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Chanting Growers Group (2013-∞)


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
All of my kids look to be well - although I am still unable to be with them - but that could all change over the next few days, when we will get the good, or indeed bad news concerning the wifes settlement visa application result - so on tenterhooks and probably need to chant or pray -

<bangs a gong while trying to dance like a Sioux indian>

*look me up - if you are in town


Thanks for letting me know! I will keep your family in mind while I do my thing in these next few days! We will try and call, (Same number?) this weekend, but always think of it too early in the day while you must surely be asleep! But I will stay after it until we reach you.



3rd-Eye Jedi
At this point, an implicit analogy begins to emerge. The doubt held by Shakyamuni’s disciples about how he could possibly have taught the countless Bodhisattvas of the Earth in this life leads to the revelation of his true identity as the Buddha who attained enlightenment countless kalpas ago. Similarly, the doubt held by the Daishonin’s followers about why he has been exiled and suffered so many persecutions leads to an understanding of his true identity as the Buddha of the Latter Day.
Then the Daishonin mentions the principle of sowing, maturing, and harvesting. He points to the unsurpassed Law whereby all Buddhas attain p.290enlightenment—Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. This Law is what lies in the depths of the “Life Span” chapter. Nichiren Daishonin directly teaches this Law, the true cause for attaining Buddhahood, and his Buddhism is called the Buddhism of sowing because it implants this “seed of enlightenment” in the lives of those who practice it. In this light, he possesses the virtues of sovereign, teacher, and parent for humanity as a whole.
Nichiren Daishonin explains that each sutra has its own claim to excellence; he also gives examples of statements in which various sutras assert their own superiority to other teachings. But the Lotus Sutra alone declares that it is supreme among all sutras, and the Daishonin reconfirms its supremacy. The Lotus Sutra speaks of the three powerful enemies of the sutra and prophesies opposition and hostility toward the sutra and its votary. All this the Daishonin had himself encountered; all this is predicted in the sutra. As the votary of the Lotus Sutra, he vows to stake his life on the cause of saving all people, saying: “Let the gods forsake me. Let all persecutions assail me. Still I will give my life for the sake of the Law. . . . I will be the pillar of Japan. I will be the eyes of Japan. I will be the great ship of Japan. This is my vow, and I will never forsake it” (pp. 280–81). Then he assures his disciples that they will definitely attain Buddhahood as long as they do not permit themselves to be overcome by doubts, even when difficulties befall them.
In the final section of this treatise, Nichiren Daishonin explains that there are two ways to propagate the Lotus Sutra: shōju, or gentle persuasion, and shakubuku, or strict refutation. Here, the Daishonin argues that both methods should be used, because there are two kinds of countries, those whose people are ignorant of the correct teaching of Buddhism and those whose people deliberately oppose it. But Japan, as a nation that slanders the correct teaching, requires the shakubuku method. Then he concludes that to remove suffering and give joy to the people is the Buddha’s teaching. The Daishonin has devoted himself to refuting and rooting out the causes of human misery. For him, the exile to Sado was only a “small suffering” in this life. Indeed, he feels “great joy” because of the results he is confident will come in the future.

---> https://www.nichirenlibrary.org/en/wnd-1/Introduction/3#para-23


To anyone who saw my post here yesterday I want to apologise for my Confronting, Intolerant and Discompassionate behaviour. I will not come here again. Chant on ...


3rd-Eye Jedi
Please don't feel because of the corrective nature of this practice that you are any less welcome as you are.

Having experience the same feelings and having sustained practice over the term I can share with you that I had some of the same difficulties. After some time I came to realize that this practice was not eliminating my previous practices that brought me here but building upon them to reveal an even greater truth. If we look at the levels of human development and likened them to states of math we could equate provisional (expedient means) as basic math such as addition, subtraction, division and multiplication.

These very basics are still the foundation of our mathematical development and remain potent in that context. At one time they where the pinnacle of our mathematical understanding. They still enable people and are used in our daily lives. Since the development of math, greater understanding has revealed greater math. Algebra comes to mind. It uses base math (provisional) as a basis for expression within a more complex set of computations. Algebra both incorporates base math and yet facilitates function that aren't available in base math. This does not diminish the value of base math but allows for a greater truth to be revealed through the use of base math in a larger equation with more complex operands.

