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Cheesy wardrobe


Greetings all,
I have 3 cheese cuttings which have been in veg around 14days. They have been on a diet of Mother Earth Grow, B52, Humic & fulvic acid. Each currently stands around 9" in hieght & are a nice green with erect leaves. There are very early signs of nute burn as some leaf tips have curled downwards, after lowering the EC there have not been any further visable signs. I have a 20L NFT system with the 3 cuttings in rockwool tubes. For lighting there is a 600w Hps with cool tube & inline fan. I also have a 9" desk fan for circulation.
Today is the 1st day of flower & the res has been changed 14l of water only added. Will top up res tomoz which iwll include there 1st bloom feed of Sensi Bloom A & B, Mother Earth Grow, B52, Fulvic acid & Humic acid to EC 1.3
Few pics taken yesterday with mobile, quality not the best/


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Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
A tidy little grow, will be interesting to see that canopy fill up with buds

Welcome to ICmag


A week has passed & the plants have responded well to there 1st week in flower. I have been trying to keep the EC around 1.4, which seems to be max the plants can handle for now. The light has been lowered to around 6" from plants, no heat probs.
Today is there 2nd feed so they will have Mother Earth Bloom, Sensi Bloom A & B, Big Bud, Humic & Fulvic acid to EC 1.4
I have been pruning the older lower leaves from all the plants, doesnt seem to be doing anything too bad.
This is a very cramped area for 3 plants, i know for the future this is a max 2 plant grow space. None of the plants have started to really stretch yet they all stand at approx 16" tall.
Some leaf stems are red, not too sure wot it is.
few mobile pics...




Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
yup canopy is filling in nicely

I would not worry about red stems, I get 'em all the time

see, nothing wrong with that plant and red stems all over


Dr Dog said:
yup canopy is filling in nicely

I would not worry about red stems, I get 'em all the time

see, nothing wrong with that plant and red stems all over
thanks for the feedback.
yeah canopy is filling up nicely.

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Hey pccdrom love the setup, looking forward to watching those cheese pack on the weight. Take care man.



By virtue of their genetic inheritance, those plants look very healthy. They've grown mega quick. Good job you're now using those measuring instruments and controlling your pH/EC. Do you have lots of bud sites in there? Their parents are doing great. I think I'm going to go shopping for a couple cheese cutz, I'm a bit pissed that I'm blooming my cheese mothers. I wanted them to serve me good for 2008. Looks like I'll have to start again. It's so boring having an empty veg room :( nowt to look forward to. I'm following this one, last one was interesting as you did it blindfolded pretty much. Good luck


spiritlevel said:
By virtue of their genetic inheritance, those plants look very healthy. They've grown mega quick. Good job you're now using those measuring instruments and controlling your pH/EC. Do you have lots of bud sites in there? Their parents are doing great. I think I'm going to go shopping for a couple cheese cutz, I'm a bit pissed that I'm blooming my cheese mothers. I wanted them to serve me good for 2008. Looks like I'll have to start again. It's so boring having an empty veg room :( nowt to look forward to. I'm following this one, last one was interesting as you did it blindfolded pretty much. Good luck
Wah Blo, spirit. Where u been? on a level hahaha Big respect. Trying to match ur grow as best as poss. Know your a lot more experianced than the I.
Yeah the genes have a BIG factor in the current successful development of these 3 cheesy ladies. Thank you! I think the speed of the growth is due to the NFT & the addition of B52 to the feeding programme. Of course the addition of the meters has helped, I am also currently experimenting with the different nutes i have using more M E B (than sensi) & B52 (as stated above).
There are numerous bud sites & pistils are showing. They had there 1st taste of Big Bud on sat & a further top up 2day of B52 (15ml) & Big Bud (15ml).
U seem to have a thing for this cheese, u no it well, how abt a change of strain?
I too was impressed with last grow, environment hasnt chged only additions are B52 & ph/ec meter so lets see wot difference that makes.
Thanks for the input.


week 3 day 3 of flower.....

