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Chanting Growers Group

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Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Let me be the first one to say congratulations Desi! Well done dude!


Deepest respect,



Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"'Those who believe in the Lotus Sutra are as if in winter,' the Daishonin says. Before we can welcome spring, we must go through winter. Attaining Buddhahood in this lifetime entails a fierce struggle to change our karma, as well as to overcome the various challenges posed to our practice by the three obstacles and four devils, and the three powerful enemies. The trials of winter are unavoidable if we wish to soar into a brilliant springtime based on faith.

"'Those who believe in the Lotus Sutra are as if in winter'--these are the compassionate words of a strict father advising us to follow the sure path to attaining Buddhahood by battling and triumphing over all karmic impediments. The way we attain Buddhahood is summed up in the words, 'Winter always turns to spring.'

"Winter turns into spring; it does not become autumn. This is an unchanging principle of nature. In the same way, the Daishonin says, those who uphold the Mystic Law, the great teaching for gaining enlightenment, will never fail to become Buddhas or remain in the deluded state of an ordinary, unenlightened person. As the Buddha promises in the Lotus Sutra, those who hear and embrace the Mystic Law will all attain Buddhahood without a single exception (cf. LS2, 41). This is a universal principle of life."

SGI Newsletter No. 7521, LEARNING FROM THE GOSHO: THE HOPE-FILLED WRITINGS OF NICHIREN DAISHONIN [6 ] 'Winter Always Turns to Spring.' Bringing Forth the Great Power of Faith--The Inspirational Force of the Daishonin's Towering Conviction, translated April 7th, 2008 from the February issue of the Daibyakurenge, the Soka Gakkai study journal.


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"Unseen virtue brings about visible reward."

(The Farther the Source, the Longer the Stream - The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, Vol. 1, page 940) Selection source: "Myoji no Gen", Seikyo Shimbun, April 13th, 2008


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Cheerfully, joyfully and in high spirits,
let's help as many people as we can to make a connection with Buddhism.
Those who continue to share this Buddhism and its philosophy
with others (no matter how they might respond) are the true victors.
Let the flower of happiness blossom in the heart of each person.

Daisaku Ikeda

SoCal Hippy

Active member
The master of the house in private treated us with compassion. Though
outwardly he appeared to be fearful of the authorities, at heart he had
great pity for us, something that I will never forget in any future
lifetime. At that time, he meant more to me than the very parents who
gave me birth. However great the obligations I incurred to him, I must
endeavor to repay them. Even more, I must not fail to do what I had
promised him.

(WND, 529)
Letter to the Lay Priest Ichinosawa
Written to the wife of the lay priest Ichinosawa on May 8, 1275

SoCal Hippy

Active member


"No one is more wonderful than a mother. And there is nothing more noble
than a mother's heart. I hope you will all treasure your mothers. Truly
praiseworthy are those who have a sense of gratitude and appreciation
toward their parents. The Buddhist sutras teach that the practice of
Buddhism is the ultimate expression of devotion to one's parents, and
the Buddha excels in such dedication and concern."

Daisaku Ikeda

SoCal Hippy

Active member
"Just as a spring breeze awakens tender new shoots of green, sincere
encouragement can thaw a frozen heart and instill courage. It is the
most powerful means to rejuvenate the human spirit."

Words of Wisdom - Daisaku Ikeda

SoCal Hippy

Active member
"Prayer is an attempt to merge the inner workings of our life with the
rhythm of the universe. When we pray in such a way, all the workings
of the universe will function to protect us and the endless cycle of
painful reality will be transformed into a cycle of victory and
happiness. Prayer is the key to open the door to unleash that
infinite human potential within our lives."

Daisaku Ikeda


Bodhisattva of the Earth
SoCal Hippy said:
"Prayer is an attempt to merge the inner workings of our life with the
rhythm of the universe. When we pray in such a way, all the workings
of the universe will function to protect us and the endless cycle of
painful reality will be transformed into a cycle of victory and
happiness. Prayer is the key to open the door to unleash that
infinite human potential within our lives."

