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Cheesy wardrobe


week 4 day 1 of flower...

The plants have grown a lot over the last week. The light has been raised to its max level, so any further hieght increase will result in the tops been tied down, i have no idea what they are reaching for. The pistil development is good & accelerating nicely. over the last couple days i have noticed the frosty look spreading over the leaves.
Today the res has been changed, & fresh bloom feed added. I feel it is time to push these plants a little harder than i have been. The EC was at 1.8 in 20l res after a feed of:
Mother Earh Bloom 20ml
Sensi Bloom A & B 20ml (each)
Big Bud 100ml
H2 & F1 15ml
B52 20ml
Carboload 20ml

I will be watching them very carfully over the next two days, looking carefully for signs of nute burn. Previously i have not increased the Big Bud dosage so high, but i have reduced the sensi bloom as this does increase the EC a lot.
I will not be trimming at all this week, not for any special reason just decided not to.
Still no digital camera, mobile phone pics only apologies...



I cut the top off 1 of the plants.
I Now feel very angry with myself. I cannot raise my light any further without dismantling the entire wardrobe. Maybe i should of tied the top down but i was stoned, Just got the scissors & chop. Was only abt 1" max that i cut off. jus to keep it away from the light as the top of the plant was growing into the light.
That aside everything seems to be going smoothly. no major signs of nute burn, there at EC 1.5 right now. PH around 5.5
I like the way these plants responded to the increase in Big Bud. All plants are now showing crystals. Hopefully they will be concentrating on bud formation now..






New member
healthy looking plants. it's not going to be much stress by cutting that inch off the top i hope.
glad to hear big bud is working well for you.
looks like this is gonna be frosty ;)

best wishes
Hey there PCCDROM, cool name lol. They're stretching cause, by the looks of it, it's a heavy sativa strain. Dunno much about cheese though. But have only heard good things!

Your plants are lookin really nice though :0) Cutting the top bit off of the plant probably wasn't the BEST idea, but I don't think it'll stress it out too much. It'll still stretch, but you definitely fixed the problem :\ It'll be interesting to see exactly how much it's affected! You should post a pic of your roots :)


Wow those plants have stretched alot ay? Considering you
have had the light so close I am suprised... They look good
though and are obviosuly healthy considering the amount
they have grown. You must have quite a thick root mat under
the corex man...

Is your cheese the clone only variety or big buddha's?
I ask as it seems you got them from spiritlevel (nice handle btw
spirit), and his grow seems to be BB's cheese.

Instead of trimming tops, as you point out above, I would always try tying them down first.

Looking good bro, keep the pics comin...


lordjack said:
healthy looking plants. it's not going to be much stress by cutting that inch off the top i hope.
glad to hear big bud is working well for you.
looks like this is gonna be frosty ;)

best wishes
thank you. yeah big bud is doing well, overdrive soon.
frost is spreading nicely over plants.
thanks for checking in...


thanks herbatonist
glad you like them
sativa... thought this was a indica. short leaves, maybe im wrong.

will put up some pics of roots later. thanks for checking in...


~Shhh~ said:
...Is your cheese the clone only variety or big buddha's? I ask as it seems you got them from spiritlevel (nice handle btw spirit), and his grow seems to be BB's cheese...

I've spoken to sources and they assure me they are of the original variety, but even then its hard to judge.

Pccdrom, looking very good. Way better than my attempt with regard to yellowing, pests and such like. I'm jealous bwahahahaha!! How's the smell? You need to hold your phone a bit steadier as them pics look a bit fuzzy. I took 12 cheese clones from 2 different mothers yesterday as they hadn't already been done. One cheese was around 5' tall while the other was a mere 2', but the smaller one I anticipate will produce the better clones; hopefully there should be 12 ready for consumption rather soon. I think the white strain in early development might be displaying male characteristics, it may take a few to fully determine where they are at. My new 10 cheese in shytty garden centre reinforced cardboard cups are all now showing roots emerging from them. Busy busy!! I'll have to get them potted and ready for bloom, I still want to hydroponically cultivate them so I might just leave 2 or 3 in the propagator and

Come week 4-5, if you aren't already you may want to run your filtered extractor 24/7 until the end. I've been informed that at 0100hours after my extractor goes of the street has had cheese aroma wafting in the midnight air. Since switching my filtered extraction to 24s those reports have silenced. Try not to get caught out!


