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Ceramic Metal Halide (CMH)

Pinball Wizard

The wand chooses the wizard
Azeotrope said:
Pinball -

Are you still out there? How is flowering going?
I'm here. Tomorrow is the end of week #1 flowering. All is well, 3 WW plants.
Much better than my 400HPS Hortilux so far. (I wish I had a camera, maybe Santa will bring me one in time before harvest).


Many thanks to you and Simba for all the information and advice you provided.

All I gotta do is decide between the 150w and 250w set up, otherwise I have the plans for the cabinet, screen etc. all ready to go.

Azeotrope said:
Hey MPL -

You have done the research and asked the questions and are making a good choice for your set-up. You will get much more uv than with ANY HPS and will have great success.



Does anyone else here wonder why the Micro Forum isn't loaded with folks running the 150w cmh and or the 250w cmh bulbs? I mean wow! Less stretch and one bulb type for everything. Just sounds perfect to me. I mean my old 18" deep X36"wide X 28"tall veg cab (converted file cabinet) had a 250w Phillips cmh and a 150cfm co-axial fan. It produced the strongest growing, tightest, greatest female ratio vegging I've ever seen. I miss it but it had to go due to a loooong distance move. I flowered a scrog in it once with NL5xHaze (hazey leaning clones) and holy S**T were they nice.


Active member
Pinball Wizard said:
I'm here. Tomorrow is the end of week #1 flowering. All is well, 3 WW plants.
Much better than my 400HPS Hortilux so far. (I wish I had a camera, maybe Santa will bring me one in time before harvest).

Hey Pinball Wizard what type of ballest are you running your bulb with?


Active member
Pinball Wizard said:
400 HPS magnetic.

Thank you!!!!
I will be getting one of these bulbs and switching over at the begining next year for sure. So much for the digi i just purchased last year :redface: . Perhaps a new cab is in order and a side by side..... To bad i will have to wait till at least Jan....


Sleeping Dragon
az i duno why.. i have posted few times in them..
cmh is the best for Micro and mini....LOL especially compared to CFL.>
however i think once MPL posts her results micro and mini growers will Start swimming for the boat.. they all bout to miss. LOL JK
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I have been away for many days and relying on a very kind sitter to look after the girls. Photos are still 4days away as that will be when I am home for a while. Normally 3days gone 4home (or very close to that) latley it has been crazy! Glad I was over most if not all of the stretch and in a organic medium loaded just right. They have just been getting Kelp extract, mineral matrix and molasses.
Well i've had my 400w Retro white CMH bulb running for over a week now. There are some noticable advantages at this point, the change in temps for one. I am able to get the light as close to the plant as i want, honestly withen 6"! The close proximity of the light to the plant has also had noticable advantages!! :muahaha: Whether or not the spectrum is better for the plant, I can not confirm at this juncture, but maybe on my next grow. :joint:
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What are your ambients? What kind of cabinet design do you have? Is it aircooled?

I'm trying to finalize some ideas and am trying to get an idea of the heat the CMH lamps put out.

Rolling_Stoned said:
Well i've had my 400w Retro white CMH bulb running for over a week now. There are some noticable advantages at this point, the change in temps for one. I am able to get the light as close to the plant as i want, honestly withen 6"! The close proximity of the light to the plant has also had noticable advantages!! :muahaha: Whether or not the spectrum is better for the plant, I can not confirm at this juncture, but maybe on my next grow. :joint:
MPL said:
What are your ambients? What kind of cabinet design do you have? Is it aircooled?

My ambient temps are probably in the mid 60's, its a partially-sealed room, my lights arn't air cooled just have a couple of box fans and an oscillating fan.


It's not in a cabinet then?

What is the temp of the room when the lights are on?


Rolling_Stoned said:
My ambient temps are probably in the mid 60's, its a partially-sealed room, my lights arn't air cooled just have a couple of box fans and an oscillating fan.
Yeah its not a cab, the temps stay around 70 when the lights are on. I also run a 400w MH along side the 400w CMH so that does add to the heat in the room (I used to run the HPS in conjunction with the MH to get a better spectrum)
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I have been using my 400 watt CMH bulb now for awhile. I have been really impressed. VERY tight inter nodes and almost no stretch 2 weeks into 12/12.

I know it has been said that glass is bad because it blocks some of the benefitial UV. I use sunlight super sun version 1. In order to get like 5" away from the plant I had to stick the glass in and air cool the hood. Might just be a more sensitive pheno of what I am growing or the fact that humidity is a bit low at this point of the season.

I have noticed an odity with my philips 400 watt CMH, is it normal for the lamp (or balast) to fire when it first turns on for up to like 30-60 seconds before the light finally blinks on. (then when it blinks on it seems to cycle through a few different colors before it settles on its color then the intensity builds) I have been in the room a few times now when the light turns on and sometimes it flickers to life in 5 seconds, other times like 40 seconds.

I will try and add a picture of my balast. It is a standard balast I used that is switchable between MH and HPS. Now that I ONLY use CMH I have it set to HPS.

Cant seem to upload a pic, here is a link to the ballast I am using (I have the switchable version)


I just want to make sure I don't have a danger or something, since I am not around when the lights turns on, I really don't know what is normal.

thanks for any info..
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Don't worry all of mine do that as well. They start off with a very blueish color and transition to the white.