Daisaku Ikeda

This is what the Gohonzon means to me,.....I don't have one yet, but I know this is what it means to me!

I mean, today has been so eventful! All the warm wishes have been tropical!

I still am disecting T's Human Revolution, my theme for now.

I "met" my district leader over the phone. Shoot, she lives three buildings down from a close friend of mine. Come to find out, my friend lived with the leader and her husband at a tough time for my friend. My friend was like a devil king back then...........even to me, but she's alot better now..........and that why she knew about Nam myoho renge kyo........my friend that is........but anyway, all is good, because this is about me, as T stressed, we,I, have to be the effort of change in this human revolution. :wave:

I saw the emptiness inside myself today, a shell, that I have a whole new vacancy to fill up with good things to come.

Love you all, Desi!


Active member
I wish you the best, Desi, Good Luck to you. I can't wait to hear all of your actual proof!

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo--Have a wonderful day everyone.


Bodhisattva of the Earth
Hitman, my truth spirit, your love is an echo in my head. Bro, you always make me feel good inside! You are a light into my soul..........

And about the emptiness I saw inside me, it now seems it might have been vastness that I saw too. I do have some substance, the stuff I was born with,,,,,,,,the original oatmeal, the stuff that sticks,.........but it's a big fucking space, the empty/vast room I saw,............. that was alittle bleak looking like winter.

Hitman, there is a transformation going on inside me. The process has begun, everything I'm viewing has some kind of connection to me. This must be pre-Gohonzon I'm experiencing. There seems to be a meaning to everything.

I saw Bonz's soul at the beach today..........it was feeling good!

I'm the Moon today. I'm reflecting like Sun off ice. It's bright!..........alot of reflection is a quite time too. "The wheels of fate slowly grind my life away", I just heard from "Country Joe and the Fish."

Back to being the moon in winter's spring..........love Desi


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Thanks Desi, you made my day!

Thanks Desi, you made my day!

Desiderata said:
Hitman, my truth spirit, your love is an echo in my head. Bro, you always make me feel good inside! You are a light into my soul..........

And about the emptiness I saw inside me, it now seems it might have been vastness that I saw too. I do have some substance, the stuff I was born with,,,,,,,,the original oatmeal, the stuff that sticks,.........but it's a big fucking space, the empty/vast room I saw,............. that was alittle bleak looking like winter.

Hitman, there is a transformation going on inside me. The process has begun, everything I'm viewing has some kind of connection to me. This must be pre-Gohonzon I'm experiencing. There seems to be a meaning to everything.

I saw Bonz's soul at the beach today..........it was feeling good!

I'm the Moon today. I'm reflecting like Sun off ice. It's bright!..........alot of reflection is a quite time too. "The wheels of fate slowly grind my life away", I just heard from "Country Joe and the Fish."

Back to being the moon in winter's spring

That's not pre-Gohonzon, Bro. That's Gohonzon. Period. Your Buddha Nature rushing out to be more than a fleeting moment of clarity. It's your Buddha Nature becoming your natural life state. It is a precious time and I hope you remember everything you are experiencing right now, forever. These memories will be treasures that will sustain you for the rest of your time in this existence. Embrace them and develop your faith Desi. I am so happy for you!

The Gohonzon is the physical manifestation of the Onesness of our Buddha Nature and the Law of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, the Dharma Body that we all share, which is one with the Buddha of Beginningless Time, our eternal Master, the teacher of all Buddhas thoughout the three existences of past, present, and future, which is the basis and reason of our reverent devotion through the invocation of the Daimoku, manifesting the innate potential we all have to share an enlightenment equal to His own. Everyone that embraces this teaching is a Thus Come One of Original Enlightenment eternally endowed with the three bodies. The Reward Body, our minds, perceives the Dharma Body, the Law, and through our Manifest Body give praise through the actions of chanting and propagating the Law as original disciples of the Buddha of Beginningless Time.

What qualifies this as being so? Chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo to the Gohonzon. Nothing more. This is ones physical access point to the Ceremony in the Air. Right now--absolutely in perfect respect to it's discription in the Lotus Sutra--but in your home, with you participating.

My greatest wish is for you to practice and chant for the rest of your life. Keep going Desi. You were this close once before. Don't let the devil of the Sixth Heaven win.

Be prepared to do whatever it takes.

Much love and deep respect,

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Bodhisattva of the Earth
Deep Respect to you Thomas..........yes, I told the leader I was going to join last year, but because of a Hip replacement for my woman, that did happen,..........and she interrupted and said, "oh, I put it off 6-7 times before I joined."................. She's 25 years into it, she said. I said, "I read Siddartha when I was 17," and she stated, "I read it at 13." She reminded me the author was Herman Hess. Man, did I ever love that book. I told her it really inspired me my whole life.

This tuesday nite there is a meeting with a video of Soka Gakkai talking and she said she is in the movie. Being apart of this movie I could tell had/has a big impact on her. I wouldn't miss this for the world!

When I was 18 I named my big golden cat Buddha. I remembered this last nite, lying in bed. So I'm destined and now I'm ready oh wise one T.

I know I have an obstacle already, our mutual friend Susie who was a devil king to them (district leader and husband) at the same time she was to us (Ann and me). So I hope me knowing and showing kindness to a banned member doesn't have a bad reflection on me. Once they meet me, they will be relieved, that I'm not one of Susie's typical running mates from the past. Who would have ever known all this would happen before my Gohonzon?

Susie doe's have a Buddha nature, the leader and I both agreed to that. Why, why, why, are so many so close, but so far away?

Thank You T! I love you bro.
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Bodhisattva of the Earth
I just went and finished reading T's "Human Revolution and overcoming Obstacles,"...........it answered alot of my questions I was referring too, in my last post.

Back to my Turtle shell (empty/vast room) to grow a head, some legs, and a tail...........gotta know which way I'm going.........Desi

SoCal Hippy

Active member
A woman who takes this efficacious medicine will be surrounded and
protected by these four great bodhisattvas at all times. When she rises
to her feet, so too will the bodhisattvas, and when she walks along the
road, they will also do the same. She and they will be as inseparable
as a body and its shadow, as fish and water, as a voice and its echo,
or as the moon and its light.

(WND, 415)
On Offering Prayers to the Mandala of the Mystic Law
Recipient and date unknown

SoCal Hippy

Active member
"The state of mind with which we meet our death will greatly influence
the course of our lives over eternity. Granted, if one is unconcerned
by how one dies, or if one dismisses any connection between this
existence and the next, then there probably isn't any need to practice
the Daishonin's Buddhism. But the truth is that life is eternal, that
our existence continues even after we die. Moreover, during the latent
stage of death before rebirth, we cannot change the essence of our
lives, we cannot carry out Buddhist practice. Only while we are alive
as human beings can we practice Buddhism."

Daisaku Ikeda

SoCal Hippy

Active member
"We are dependent on the Earth, not the other way around. In our
arrogance, we have flagrantly overlooked this. … The essential
teaching of Buddhism is that the life of the Buddha resides in every
plant and tree, even in the smallest dust mote: it is a philosophy of
the utmost reverence for life."

Daisaku Ikeda

SoCal Hippy

Active member
"In the Buddhist view, the bonds that link people are not a matter of this lifetime alone. And because those who have died in a sense live on within us, our happiness is naturally shared with those who have passed away. So, the most important thing is for those of us who are alive at this moment to live with hope and strive to become happy."

Daisaku Ikeda

SoCal Hippy

Active member
Post #8000

Post #8000

Wow! Just noticed the # of posts and I am honored.

Congratulations to all Chanting Grower Bodhisatvas!!!

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo
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