~Shhh~ said:
Wow those plants have stretched alot ay? Considering you
have had the light so close I am suprised... They look good
though and are obviosuly healthy considering the amount
they have grown. You must have quite a thick root mat under
the corex man...

Is your cheese the clone only variety or big buddha's?
I ask as it seems you got them from spiritlevel (nice handle btw
spirit), and his grow seems to be BB's cheese.

Instead of trimming tops, as you point out above, I would always try tying them down first.

Looking good bro, keep the pics comin...
yeah will try & get better pics been taking them with mobile fone, not the best.
yeah i should of tied them down, did ask spirit wot he thought, kinda didnt reply. so i just did it, was only an inch at the most.
thanks for checking in..


spiritlevel said:
I've spoken to sources and they assure me they are of the original variety, but even then its hard to judge.

Pccdrom, looking very good. Way better than my attempt with regard to yellowing, pests and such like. I'm jealous bwahahahaha!! How's the smell? You need to hold your phone a bit steadier as them pics look a bit fuzzy. I took 12 cheese clones from 2 different mothers yesterday as they hadn't already been done. One cheese was around 5' tall while the other was a mere 2', but the smaller one I anticipate will produce the better clones; hopefully there should be 12 ready for consumption rather soon. I think the white strain in early development might be displaying male characteristics, it may take a few to fully determine where they are at. My new 10 cheese in shytty garden centre reinforced cardboard cups are all now showing roots emerging from them. Busy busy!! I'll have to get them potted and ready for bloom, I still want to hydroponically cultivate them so I might just leave 2 or 3 in the propagator and

Come week 4-5, if you aren't already you may want to run your filtered extractor 24/7 until the end. I've been informed that at 0100hours after my extractor goes of the street has had cheese aroma wafting in the midnight air. Since switching my filtered extraction to 24s those reports have silenced. Try not to get caught out!
Respect spirit.
Yeah they look ok. smell yeah, but filter doin its job, i dont run it 24-7, but if i aint in its on defo. I do prefer to have it on obviously to combat smell, but its also my sourcre of ventilation. So it is on the MAJORITY of everyday, atm from next week will be on 24/7.
Yeah i know i aint the best photographer, & my fne is only 2.0megapixel. Am trying to do my best with the pics.
So you got some cuttings sorted.
lets hope u r wrong, abt the white russian. really wanted to get started on that using connisseur. Patiently waiting.


Actually had to top up the res today. I still had about 6l of bloom feed already mixed to EC 1.9 (way too high) so just diluted that to 1.5.
Hopefully they will speed up there intake & development now, as this was the 1st mid week refill i have had to do with this grow.
more pics 2moz.


I'm sure u were a couple of weeks behind me some time ago... they look just moments behind. Are you still thinning them out?
Yummmm. Cheese is a personal favourite of mine along with a few others. Hopefully going to grow it soon. Looks like some killer plants you have there though man.





WR! dunno the age, didn't keep track... they need repotting! 1L pots aren't cutting it right now... B'Cuzz Special Mix for these upon repot... Currently in Canna Pro +... likely do a repot before the weekend...


started with Formulex 0.9, 1.0
then, Sensi Grow 1.2 with Voodoo
just, Mother Earth 1.1 with Voodoo & Barricade

Will soon commence foliar with Formulex and EC1.2 continual feed, of course this will be after re pot! That's your update


Josh-Skunker said:
Yummmm. Cheese is a personal favourite of mine along with a few others. Hopefully going to grow it soon. Looks like some killer plants you have there though man.
thanks for the comments..
this strain seems very versatile to me, can take sharp rise in EC in its stride, low PH no problem. has taken a while but im beginning to really like these plants


spiritlevel said:
I'm sure u were a couple of weeks behind me some time ago... they look just moments behind. Are you still thinning them out?
didnt want to trim at all this week, but the canopy was so gettin too dense. So yes, i have been trimming. will continue to do so to try & keep light at them lower buds