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Census taker just stopped by the house

ppl who didnt do it thinking the gov is out to get them are now having the gov come to them because they didnt fill it out. hahaha. since when is the census suck a big f'ing deal? oh yeah, BLACK president. hes coming to get you lol, get over yourselves.

this doesn't involve race, so don't bring it
this doesn't involve political affiliation, so don't bring it
this is a security issue, plain and simple. don't want strangers dropping by your house? just fill out the form and mail it in.


in the area where it says to put your race down on the form put the word 'HUMAN'....that should bamboozle them....

When we drop by, if you say you're Martian, we write it down. The people who come to your door probably don't care too much, and are just enjoying the opportunity to work. Just doing their job, nothing personal...


The cat that loves cannabis
So I called them sunday, guy wasn't there, left a message with some woman for him to call me M-F after 3, and what does he do?
Comes back to the house, no call first, I just finished with him, we did the census on my porch.

Guy had no sense of humor either


they came to my door too, it was a lady (I could tell she was inexperienced) and another lady with her as like a supervisor or something. I did not open the door at all for them. I told them my answer to question 1 is "2 people" and that is all I am obligated by the constitution to answer. I told them they do not have constitutional authority to gather any other information besides the "enumeration"

She kept trying to get more info, saying they "need" ours names and phone numbers and shit. She would not leave.

I told her I will tell her our ages and genders, but after that they have to leave and I won't be answering any more questions. They could tell I would be difficult so they just left it at that. It felt good to stand up for my rights.


when they return, invite them in for some coffee n cookies... then stuff em under the stairs where nosey government workers belong.

1. The census really is necessary. It is an accurate count of people (not citizens, we don't care if you're a citizen or not) living in the U.S. - It is used to determine how many representatives each area should have. It determines where the government will spend money on schools, hospitals and roads. Jobs are even created, based on the population counts of different areas. Then, many years later, the information is released for genealogical studies.
2. EVERYTHING a census worker talks to you about or sees is private. They aren't even allowed to share the information with other governmental entities. (google "title 13)
3. Census workers, for the most part, aren't at the level you guys seem to think they are. They're just your neighbors.. They just need the money. Relax.

I'm a census worker - not a nosy government worker. I have this job because I really need the money and because they don't drug test. It's a very temporary job.

I'll be going out into my neighborhood in about an hour... Here's hoping I don't end up under some asshole's stairs..


the most important thing the census does is account for how much representation your county/town gets in congress. It draws congressional districts based on population.


1. The census really is necessary. It is an accurate count of people (not citizens, we don't care if you're a citizen or not) living in the U.S. - It is used to determine how many representatives each area should have. It determines where the government will spend money on schools, hospitals and roads. Jobs are even created, based on the population counts of different areas. Then, many years later, the information is released for genealogical studies.

I agree with this, but my question is why do they need my phone number, names, ethnicity, etc, to determine how much money my district/state gets. You said it yourself, it is an accurate "count". So why do they need anything else besides question number 1?
I live in a tent out in the middle of a marsh, actually I have 2 tents side by side...one of the tents is my 2 year old sons room....The other is my living room, kitchen and my a bedroom for my wife and I. If they come to my house, I will invite them in and feed them road kill opposum..or whatever we find that week to eat. I dont get very many visitors, so I actually hope someone from the census shows up to pay me a visit. Im excited, i havent had a visitor in atleast 2 years, just an educated guess by counting the full moons. I did find this laptop in a ditch though and for that Im grateful......................My wife is right.....Im a dip shit.


gets some
1. The census really is necessary. It is an accurate count of people (not citizens, we don't care if you're a citizen or not) living in the U.S. - It is used to determine how many representatives each area should have. It determines where the government will spend money on schools, hospitals and roads. Jobs are even created, based on the population counts of different areas. Then, many years later, the information is released for genealogical studies.

Actually, it's used to determine how to gerimander congressional districts in the benefit of the ruling political party at the time. The census is primarily a political intelligence gathering effort. This year, it is also a quiet subsidy for the US Postal Service, that's losing billions of dollars a year.