In a rough analogy the Lotus Sutra can be equated to algebra this analogy, basic math as expedient means.

I do not doubt that all people who have come here to share their expedient means (as I did) came for humanitarian reasons and are being called to embrace the Lotus Sutra, the highest teaching of the Buddha. The very nature of enlightenment and human development make sharing this sutra difficult but I truly believe that we are in a time in human development where this truth is accessible to us all, regardless of the difficulties that still exist. So please don't let the corrective nature be interpreted as judgement against your humanitarian value or latent Buddha potential because it is corrective out of compassion although it may not feel that way at the time.

I sincerely hope this helps

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
“Those who dare to look adversity in the face and confront it with an invincible spirit, rather than avoiding or fleeing the situation, are true champions of life.”

The Buddhism of the Sun — Illuminating the World, (34) To My Dear Friends of the Youth Division — Part 2. (of 5), Invincible Spirit—Be Champions Who Are Never Defeated, February 2018 Daibyakurenge, translation released October 2018.


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Please don't feel because of the corrective nature of this practice that you are any less welcome as you are.

Having experience the same feelings and having sustained practice over the term I can share with you that I had some of the same difficulties. After some time I can to realize that this practice was not eliminating my previous practices that brought me here but building upon them to reveal an even greater truth. If we look at the levels of human development and likened them to states of math we could equate provisional (expedient means) as basic math such as addition, subtraction, division and multiplication.

These very basics are still the foundation of our mathematical development and remain potent in that context. At one time they where the pinnacle of our mathematical understanding. They still enable people and are used in our daily lives. Since the development of math, greater understanding has revealed greater math. Algebra comes to mind. It uses base math (provisional) as a basis for expression within a more complex set of computations. Algebra both incorporates base math and yet facilitates function that aren't available in base math. This does not diminish the value of base math but allows for a greater truth to be revealed through the use of base math in a larger equation with more complex operands.

In a rough analogy the Lotus Sutra can be equated to algebra this analogy, basic math as expedient means.

I do not doubt that all people who have come here to share their expedient means (as I did) came for humanitarian reasons and are being called to embrace the Lotus Sutra, the highest teaching of the Buddha. The very nature of enlightenment and human development make sharing this sutra difficult but i truly believe that we are in a time in human development where this truth is accessible to us all, regardless of the difficulties that still exist. So please don't let the corrective nature be interpreted as judgement against your humanitarian value or latent buddha potential because it is corrective our of compassion although it may not feel that way at the time.

I sincerely hope this helps

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo



3rd-Eye Jedi
Point Four, on the passage “At that time the bodhisattvas, respectfully complying with the Buddha’s will and at the same time wishing to fulfill their own original vows, proceeded in the presence of the Buddha to roar the lion’s roar and to make a vow.”

The Record of the Orally Transmitted Teachings says: To comply with the Lotus Sutra is what is meant by “respectfully complying with the Buddha’s will.” By the Buddha’s will is meant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo.
Now when Nichiren and his followers chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, it means that they are “respectfully complying with the Buddha’s will.”

---> https://www.nichirenlibrary.org/en/ott/PART-1/13


3rd-Eye Jedi
The Buddha said: “Good men, the first is that this sutra can cause bodhisattvas who have not yet conceived the desire for p.22enlightenment to conceive such a desire. It can cause those who are without compassion or benevolence to nurture compassionate minds. It can cause those who delight in killing and slaughter to nurture minds of great pity. It can cause those filled with envy and jealousy to nurture minds of joyful acceptance. It can cause those who are begrudging and attached to things to nurture minds capable of relinquishing. It can cause those who are close-fisted and greedy to nurture minds of almsgiving. It can cause those of abundant arrogance and pride to nurture minds that uphold the precepts. It can cause those much given to wrath and anger to nurture forbearing minds. It can cause those who are indolent and lazy to nurture minds of diligence. It can cause those who are scatterbrained and disordered to nurture minds devoted to meditation. It can cause those with much ignorance and folly to nurture minds of wisdom. It can cause those who are not yet capable of saving others to nurture minds set upon saving others. It can cause those who practice the ten evil acts to nurture minds devoted to the ten good acts. It can cause those who delight too much in the conditioned to strive for minds fixed on the unconditioned. It can cause those whose minds are given to regression to cultivate minds of non-regression. It can cause those given to outflows to nurture minds free of outflows. It can cause those with many earthly desires to nurture minds that cleanse and extinguish such desires.

