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CFL Cab 3rd Run - 1 sqft - 5 Plants - 115w


have u read beekas grow? http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=67001&highlight=150watt+hps this grow always humbles me when i start thinking i need alot of space n power. 60 grams from 72 watts of t-8s.

your grow is great, have u thought of coco for a medium, maybe make some home made air pots and see what happens, ive heard coco doent need the space of soil to a certain extent and if u could mix the air pot combo u might really have something, but not saying your wasnt top notch , u did great.
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ICMag Donor
have u read beekas grow? http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=67001&highlight=150watt+hps this grow always humbles me when i start thinking i need alot of space n power. 60 grams from 72 watts of t-8s.

your grow is great, have u thought of coco for a medium, maybe make some home made air pots and see what happens, ive heard coco doent need the space of soil to a certain extent and if u could mix the air pot combo u might really have something, but not saying your wasnt top notch , u did great.

That's a cool grow, but I could never grow SCROG. Training plants to a screen is way more work than I'm willing to do. Besides the expense of bottled nutes (i'm cheap that way), coco is also way more work than I'm willing to do.

Keep in mind that all I have to do for these plants is water them with tap water about once a week, for 10 weeks. There aren't even any drain holes for me to worry about water leakage or runoff.


the water run off thing is a parameter thats a headache i fully agree, outside cocos a breeze, u can flush everytime u feed and i do. i didnt realize u had your grow so dialed in, i may actually make a return to soil myself , but let me tell u coco is much more of a fun grow show to watch and the only work u have to do with coco is water each or every other day, ph ing your nutes is easy, with your micro set up u could just run 5 small tubes/hoses from the bottom of your containers into a bucket, u visit your plants everyday, to water isnt anything but fun really, but im not trying u to switch to coco im just saying that if u think its brain surgery it definately isnt and if your buying your dirt which i guess your not but if you were it (coco) would also be a cheaper medium to buy.. to each his own, just dont think u need a cannabologist phd to do it.

and if scrogging would double your yield and took maybe a few hours a week that wouldnt make it worth it to yeild what u yeild in 20 weeks in ten?? is ten weeks of weekly waterings easier by comparision?


ICMag Donor
Here is the final dry weight from this round; 40.4g!


This round is a good example of why I post both wet and dry weights.

I usually dry to about 34%

First round: 82.18g wet > 28.0g dry = 34%

Second round: 94.79g wet > 32.87g dry = 35%

Third round: 144.55g wet > 40.4g dry = 28%

Had I pulled this round out of the drybox at 34%, I would have ended up with 49.15g dry. That's a difference of 8.75g due to water!

Regardless, I'm more than happy with the results of this round.


God damn man your grows amaze me! So much but from such little power. I think its time to rethink my situation and try something new. Well done bro you did a helluva job! Peace


Congrats on the grow man. Amazing you don't nute throughout... and even more amazing, no drain holes... wow. haha :yes:

Got two girls @ week 3.5 of flower right now under 195w CFL, hoping to do as well as you have.

Happy Toking, that looks like some super.

-Dolla$ :abduct:


awesome Blynx...........just awesome!!! damn all i can say is just keep doing what your doing, good stuff!!!


ICMag Donor
I like to see how a plant flowers; when it stretches, bulks up, etc.

So I threw these together for this last round. They show the progress of each container from day 0 to day 70 with the dry and wet pics at the end.

2PBSD4 Plants



PBSD4A Plant



PBSD4B Plant



Sour Creek Plant




You blynx, have one of the coolest grow threads, ever. Like shawkmon said, perfecto.

You and your cab are putting out some great numbers!

Keep us posted on the next run!

Would you maybe say that fewer plants in larger containers yielded more for you?


So let me get this right. No bottled or organic nute feedings with waterings, no ph testing/adjusting and you use tap water? Just a good soil with lots of nutrients for the whole plants cycle? And some training if you need to?

That's all?

That sounds great if so. So simple and your getting great yields. I'd love to hear more if your willing to share. Very interested in your soil mix as well.


ICMag Donor
You blynx, have one of the coolest grow threads, ever. Like shawkmon said, perfecto.

You and your cab are putting out some great numbers!

Keep us posted on the next run!

Would you maybe say that fewer plants in larger containers yielded more for you?


The next run probably won't be for max yield. I'm going to try to kill two birds with one stone and do half the plants for growth and half to progress on a project I'm working on.