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Ceramic Metal Halide (CMH)



Right, that's good to know. Thanks for the info.

I'm running a 250W HPS setup with a magnetic ballast so all I would need is the bulb, will have to consider whether or not the experiment is worth the customs paranoia involved with ordering stuff from outside the EU tho. :)

That's easily solved if you have good friends. ;-)


why would customs concern themselves with a light bulb? Its only indirectly marketed for horticulture....primarily, it has industrial / commercial applications.


I want to upgrade from CFL and try a 150w CMH in a small cab.

Should I go with the unprotected, or protected CMH on advancedtechlighting?

Next, should I go for 3k or 4k? This will be for flowering, btw.


Active member
ICMag Donor
Be sure you get a pulse start metal halide ballast for the 150.
The 250 uses an HPS ballast, and you could switch between CMH and HPS at that size.


Active member
I bought a new PL Light Systems Delta Reflector for
the CMH bulb The PL reflector is here on Page #3

My PL Light System ARRIVED AND I tried
my 400 watt Phillips CMH bulb in the fixture.

It fit in ok but the CMH arc tube was 1.5" back from
the sweet spot of the reflector (the center)
and I was getting lousy light distribution.

They have 3 sets of holes to locate the socket
but I was still 1.5" back from where
the center is located.

I had to modify my new $170. reflector
to get the CMC arc in the right spot but
I think it may be worth it.

Tommorrow I try the new fixture and in 100 hours I'll

test for lumen output.


Active member
ICMag Donor
Thanks hoosier

This ballast will work right?


I don't think I'll get up to 250w any time soon, so I'm not worried about compatibility.

Any idea about the protected vs non and 3k and 4k?

Yes, the M-102 is what you want for the 150cmh

The protected issue has been discussed, and I will leave it to Simba to handle that one. I sure don't want to give out bad info.


Active member
Sorry for not reading the thread from the beginning. 2900 posts...

I have a digital ballast and a 600W Hortilux HPS. I read elsewhere that you can use a CMH lamp in the fixture / ballast combo I have? Is that so?



Sleeping Dragon
1. the highest wattage cmh is 400 watt
2. the only digital ballast that can be used is the ge ultramax,nuvation can be used with 250-400 cmh
standard mag core ballasts are the best economically.


Active member
Thanks Simba. You seem to be the CMH god.

Maybe you could indulge me with 2 questions:

Does the CMH become the single bulb solution? No need for a redder bulb for flower?

What does the whole CMH setup run? (Ballast, lamp, sealed hood, etc.)

Thank you very much


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
CMH can be used as a stand alone option. I and many others veg and flower both under CMH alone.

Setup cost is up to you. You can spend $60-$400 on a ballast. Same with the hood.


Active member
ICMag Donor
I have grown with just the 400 CMH as well as with an additional 150HPS. I now have a Philips Alto 400HPS that I am going to compare to.

My last run the 150 went out right at flower time, and I did not change it out until the that grow was done. It definitely effected the popcorn buds down low, as that is where the 150 is, but I say nothing different in the top colas.

The next run I will be using the CMH for early flower until stretch is over, then I plan to switch out to the 400HPS until flush, and the CMH will go back in.
Later this winter I will do a run with the HPS only.

I have grown the same clone under 300wattsHPS and then under 400wattsCMH and I saw almost no difference to speak of, other than the CMH buds were a bit leafier, and quite a bit more swell to the calyx' than with the HPS. The CMH definitely outdid the HPS, but it had 100 more watts.






New member
Hoosier, IMO it is a big mistake to put the CMH in for the last weeks of flowering after using an HPS earlier in the cycle. The increased blue light will stimulate more veg growth rather than flowers. I understand your thinking is that UVB will create more THC. I believe evidence has shown this not the case.

If you want a plant to finish faster: Give it fewer hours of light, Less nitrogen, Redder light.

To reveg do the opposite.

CMH is good for vegging and can work all the way through but HPS will help the plant finish properly.


Sleeping Dragon
actully cmh wont reveg a plant..
reveging is not ony the light but hours.
if you notice outdoors threw the seasons with that the dawn-dusk of the Suns spd changes..
yes some plants may poof a few leaves out but not into a reveg state.. nothing like that..
using hps during the fattening stage is ok Many peeps switch lamps not just within the cmh family some go MH hps mh.. they dont have reveg issues..


Active member
I understand your thinking is that UVB will create more THC. I believe evidence has shown this not the case.

I believe the evidence, both lab and anecdotal show that there's a great probability that THC is affected by UV-B. I think the problem has been that not everyone who thinks they are using UV-B really is. Most lamps poop out and drop UV-B output, or are actually UV-A lamps.

I agree with you that adding a lot of blue late in the grow could confuse the plant.


We are Farmers
Thanks Simba. You seem to be the CMH god.

Maybe you could indulge me with 2 questions:

Does the CMH become the single bulb solution? No need for a redder bulb for flower?

What does the whole CMH setup run? (Ballast, lamp, sealed hood, etc.)

Thank you very much

I am not even close to being Simba but I think I can answer these since I just got mine yesterday :woohoo:

CMH is a single bulb solution.

I bought my ballast from HTG at the link below, it was $167.57 with a timer and shipping to Oregon but it is an open hood not sealed but they have a ton of hood options.


The bulb I got from where everyone seems to get them, Advanced Technology Solutions and it was $63 with shipping.


Happy Growing!


Active member
MajorC, that's exactly what I wanted to know. So is there no perceived value in having a higher red to blue ration in flower?


Sleeping Dragon
the answer to that can get sticky. if read into..
typiclay you want higher red than blue ratio threw flower..
remember cmh has higher red than blue thats what we like about it over the EYE Blue besides price life lumen maint etc.