---> https://www.nichirenlibrary.org/en/lsoc/Prologue/3


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"People with an invincible spirit are never pessimistic, even when things don't go as they hoped.

“Mr. Toda once said to some young women’s division members: ‘You should be proud that you possess within you the same life state as Nichiren Daishonin. Maintain a noble spirit and triumph in life. Never belittle yourselves.'

“Nichiren Buddhism enables us to confidently overcome life’s problems without becoming discouraged, feeling sorry for ourselves or thinking ‘I’m no good!’ or ‘I can’t do it!' The power of the Mystic Law enables us to decisively vanquish the fundamental darkness or ignorance that tries to diminish our supremely noble lives.”

The Buddhism of the Sun — Illuminating the World, (34) To My Dear Friends of the Youth Division — Part 2. (of 5), Invincible Spirit—We Possess the Same Life State as the Daishonin, February 2018 Daibyaku-renge, translation released October 2018.


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
“The Daishonin goes so far as to say that if we seek the law outside ourselves, we will not attain Buddhahood, no matter how much we chant; instead, our practice will become an ‘endless painful austerity' (WND –1, 4).

"Seeking the Law outside ourselves means looking for the causes and effects of happiness and misfortune outside our own lives. This includes shifting responsibility or blame to other people or circumstances. It also refers to the doubt that arises when something terrible and unexpected happens, causing us to waver in faith, become fearful, bemoan our situation or feel resentful of others.”

The Buddhism of the Sun — Illuminating the World, (34) To My Dear Friends of the Youth Division — Part 2. (of 5), Invincible Spirit—Believe in Your Own Potential, February 2018 Daibyakurenge, translation released October 2018.


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
“Faith in the Daishonin’s Buddhism begins from awakening to the fact that the great life state of the Buddha exists within each of us.

"As such, Nichiren Buddhism is not a ‘dependent faith,' in which our prayers are an appeal to some external power for help. It is a struggle to believe in our own potential and manifest our inherent Buddhahood. This is why the Daishonin states: ‘Strengthen your faith day by day and month after month’ (WND-1,997).”

The Buddhism of the Sun — Illuminating the World, (34) To My Dear Friends of the Youth Division — Part 2. (of 5), Invincible Spirit—Believe in Your Own Potential, February 2018 Daibyakurenge, translation released October 2018.


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
“Chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is a battle against the darkness or ignorance that shrouds the truth that we ourselves are Buddhas. That's why it requires serious dedication. Through chanting daimoku, we can conquer our doubts and break through the shell of our lesser self. Nam-myoho-renge-kyo Is the fundamental power that can transform even sorrow into a wellspring of creativity."

The Buddhism of the Sun — Illuminating the World, (34) To My Dear Friends of the Youth Division — Part 2. (of 5), Invincible Spirit—We Possess the Same Life State as the Daishonin, February 2018 Daibyaku-renge, translation released October 2018.


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Deepest Gratitude to ICMag, Gypsy, and all of the Chanting Growers!

Deepest Gratitude to ICMag, Gypsy, and all of the Chanting Growers!

“Although I and my disciples may encounter various difficulties, if we do not harbour doubts in our hearts, we will as a matter of course attain Buddhahood. Do not have doubts simply because heaven does not lend you protection. Do not be discouraged because you do not enjoy an easy and secure existence in this life.”

(The Opening of the Eyes - WND, Vol. 1, page 283) Selection Source: “Kyo no Hosshin,” Seikyo Shinbun, Jan. 14th, 2019



Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
“Those who firmly believe that they embody the Mystic Law have nothing to fear.”

The Buddhism of the Sun — Illuminating the World, (34) To My Dear Friends of the Youth Division — Part 2. (of 5), Invincible Spirit—Everyone Is Precious, February 2018 Daibyaku-renge, translation released October 2018..

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