2. EVERYTHING a census worker talks to you about or sees is private. They aren't even allowed to share the information with other governmental entities. (google "title 13)

You really believe that? How quaint of a notion that government employees actually follow the law.

3. Census workers, for the most part, aren't at the level you guys seem to think they are. They're just your neighbors.. They just need the money. Relax.

They just need "my" money. Remember who pays the census workers. It's not the cash fairy, it's the same neighbors who privacy is being invaded. And for the record I don't trust my neighbors or the gov't so they both can stay off my property....

I'm a census worker - not a nosy government worker. I have this job because I really need the money and because they don't drug test. It's a very temporary job.

I'll be going out into my neighborhood in about an hour... Here's hoping I don't end up under some asshole's stairs..

Ah there ya go. Makes sense that you're advocating for your own job in the most positive light possible. Typical government employed attitude and I should know as I've held gov't jobs in the past and found myself disgusted at the waste, corruption, and self-entitlement that government workers participate in. The census is no different and is a giant waste of money that only serves to further the agendas of government, while handing us all the bill, and wrapping it up in a smiling person like you at my door wanting to know what my race is, something that isn't yours nor the government's business to know.


Active member
lol,STILL goin on?People who dont "get" the census or think its an invasion of privacy are just assholes,period!Never realize how many the world has till ya spend a hour cruisin ICMag!!!Assholes!!!!


I agree with this, but my question is why do they need my phone number, names, ethnicity, etc, to determine how much money my district/state gets. You said it yourself, it is an accurate "count". So why do they need anything else besides question number 1?

They need your phone number so they can call you if they have any questions.
They need your names so that in 72 years it can be released to the public so it can be used in the quest for your great great grandchild's ancestry.
They need your ethnicity so that statistical data can be published and determine where to spend money on wage subsidies, Social Security, and public education. Read http://www.taxpolicycenter.org/events/events_040408.cfm for details.

You really believe that? How quaint of a notion that government employees actually follow the law.
The penalty for unlawful disclosure is a fine of up to $250,000 or imprisonment of up to 5 years, or both.
I won't be sharing information. Why would I? You think I'm going to take your name, age and address and buy a car?

They just need "my" money. Remember who pays the census workers. It's not the cash fairy, it's the same neighbors who privacy is being invaded. And for the record I don't trust my neighbors or the gov't so they both can stay off my property....

...The census is no different and is a giant waste of money that only serves to further the agendas of government, while handing us all the bill, and wrapping it up in a smiling person like you at my door wanting to know what my race is, something that isn't yours nor the government's business to know.

It serves to determine where the government spends money on schools, hospitals and roads - didn't I already say that? And You're the one creating a need for this job if you didn't send your census form in... what can I say?


gets some
The penalty for unlawful disclosure is a fine of up to $250,000 or imprisonment of up to 5 years, or both.
I won't be sharing information. Why would I? You think I'm going to take your name, age and address and buy a car?

Hmm...what is "unlawful disclosure"? I bet it's not what you think. Disclose info to police? I bet that's 100% A-OK and "lawful". Selling the info to a marketer is "unlawful".

It serves to determine where the government spends money on schools, hospitals and roads - didn't I already say that? And You're the one creating a need for this job if you didn't send your census form in... what can I say?

It serves to determine where gov't redistributes other people's money to buy off districts and votes. Stop being so short-sighted. I don't create a need for anything. If I don't respond then that's my response. Nunya!


ICMag Donor
I was a census taker in 90 and 2000, just there to count ppl, not giving a shit about any of the rest of it. Its a temp job for most ppl and are just trying to make a few bucks. Some ppl get so excited about nothing.


Hmm...what is "unlawful disclosure"? I bet it's not what you think. Disclose info to police? I bet that's 100% A-OK and "lawful". Selling the info to a marketer is "unlawful".
By law, the Census Bureau cannot share respondents' answers with anyone, including the IRS, FBI, CIA or any other government agency.
If I don't respond then that's my response. Nunya!

Gosh, I never threatened to tell your mom or anything... I'm just trying to correct some misconceptions.