At last i managed to get a carbon filter. Very much needed as these ladies are starting to really smell now, no more of that veggy smell, reall ganga smell now.
There last feed was set to an EC of 1.6 it consisted of...
Mother Earth Bloom
Sensi A & B
Big Bud
Carbo load
Humic & Fulvic Acid.
Having watched the plants for a day i Noticed very early signs of nute burn so diluted the solution to EC 1.4, this was much more comfortable for the plants & they seemed to relax. After testing the EC yesterday it had increased to 1.6 again showing the plants were still drinking a lot of water. So i further diluted the solution back to 1.4 which seems to be there prefered EC (for now). Checked the res today & EC has again ncreased to 1.4 but i shall be leaving it for now as there are not any further signs of nute burn.
Each plant stands approx 2foot 8 inches, hopefully the majority of the strestch has passed as i do not have too much extra room to adjust the light. The cooltube is approx 4-5inches from the plants (trying to maximise lumens) there is only abt 6inches of room to adjust light.
Bud sites have formed well over all 3 plants & i am pleased with pistil development, hoping to see further improvements as i increase dosage of Big Bud. The frost has started to appear on some lower leaves nothing major in that department yet.
few pics poor quality as im using mobile fne, only 2.0mega pixel, my apologies....






That is some good growing going on there pccdrom. Looks like a great improvement from your first NFT grow. You might even get dense buds all over your plant as your canopy appears a little less dense with leaves... are you trimming away nuisance leaves by any chance??

You are two weeks behind me from the looks of things but I can assure you, the resin is just about to arrive. I think I may have started Overdrive to early. Be sure to monitor my progress to help you decide at what stage you will switch their feed... From the look of my plants I would much prefer to still be using Big Bud up until today instead of switching a week earlier.

Good grow, get one of pals to buy you a camera under the promise of a 20 bag when your finished.

Last thing... What is the distance between your tube and plants? How is the smell now you have a filter? what about the sound? + any thing else of interest!!!!


spiritlevel said:
That is some good growing going on there pccdrom. Looks like a great improvement from your first NFT grow. You might even get dense buds all over your plant as your canopy appears a little less dense with leaves... are you trimming away nuisance leaves by any chance??

You are two weeks behind me from the looks of things but I can assure you, the resin is just about to arrive. I think I may have started Overdrive to early. Be sure to monitor my progress to help you decide at what stage you will switch their feed... From the look of my plants I would much prefer to still be using Big Bud up until today instead of switching a week earlier.

Good grow, get one of pals to buy you a camera under the promise of a 20 bag when your finished.

Last thing... What is the distance between your tube and plants? How is the smell now you have a filter? what about the sound? + any thing else of interest!!!!
Yeah i have been trimming, doesnt seem to be causing a problem. Hopefully the better light penertratin will increase density of lower buds, when they come. I do have a few extra tools this time at my disposal, & have purchased a couple of extra nutes (b52 & carboload).
Have been watching your grow as you incresased EC to reduce yellowing, im hoping to increase the EC but these plants seem to be enjoying 1.4 ec right now, anything over & the tips begin to burn. Ligh is currently 4-5inches from plants.
Thanks for the input..


New member
i see you are using a 600w in a pretty small space...i wonder what the dimensions of your wardrobe are, how many cfms of airflow, what temps you having.

nice canopy, though, gj.


lordjack said:
i see you are using a 600w in a pretty small space...i wonder what the dimensions of your wardrobe are, how many cfms of airflow, what temps you having.

nice canopy, though, gj.
This is my 2nd attempt with a 600w i will not use a lower wattage light.
4.5ft in hieght, 3ft wide, 1ft 8inches deep.
i have a vortice lineo 125 inline fan connected to the cool tube. Airflow is approx 21m3/hr with carbon fiolter & ducting. Lights off temo is around 20degrees lights on approx 28degrees.
thanks for input...
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New member
nice...thanks for the info, my closet is just slightly bigger, was a lot worried about putting a 600w in there...but as it works for you, having a 150 / 6" vortex it will probably do for me as well.

many thanks, good luck


lordjack said:
nice...thanks for the info, my closet is just slightly bigger, was a lot worried about putting a 600w in there...but as it works for you, having a 150 / 6" vortex it will probably do for me as well.

many thanks, good luck

you using a cool tube? will be ok if you are.
light can get real close to plants, no burning.
thanks for checking in...

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