Sister.
Thanks for pointing it out and I'm with ya' on the labeling as far as the med thing goes, far too many things are mislabeled and if med patients have specific needs, then it needs to be right. I agree 100%. But on a side note, we are just potency junkies up here, so as long as it delivers....its all good!


i Am SoFaKiNg WeTod DiD
nice chaco that chem sis nevilles cross sounds interestin. ur nev male that i seen looks terrific. just tossed a chem d and idochemkush into flower a few min ago at alttle over 2 ft. neway great thread i also got chem 4 waitn for a spot . enjoy tokin on them gorgous budz. lookin foward to seein ur crosses and what the nevilles got it store.

One Love 731

Senior Member
Finding out ya have the Chems Sister doesn't suck. The Neville's cross should be the fire. I have some Las Vegas Purple Kush x Neville's Haze on the way that I cant wait to work through. Lookin good as always Chaco, keep up the good work and happy holidays. Peace, pot and karma. One Love:ying:
Nice to have this all sorted out as I have had both "Chem D" cuts for a while and didn't release one because I can't have 2 different cuts with the same name! The Chem sis cut smells like rotting-garlic/sweaty feet to me. I'm about to start flushing some D in a week, if I can find my camera maybe I'll snap a couple pics.... Thanks again everyone!


3rd-Eye Jedi
humbled by the responses I have gotten so far and sorry if i was a bit egotistical myself by making sure i said i told you so

fwiw one of the nicest gardens on the site

:) peace and flowers


Wierd, never make yourself a stranger around my parts!!Yesterday my wife was just going bonkers because the UPS guy was showing up and my 5yr old told her that the driveway smelt funny and stinky.....we were cutting the sister all day and my main work room has no scrubber, I even went out and walked up to my front door and said, damn something smells sweet!!! Then I fired up the incense.:) Seriously though and I may have mentioned it before but this thread let many, many NE growers know that they had the sister instead of the D.Now NE knows where it's at...for the moment.I can't tell ya' how many messages I've received from all these folks growing the D/sister.The bonus is too that I know the mother of my ass deep seedstock.The Nevs I used is far more beautifull than I'd ever imagined.I just wanted a seedstock that thought things like mites and pm were things to laugh at!! It's out there somewhere, I know my La Ninas are very resistant to pm as well as my ecsd and my Nevs is really pretty clean too in regards to your average bug.Just rambling on about pot again....Stay green ya'll!!

Madrus Rose

post 69
so chaco im not sure if your aware of this but way back in the day...the great JoeShmoe had this same problem...as well...turn's out he was running the sis for a couple years....without even knowing it wasn't the D...
no real point to the story...just to clarify that people get fake cuts unknowingly....

yuppers , that was the case with joeS & was never convinced from the start that he was running the true D and as usual Shmoe was running a boatload of different "elite" cuts during that time going bazonkers keepin' em all going . He really had a tiny little set-up , always fun/crazy to go down visit that madman, lol...but he never had the TrueD.

Challenged him back then to do a little comparison to what CrazyComposer had going when he did the write up for HT back in oct 2008? CC had communicated to me back then on recieving that D cut from ChemDog himself in an apt in NYC in 2006 believe . Been a bit of a clusterfuck all the way down getting true D in hand which is just about as confusing as the OG since everyone slaps a name on "theirs" & passes it around . He (crazycomposer) put up a thread here on that grow of the D which we've all seen ?

* Will try to ask JoeB/chemfather next time i speak with him , think he
claims he has it , but he's often a lil confused too at times , will ask him
to ask ChemDog again (for the umpteenth time !!) <g

happy holidaze boys don't trip too much ! :biglaugh:

(that sis looks great chaco!)



"Hey bud, lets party!"
hope ya dont mind me posting some more nug shots of the D... For compare and contrast

I hope the chem sis makes its way around my parts sometime. Im always excited to try anything chem




Some fine looking bud there Smoky, fine indeed.Enjoy it!! The chems sister is still going, of course, sometimes I wish I didn't grow her out so big, I've been trimming to the point of tears...here's one top that grew up past the cooltubes, it was 36 inches long, one big, long cluster of garlicy stickiness...


Active member
Heya bro!
I'd like to see you get the REAL Chemdog D Clone,as I stated a few months ago when you got bunked by that wanker "whassisname" with his fakey cuts. (Direct him in here,I'd like to verbally flog him,then have him BANNED!) :D
Expect people to try to mis-read what I've said here as something it's not. Having you over for a visit for coffee and empanadas,ie. "screwing something together" isn't the same as offering a mack truck full of cuts,LMAO! :D

Silly assholes.

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Heya bro!
I'd like to see you get the REAL Chemdog D Clone,as I stated a few months ago when you got bunked by that wanker "whassisname" with his fakey cuts. (Direct him in here,I'd like to verbally flog him,then have him BANNED!) :D
Anyhow,expect a communique' shortly,and we'll see what we can get screwed together.


Getting other people banned and offering clones in the same post...


1st seeding of "Nevs Sister" named by humble1 awhile back, Chems sister X Nevilles haze...


Whoops, sorry about that, that was my giant La Nina, here's the seedling...


"Hey bud, lets party!"
DUDE! that is one CRAZY looking seedling. Very interesting looking leaves. I like that.
Nevs Sister could be a real winner

One Love 731

Senior Member
Heya bro!
I'd like to see you get the REAL Chemdog D Clone,as I stated a few months ago when you got bunked by that wanker "whassisname" with his fakey cuts. (Direct him in here,I'd like to verbally flog him,then have him BANNED!) :D
Anyhow,expect a communique' shortly,and we'll see what we can get screwed together.


From what I can tell the person who gave Chaco the Chem's Sis got it as the D, he passed it with the same name it came to him with. The cut seems to be far from fakey, it sounds like all who run it keep it and love it. There is no rule that says we need to give cuts away and its actually against most rules/tau so those that do are cool in my book. Rez think before ya speak bro, this is the kind of thing that dirty's your and his name. Shouldn't be posted in open forum without proof to back it up if at all. Peace to you Rez and may your success not infect the way you treat others.

Its cool to see the fatty indica leaves on the Nev's Sis hoping the flower times are 10 weeks or less. Keep up the good work Chaco, its always a pleasure to stop by your threads bro. Peace, Pot and karma. One Love:ying: